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Everything posted by dashneeb

  1. Spy - 7.5/10. It was really cute and funny, and Jason Statham was utterly hysterical. 21 Jump Street - 6.5/10 - It had some good scenes, but the second one was funnier. I did like them bringing back various people from the TV show for the hell of it. The part where the captain said that they were doing the project again from the 80's because they couldn't think of anything new and were just re-hashing old stuff got me rolling. And speaking of re-hashing... It's funny there's the whole "the movie was good until" on Jurrasic World. I refuse to see the movie because it looks terrible, and has always looked like it's a stupid re-hashing of the same idiocy. I mean, the whole "human's don't learn" has been redone what, twice before?
  2. I'm interested to see if the FFVII is an actual straight remake, or if it's updated graphics and slight twists to the story. They almost make the trailer seem somewhat different, but I guess we'll see. Very pretty though, but I'd prefer they do FFVII x2 or something instead of re-hashing the same 'safe' stuff.
  3. 1080 the fan interviewed this guy shortly after this happened. He says that he has a tendency to lick his lips during times of introspection and stress. Gets a good laugh regardless.
  4. I don't blame them. Do whatever works. It just really skews the whole kickstarter deal. Of course, the game area is pretty skewed already.
  5. You can always play Zombicide single player you know. It works well as a solitaire game. Not that I back any of them, it's just silly at this point. It's a known commodity, I am slightly irked they keep using Kickstarter.
  6. Nothing beats to soft jazz at the gas station.
  7. Yes, I played a lot of FF Tactics. Got it for my PS3 a while ago, but couldn't get into it as much. Backed the KS that was a new tactics games. I have heard too many awesome things about Fallout that I'd say no go just because it went to FPS, although I wouldn't play it on a console because of that.
  8. :D Not to hijack, but the reason I love X-Com so much (and looking forward to the sequel) is because of games like Fallout Tactics.
  9. The GW stores offer more than just buying stuff on a computer, but it's again, aimed at the new guy. The new guy who doesn't know how to paint very well. The guy that doesn't know the game well enough. They often have a larger selection of things than normal brick and mortar stores but yes, mostly the "warehouse is behind the computer" mentality. Of course, those aren't being offered in other stores either. Have you tried to find Warp Spiders recently? I'm not a huge fan of it but I get it. It's much like video games being sold for the same price in the store online. GW can't sell for cheaper, because it would piss off retailers, but they don't care because they make more money by selling it directly in their stores.
  10. Games Workshop doesn't want you playing or having a club in their one man stores. It's one of the points of their training. Why? Because generally, people who show up to play don't buy things. Sometimes they do, and I think the store has to foster a mentality that you must support it. But often times (in other parts of the country) the players don't.
  11. The last Fallout game I played was Tactics. It was amazing.
  12. I'd say that they'll probably have lip service rules for large armies for the same reason that 40k has unbound. It's simply there for people who just want to play with all their models. I heard great things about 8th, and I heard a lot of griping. However, I think that people who enjoyed 8th will probably try to keep with 8th, until enough new things come out that they don't have rules for. Remember 40k struggled after it's transition from 2nd to 3rd, and some things have been eeking their way back in. I'd agree, each model in 40k has more life in it than a single trooper in Fantasy. But the fact that they have decided to revamp Fantasy (possibly) with little care for the Fantasy crowd tells you what they think of your purchases over the past few years :)
  13. Is it wrong that every time I see threads with this exact title I really get my hopes up that someone built a life-size, flyable X-wing? Sigh...
  14. When I started playing 40k, my friend said Ork tactics were very simple. Line up your boyz. Walk to the other end of the board. If there's anything alive when you reach the other side, turn around and come back.
  15. Well, you couldn't do that in sixth actually, because you couldn't mount troops allied troops. Of course, I haven't read the mechanicus, don't like their models, so not very interested. Also, I think I have about three games of 7th under my belt. But, I did see some of that in 6th, as far as using allies to shore up weaknesses, however, I figure that since they seem to be wanting to make almost everything unbound it doesn't really matter.
  16. Ugh. The "Gauntlet" was Thanos' glove (hence why they're two!). Sigh...
  17. No, that's not the thing, yes, I know that they built the Avengers. The question is, why, if Hydra had taken over Shield in the 50s was it allowed to happen? According to my friends who are way more invested, Coulson, Fury and another agent, can't remember if it's the widow or Hill assembled them against Hydra's wishes. Why assemble heroes that would be able to destroy you, and topple you? They try to make the upper echelons of Hydra not quite as stupid as they are in the comic books after all. Again, it's the same type of questions on things like why are they going for the infinity gauntlet when they show it in Odin's vault in the first movie, gems and all.
  18. Funny thing is that the Eldar gun line is actually really mobile.
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