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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. Hey, the CIA didn't train me just to sit on my butt and play games. I would LOVE to see the Warmachine and Warhammer folks come together! Thanks, Loren! For that matter, if Kyle signs up for the Ordo forums, let me know and I'll get him access.
  2. Please tell me you framed another goblin clan for the massacre? In-fighting among the clans would be great; the goblin clans uniting against the impending Gobpocalypse would be bad! Bah, who am I kidding? I love the smell of alchemical fire in the morning.
  3. Congrats, gents! make us awesome! Janitor, eh? Well, that sounds like a pretty [big bad swear word]ty job to me, but I guess someone's got to do the wetwork in this club.
  4. Play, you fools! Alleviate the guilt of my bad planning!
  5. Knowing that 5 other souls were planning on it, y'all should probably play.
  6. Totally up to my fellow players. Either way is fine with me. Apologies, gents!
  7. Crap, just got home from work and found out I can't make it tonight. Gotta stay home and take care of the family. :( Really sorry, gents. Kacy, it's up to you how to handle Hieronymous. He can either disappear on a temporary alchemically-induced bender, or I can give you some basic stats and you can run him in the background. Also sorry to miss the meeting, though I know stuff is in good hands.
  8. Chaotic Neutral means never having to say you're sorry.
  9. Pathfinder for me. Next week, I'll be looking to get back in the swing of things with my Chaos army, if anyone's game for 40k. Hey Fantasy folks, if I were to play a game of Fantasy someday then what's the local power level like these days? I'm guessing that two helcannons and a flying daemon prince wold be too much, but what about any combination of two? Are two helcannons too much in a WoC army?
  10. Very cool! Intriguing and interesting storyline, equal parts creepy, cute, and awesome. There is, however, one major flaw. It's too [big bad swear word] short! Make more, please! Also, congrats!
  11. Looks pretty rad.Kinda like Assassin's Creed, in Middle Earth, and you get to be an avenging wraith. Cool beans!
  12. Looking forward to checking this out!
  13. I don't think derisive segregation, so much as we've got a lot of gamers for a small city, and there's one primary store. Partly it's an artifact of the fact that, when we were at Eagles, there were different nights set aside for different game systems. Tuesday was Warhammer Fantasy, and I think Wed was 40k, and Thursday was Warmachine (or vice versa). Fanatsy was where the Warhamsters started, and when we started to diversify into other systems, we drew other folks in. It's just that WM/H never picked up with the Warhamsters, Instead, diversification took the form of 40k, Malifaux, Dystopian Wars, Infinity, and now X-wing, Flames of War, and the like. I know when the big 8th edition Fantasy exodus happened alot of ex-Fantasy folks picked up WM/H, but it just never happened in our area. We went more the story-telling skirmish game route instead.
  14. Urban, definitely. As in, the interior of a space station. No other way to go. To echo others, though, Eldar are some of the most accurate troops out there. Doesn't really fit the whole storm trooper vibe, " ... much too accurate for sand people" notwithstanding.
  15. That's a great start to a Beastmen army.
  16. My current life goal is to get to the second page of this thread.
  17. Also, we got 3 turns in. At first I was disappointed we didn't get further, but in retrospect, I'm not. Turn 4 would have likely seen team xenos secure a solid win, dominating the upper objective and scoring a bit more off of the lower objectives before dying to the Imperials. As it was, it was an extreme nail biter, so I reckon it ended just when it should have.
  18. I took some paltry pictures, and will try and write up something more appropriate later. For now, the C'tan was awesome (for exactly one turn), Kevin killed Jason's warlord with a thunder fire cannon, blob squads of paladins are brutal (and slow), and Apoc is more than a bit fun. There were a slew of could-ofs (primary amongst them Kevin forgetting about two landspeeders during the last turn), but in the end a single wraith, with a single wound left, barely within 3" of the primary objective secured a 39 to 21 point win. Had that final (20 point) objective not been secured, Imperials would have won 21 to 19, and only then because of some great last turn objective grabbing and Loren's bagging the Swarmlord for 5 points (warlord, stratagem, during the swarmlords finest hour). Epic [big bad swear word].
  19. Those scatter lasers on the serpents should make them pretty useful at anti-air, just through volume of re-rollable shots. Plus, with the farseers, you'll be re-rolling just about anything you want. For anti-air, my plan has always been where you seem to lean - shoot alot, and reroll misses. Can't say how it works in actual practice, though!
  20. I'm no help at all re: Dark Eldar, but I just wanted to say that in 6 months time, I hope to be saying exactly what you've said here!
  21. In the past, supporting Ordo has always resulted in a discount for the OFCC. I don't see anything in the post that contradicts that. The Reaver pledge level was created specifically as a way out-of-towners could support the club and get a thank-you in return. Tell you what, Loren, if you pledge and don't get a discount for the OFCC, I'll give you the cash you would have been discounted myself. Anyhow, I guess what I am saying is: Even if you get NOTHING in return, I hope you consider tossing some scratch their way. They generously provide this forum space for us to use, and I think the resulting benefit for our club has been immense.
  22. Info is here: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20203-2014-of-champions-announcement/ Bolding is mine:
  23. JMGraham

    Pie for breakfast

    Pie is next door to muffins, or danishes, or doughnuts, or scones with jam. Totally legit as far as breakfast foods go.
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