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Everything posted by savion47

  1. Thanks for the info. I will forward it to JO to see how to fix this.
  2. You can PM and admin and we can easily cancel and recurring payments. @doc: I am not sure why you cannot make a purchase, Let me talk with Blustrom about alternative options.
  3. Lemoncello!!!! That is what I make from it.
  4. I will double check that members have access to the store. Should have access. As Rhuntar said, when you click confirm payment, you are taken to paypal to complete the payment.
  5. I am going to copy your post the the Kickstarter thread we have in Warpspace .
  6. I will also bring XWing in case I can get in two games. Also here is an emoticon:
  7. I will be there for a game with Raze.
  8. Papa Nurgle decided that I again was not worthy. My poor BSB will roam the lands as a spawn for eternity.
  9. BB game is not happening this week so I will be there with Fantasy.
  10. I can always do a BB learning game. Let me know. If you don't have a team let me know.
  11. I will bring a 1500 point list as well in case I can jump in.
  12. I cannot find the post, but there is a planned cost increase for the monthly mag and the weekly was $5 I think.
  13. That is indeed the Burnside bridge. One of my favorite Portland street signs:
  14. Interesting. Just tried it. I would like to try it with a variety of spirits.
  15. I only ever get to see drunk Burk once a year... I am sad to miss this opportunity.
  16. Trying to get Raze to play Kill Team...
  17. At first glace I will say that you may have to mix some plastic with metal. Units of 15 and 20 for orcs are to small. Same issue with metal goblins. They got rid of the 2 for 1 spear chukkas so the max you can have now is three. It looks like you have a great start on an O&G army and are just looking for some flavor. I would look through the book and see what specials and rares catch your eye. Maybe a doom diver or a mangler squig (both are great). Boar chariots are decent and can add that much needed punch that orcs are going to need in close combat. I have not looked through the book in some time as I put my orcs on the shelf soon after the new book came out (most people seem to like the new book however).
  18. Here is the logic as I see it: 1. Multiple characters together form a single unit. (page 99 top paragraph) 2. Rule states that a character can charge out of a unit (page 101) but the unit cannot declare a charge after that. 3. Since the remaining characters make up the unit that is left after the first character declares a charge, they are not allowed to declare a charge.
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