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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. hey, Brad - any chance you want to get rid of any of those X-wing pilot cards and base markers you now have duplicates of? can't have two Wedge Antilles flying around, can you?
  2. Started a stickied topic here: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20424-plans-for-ofcc-2014/
  3. OK, as requested, here's a thread for us to consolidate our ideas and plans for this year's OFCC. I'll update this first post with team information as it unfolds, but for now, if you've got a team, post your info, if you're looking for a team, post here and work it out. Warhammer 40k Teams Devlan Studs Jason (Captain) Brad Jim Shae Double Pene-Traitors Corey (Captain) Duncan Mike Gregory George Blackmore Beer Caddy: Loren Tinsley ORPHANS!! (No team yet) Mike P (bloodyfangs) Russ (sergentzimm) Kacy (smashthedean) Warhammer Fantasy Teams' Insert Team Name Here Sherbert Kevin Joey Greyson
  4. Wanna see Shae strip down, shout obscenities, huddle in the corner, and cry in public? Then take him on a pub crawl. Want to see him try to act? He'll be in WWU's production of Fuddy Meers starting pretty soon. Might be fun to get a group of Warhamsters to invade en masse. I'll be going this Sunday for the 2:00 performance. Anyone else in? Bring your partner, cause, you know, it's culture! http://www.wwu.edu/theatredance/events.shtml http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?organ_val=22357&event_val=PT18
  5. Deal! Unless we have Pathfinder?
  6. X-wing is a fun diversion, but I was hoping for something meatier. I'll bring X-wing, Rivet Wars, and a 1250 and a 1500 40k list in case Timothy is still up for a game.
  7. Pighumper. I've lost track of who's doing what. Anyone available for a game?
  8. Leagues die off, it's just part of their nature. Except Brad's Infinity campaign, because it was crazy narrative incredi-rad. To combat the declining nature, I think it's important to have a reasonable end date, and either make it short (4 or 5 weeks), or longer but only having Fantasy nights every other week.
  9. I'd be hard-pressed to bring myself to do an escalation league, for the reason's Munkie stated. A ladder league, or a league where there are different missions each session (where you and your opponent decide the points level) would be better, IMO.
  10. The drums on this are absolutely incredible. I don't think I've ever heard anything like it. there are some incredible rhythms going on with the bass drum, but so quickly, and so repetitively, that the overall impression is just this constant, hypnotic droning. Wow.
  11. [singsong] Someone's got a problem, someone's got a problem! [/singsong]
  12. So, my kids watching their first football game, they're getting set for the kickoff, I'm starting to explain the game, four tries to move the ball 10 yards, and ... Oh. Safety. On the kickoff. My kids still haven't watched an entire football game, though they have seen a televised execution.
  13. Let Brad get the Beastmen. He needs more swords and less lasers in his life!
  14. Perfect! 5:30ish to 6ish?
  15. I need to remember how to use my 40k CSM! Anyone up for a game? I prefer 2000, but could do 1850 if I had to. This 1750 stuff is for the birds!
  16. So, are Shea and John the evil moustache-twins of Shae and Jon? Or is it like Sean, where we butcher his name on purpose every chance we get?
  17. It's a flip phone that I share with my wife. And we only turn it on when we want to call someone.
  18. Hey! That was just with Infinity, and just with you. I honestly thought that because you were playing Nomads and I was playing Nomads, and because you had lost horribly every game you had played, that I should show you what your chosen faction was TRULY capable of doing ... by making you lose horribly again. In hindsight? Pretty crummy idea, Sorry, Shae!
  19. Stop being such a Frantic Fran. We need to pipe the [big bad swear word] down and focus on the important issues. Like defenestration.
  20. :) Timothy, the fact that Kacy was rude to you means you are well and truly a Warhamster! I dont know the Warhamster Facebook, else Id tell you. Heck, I barely have a cell phone. What's the answer, then? Our own forum? We seem too small for that. A blog? We could be totally retro an go the MySpace route. Maybe just create one big, continuous google doc? You young uns are supposed to know this stuff! If it were up to me, we'd be all usenet, FTP, and irc.
  21. :D Consider finding a place that can do black-core cards (with black paper on the interior rather than white). I think CPC can do it. It would look absolutely aces with the dark artwork.
  22. Silly of me to consider that you don't know how to pull off a massacre. Of COURSE you do! :)
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