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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Is there a dislike button? Why are they stealing from Jim Henson? Why are they wearing terminator armour?
  2. After Week Eight: *Remember having silhouettes, markers, ITS cards are a one time score Jay: Played, Posted, 4 Painted (15 of 20) 10 / 41 Points Total Raindog: Posted, played: 2 points / 33 Points Total Evan: Played, Posted, Won 3 / 26 Points Total Pete Harper: Posted: 1 Point / 23 points Total Nate Roberts: Posted. 1 Point / 18 Points Total Don Walton: Posted, 2 painted (2/20) 5 / 10 Total Ian Zagen: Played 1 / 7 Total. Jen: 0 / 5 points Darron Forbes: 0 / 4 Points Total Cody: 0 / 3 Points Total. Ryan: 0 / 2 Points Total Josh C: Played: 1 / 1 Point
  3. Take photos and post it for the points!
  4. Raindog


    While watching iZombie, I painted a bit more on the Spektr and the blue layers on the bases of the Lunokhod and Koalas........ I also made a deal to sell some GW models, so I have money to buy H3.......
  5. Raindog


    Well , the lawn mower is working. Ugghhhh. Stupid ethanol. Lawn mover engines hate it......
  6. Raindog


    Cleaned and put away my painting table so my youngest can have a Birthday sleep over, vacuumed, swept and vacuumed the garage, so so can hang the BB8 pinata, and now, I am trying to get the stupid lawn mower to work...... I would so rather be playing Infinity, or painting................
  7. Great stuff. It has been great to follow along on your progress.
  8. Raindog


    While ignoring the final layers of the Spektr, I sat down began to paint the bases of the Lunokhod and Koalas. Then, I black coated the Lunokhod, so it will be ready to paint when I finish the Spektr. After that the Daktari or the Bandit maybe next on the list.........
  9. What interview do you have on a Sunday at 6 PM?
  10. If you get the chance, I hope you can swing by......
  11. If you can make it, you are welcome to play Sunday's at the club, too!
  12. After games, I would like to try the Toffee Club
  13. How do the rebels or the republic miss the amount of material and labor going to build the thing?
  14. Yes, we are still Flame Striking! Since the Aranda Mission is a virtual copy of Tianxian, I propose the following: 1) We play at Aranda, but NO AD JUMP! (You can still walk on) 2) The Mission will be Highly Classified. 3) Since we are playing in a facility, the maximum building level is one and half floors. This means two story buildings are infinitely high (and touch the roof of the facility). Models can be on the second floor, but not the roof. Thoughts? Doors open at 4PM. I hope to see you all!
  15. Raindog


    After work, I black coated two Crazy Koalas, a Mobile Brigada, and the base for the Lunokhod. The remote need another spray coat of primer. The Spektr is on 80 percent done, but the black coat is a project easily accomplished after work in the wee hours.
  16. Raindog


    Well, now I am back to work and my painting has slowed. My painting of the week: A second spray on the Lunokhod and Crazy Koalas. Yes! Feel the frenzy!
  17. Sadly, I cannot attend, I have another gaming function on Saturday. One day, I will make it up to the greater Seattle area, so I can lose to new opponents up there.
  18. Shifts change, jobs change.........
  19. USARF - Starter box six models. $25!
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