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Everything posted by dashneeb

  1. The thing is that GW has moved away from being the game company we all wanted them to be, and now they're much more focused in making money. It's interesting because I'm told by distributors that Privateer is struggling because they have a game company, and not a company that is into great model making. They have internet reviews of models by end users so that if a model isn't good enough, it doesn't sell well. So GW is smart that they want to make amazing models, but as a gamer I don't find it compelling. I want to have a reason to push plastic army men all over a table. But I can't blame them for wanting to make amazing models. They're pretty to look at, just not worth the price tag to me, but they are to someone else.
  2. I don't generally buy GW much anymore, and have sworn off AoS due to price. I sold two armies recently but that was more because I was tired of hauling around stuff I didn't play and I seem to move quite a bit. However, I find that if I stick with one or two armies, I just need to buy a codex every now and then and the occasional model. For instance, with the latest Eldar book I found myself not needing to buy anything new, and so I was happy with that. Would still like some warp spiders if they ever make them again.
  3. I agree with one of the comments above. Sucked when I did it. Hurt. Was hard. Tough telling the kid. Worse having to break things up and move on. Still, best decision I made in that marriage.
  4. The grand majority of tournaments I've attended haven't been line up and kill each other. Granted, I didn't play a ton of Fantasy tournaments, but I didn't like the system. However, I'd also counter with GW doesn't, and didn't really give more than lip service to the tournament scene. And when they did, they promoted the "just bring the most broken thing you want" mentality. However, if you play the game by the rules set out in the main rulebook and work with those scenarios, the games are usually pretty good.
  5. Most GW games are actually scenario games. They have the line up and kill missions, it's true, but more are not, and they're balanced around those missions. But, my sentence was more satire, so I'm glad you thought it was funny :)
  6. Yeah, I just remember the mobs at the last time I saw a Star Wars movie. I think I'll wait a day or two, let the crowds die down.
  7. And here I thought the rules for "balancing" were already in the main rules.
  8. I read the book. The book was OK, and I thought the movie did it better, but I'd agree, there was a lot of less feeling like he's alone for a long time. They kind of brushed over things to make sure that it didn't go too long. The book's monologuing got a bit tiresome.
  9. http://store.steampowered.com/app/298050/?snr=1_7_7_comingsoon_150_6 I'm hoping it's good, I miss this game!
  10. One of the (supposed) reasons Chambers was fired was because he wanted to advance the story. No one wants Warhammer 41k.
  11. Plastic only eh? BAH! :)
  12. I'd be happy to Burk, but sadly I'm not local right now. If I were, I'd put some stuff together and give it a go :)
  13. I was discussing this with a friend. I for one, really wish that they would put their own spin on the game. A replication of the Tabletop doesn't strike me as something that's awesome, but would appease someone certainly. But we discussed Space Hulk which was simply a translation of the board game and besides the fact it was buggy, I'd have actually preferred it got a Rainbow Six treatment, where you planned out your mission and then could switch between Terminators as needed. Think it would have made for a much more fun game, but again, just for me. I haven't played Blood Bowl so I couldn't comment on that.
  14. Anyone got comments on this? http://www.battlefleetgothic-armada.com/
  15. And while I lament the whole "no one to play against" in Robotech and why I won't probably invest in many in the future, I would try to pump this Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/level99games/exceed-card-fighting-evolution/description It's a pretty cool card game that is like a fighting game and plays pretty well. Very fast paced, and not as convoluted as their main "BattleCON" line.
  16. The mini's look good, and the game sounds fun, but to be honest, I got into Robotech and there's NO ONE to play against. Makes me sad.
  17. Hitman: Agent 47 - 6.5/10 Wasn't terrible, had some good moments. I wouldn't say it was better than the first outing, but I think it had less "oh, wow, really?" scenes.
  18. I do have to say that maybe it's just because I played the starter box, but I didn't find starting combat to be quite the game changer that it's made out to be above. Not to mention, charging multiple units seems to not be a great option because of how combat works on the rules. Mind you, I haven't read the FAQ's yet.
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