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Everything posted by dashneeb

  1. I don't have things confused, I merely put my things out of order during descriptions. I'm well aware, however, I don't buy into the whole "Coulson/Fury/etc built the Avengers and such, it was too much of what I'd consider "retcon".
  2. I think I started the gun line in fourth, and even did OK with it in fifth, just depended on the opponent. The biggest thing was that I shredded infantry lists that became pretty popular for a while. I simply buried my opponent under a ton of dice. My only issues were really AV 14, and even then, I usually tried to just avoid it if possible. The thing that really sealed it's doom was the introduction of the Storm Raven. For some reason just couldn't kill any of those things. For the record, I ran two wave serpents back in those days, mostly for Fire Dragons and Scorpions.
  3. I actually really dislike that one must "fill the holes" with a TV show. The movies cater to less hardcore fans, and therefore shouldn't require storytelling that comes up from questions in the film that they could simply answer in the films. For instance, why didn't Tony Stark in the first Avengers find out that Hydra had taken over Shield almost from the beginning and then why did they assemble the Avengers in the first place?
  4. The biggest question one might want answered is the transition between Avengers 2 and Iron Man 3.
  5. Well, I think that they looked at a very old version of Epic and said "Yeah, that works." 24 inches is better, and fluff-wise 18" would have been even better. However, I played gun lines before the Wave Serpent happened. Took people by surprise.
  6. I'm on the fence about the wave serpent nerf, but then again since I only ever played them, and didn't really play against them, I haven't been on the receiving end. Probably a good thing. I personally like the new stuff, although I'm really finding myself missing the old Warlock powers where they just worked. So much less paperwork.
  7. Avengers: Age of Ultron - 6.5/10 I'm sure that this doesn't really strike anyone as odd coming from me, but I'll do my best to break it down without saying a whole lot. First off, much like the first film, there's a very silly deus ex machina. The villain tries to be over the top (moving lips on a robot... really?), but it just seems to fall short. Doesn't answer some questions from previous films, the mid-credits sequence really just brings up nerd rage for them trying to admit they screwed up allowing something in a previous movie and now trying to fix it. I found that there were plenty of scenes that reminded me of Man of Steel with none of the nerd rage. Fun movie, I munched my popcorn, but it certainly wasn't as good as the first Avengers. Mad Max: Fury Road - 9/10 This one... wow. Heart pounding, blood pumping action all the way through. Just enough slow spots for you to catch your breath. The practical effects, the lack of massive amounts of CGI was very, very refreshing. I really enjoyed the style, the pacing and the camera work. Some of the vehicle designs were so inventive.
  8. It's true that Magic keeps things flowing. However, it's best to not stock niche things right away, so I'd stick with the essentials. As someone said, the normal, family style games in front, gamer tables and their stuff towards the back. Magic the Gathering, X-wing, and Warhammer products will probably end up being the bread and butter. Maybe some Warmachine, depending. Have a couple of tables for card game players some for wargame players, but unless you want a bunch of people just hanging out at your store for no reason, make sure that you're not essentially paying rent for a gamer group that might not support you.
  9. My entire thoughts are "Why did you redo the knights in less than a year and the Mechanicus, but no actual Sisters codex?"
  10. Agreed to disagree. I would point out that really it's the only blemish, along with the mask on his outfit of the entire series. Otherwise I have nothing but praise. Most of the people I have talked to only point to Fisk as a character as being the down point. However, I'm looking forward to an actual full season.
  11. It's interesting, because in Arrow (now mind you, I've only seen up to Season 2) is that they don't take the casual I can't be with you. The dance with Felicity might be somewhat cliche, at least dancing around it, but they seem to at least try and not make it entirely I can't be with you because my life is crappy. I hardly know anyone who doesn't have access to Netflix, and certainly most people who would watch Daredevil have Netflix. I hardly find it a reason to think that it's somehow as difficult to get as say, HBO was up until a couple of weeks ago. And, while I understand your thoughts on Fisk, I'd simply disagree. He seemed as a virtual puppet crime boss to some, almost too timid to do anything, lacking confidence. Sure, they gave him a love interest, and whatever, but I didn't feel Superman's birth mom was as fleshed out as to why she would just be so willing to get into a full on relationship with a crime lord. Besides, it seemed like he was wanting the band of baddies except for one of them to crumble anyways, and was happy. However, two of them obviously haven't.
  12. Why wouldn't a guy who's blind take out the light source any time he could? Oh that's right, cameras couldn't show it :)
  13. I grade Arrow specifically on the fact that they're on Network TV and therefore are a bit more curtailed with what they can do/say, etc. The thing I like about Arrow has been the fact that they tend to not do the horrible cliched thing, although it has it's down points, I'm not a fan of Speedy or his costume. Might just be that I don't find the actor compelling. I understand people liked Daredevil better than the movie, and I'd say that the movie, if you were to at least remove key parts of it, would be better (for instance the park fight scene), but it's difficult to say that you're limiting yourself with your audience because it's on Netflix. Netflix after all, does constitute for 25% of all internet traffic in the US last I heard. That being said, the costume in the movie was worlds better (the nose is what really kills it for me in the TV show) and I've been critical of Fisk being a baby with temper tantrums. However, I felt outside of Fisk and the final episode, the writing was pretty good. I did like how they tried to make you feel a little for Fisk, but it just didn't work for me. That being said, the single shot fight where he rescued the kid was really fun, and I loved the choreography of the fight scenes. Stick seemed... oddly placed, but I liked the fact that they at least put him in there.
  14. If I were to have any beef, it's that I just feel that for a company that has essentially ditched armies that it finds are not selling, they are going risky with new armies that might not sell. However, now that they have the new unbound thing, and are seemingly pushing for larger and larger games, whatever. I haven't played in a long time, but most of that is due to circumstance. I figure I can get some games in soon. In fact, I'm slated for one this saturday...
  15. I know of Avatar. North end of town. Roger that. Yeah, I'm in the south west area right now, not far from the actual Games Workshop store.
  16. I'm a big fan of lower level point games. Keeps the super ridiculous units out, or basically makes it a make or break deal. I find that smaller games are far more tactical.
  17. Looks like a marketing Kickstarter really. Or, they have no idea of costs. $20k wouldn't cover the cost of getting plastic tooling done for more than a few models.
  18. Not really anything wrong with it, but just in case?
  19. If I played, or had a playgroup down here, I'd be all over it. :(
  20. Still not OK even though there's zero damage. Regardless of the car type, this isn't "cool."
  21. And here I was going to joke that Netflix didn't work there because it would detract from all the League of Legends and Starcraft II bandwidth...
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