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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. This game has way too many rules that aren't covered on the web site. Most of my vehicles have three crew. So does that mean I can hire two more guys on some of my tanks so that they perform better?
  2. Is there a way to increase reload speed? Because right now, my TD sucks so much balls because it takes too damn long to reload, and it isn't doing enough damage on the first hit. My little panzer jager does a great job...but my marder II just sucks in comparison.
  3. So can you explain the elite tanks? I have a few, and they don't seem to have any enhancements that can happen. What is their purpose?
  4. I'm sorry, it is just dumb. I am sitting there watching a tank, about to take a shot at it, and then it disappears. So I shoot where it was, and maybe I get a hit, maybe not, but soon after I'm always dead. So apparently it didin't matter that I was stopped and behind a bush. Somehow they saw me just fine. magical sight mechanics are just annoying. All the time I get killed lying in wait, there's no red blip on my screen. Killed by another invisible tank. yay.
  5. jesus christ, how the hell do you figure anything out in this game??? the online stuff on the site is horrid. I have no idea how to get new tanks, or do anything with my crew...I'm stuck with crap tanks and there is no real explanation of gameplay. Hey look...a tank appeared out of thin air in the middle of a field???? who designed this pos?
  6. Damn. I got bitch-slapped hard this week. The flu hit me Wed afternoon and my fever didn't break until Friday night. I've been in bed for 5 solid days. This thing was a monster. If someone in your office gets it, work from home, wash your hands every 5 minutes, put a freaking bubble over your head....do not catch this thing. This is the worst that I have been ill for at least five years if not longer. The most horrible part of it was the inability to sleep. I kid you not, I did not sleep for three solid days. I'm sure I went unconscious a few times...but nothing I could actually point to and say I lost time on. It was brutal. My wife is currently suffering it. Seems both of my daughters got sick, but they fared much better than the adults...thank god. Anyways, just wanted to share. I probably won't be at GN on Tuesday just so I don't spread it around...to be on the safe side.
  7. You know what? you know what? you know what? I like to paint!
  8. So I'm still working on my Tau force. I have a few wants..listed in priority: new pathfinders devilfish piranha flyer/shark thing riptide firewarriors
  9. It all depends....are you paying someone else for that traction?
  10. Why would you think they would not be on square bases? Everything GW has put out for ET has been square. GW won't put out round bases until they release the new game with the new models.
  11. And that is why it is mandatory to go to the Hobby Retreat so that there are witnesses to you painting your army!
  12. I'm not quite sure what you are saying no to. I've been to plenty of events where people cheated while playing the game...why not lie/cheat about painting? I wasn't saying you should lie, I'm saying that if you are trying to award the best painter, then people are going to lie in order to win it...or keep open their chance to win best overall. It is something you have to prepare for. I wasn't advocating it.
  13. So do the lack of responses mean that you aren't interested in this, or that the dates don't work?
  14. I play via PC. I do have a mic though. I could possibly share a TS server, not sure if WoT has built in voice? I suppose it does. I've played all of two/three matches so far. I should probably watch a youtube tutorial on it.
  15. Just think, if there was no rumor of WFB being dropped, and there was just news of a new Skirmish game, most of us would be stoked. And that is really the crux of it. GW has already invested in all of these books and models...to toss that away just doesn't make sense. They could simply let 8th edition have an extended life, and focus on the new skirmish game. Why make that decision to end WFB? All it is doing is pissing off the player base. Just come out and say, 8th ed is wrapped up, we don't know when we are going to do 9th. However, not to leave fantasy players hanging, we have developed this new skirmish game where we'll be pushing out small releases for it over time. It is going to be based off of post ET story line. You'll be able to use some of your existing models for it. That solves all of your PR problems. Doesn't help with inventory issues, but they could reduce stock anyways. I'd rather grumble about waiting than grumble about it being gone for good.
  16. The problem with awarding the painter, is that you can't always be sure. Did they paint every single model in the army? Did they assemble it? Did they base it? Are they telling the truth? If you create that expectation/limitation that it has to have been done by that person or they can't get the award, then you open yourself to fraud. Is it a worthy endeavor? Sure. Can you prove it? Not reliably. So if you want a Best Painted Army award, then let it be open to however the army got painted. If you want a Best Painter award, then be prepared, come up with clear criteria, and hope people are honest. You could also have a speed painting round somewhere in the competition. Provide the same basic model to each person that wants to enter, give them two hours, and then judge. :)
  17. Well that, and they didn't have the Lords of Waterdeep expansion. GG will get my money soon enough.
  18. If you win a game on pure luck as opposed to actual tactics being used, do you deserve Best General? If your opponent outplayed you, but the dice failed them time and time again, did you earn that win? The point is, it doesn't matter. You can't control everything, and you can't guarantee that someone is going to be honest. Does it really matter if they painted the army? While it would be nice to award someone for doing a great painting job...the award is for best painted army...not for best painter. So award the army, not the person...because you just can't be sure.
  19. I was in GG yesterday with money to spend, and walked out with nothing. Between the silly high prices, and now the knowledge that it is all going away...I just couldn't justify buying any more Fantasy product. I think if there is stuff I want, I'll just wait for the flood of product that will hit bartertown once the official announcement is made. GW drove fantasy to where it is now. And now that it isn't selling, they are dumping it. And what do we, the loyal players that kept with it...what do we get? Jack squat. So long and thanks for all the fish....want to buy a new game? F you GW....F you.
  20. Well of course they are. GW won't miss an opportunity to repackage them later with round bases, or sell you new square-to-round bases :)
  21. Can someone explain why the Elf book didn't come with a single new model?
  22. Just wondering if anyone out there has the Wood Elf eternal guard shields just sitting around (in case you made the rangers). Would like to fancy up my old WE spearmen with the new fancy shields. :) Also looking for bolt throwers....and could use a ranger/eternal guard box.... Have lots to trade...especially space marines and nids...but can find other stuff too.
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