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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. I should point out that another way to support Ordo is to be an active member of the larger community. If you don't already, check out the forums outside the Warhamster board. Read some posts. post some yourself. We're blessed with an incredible wargaming community in the Pacific NW. Take advantage of it! The folks you chat with online here are the same folks you'll be sharing beers with at the next big tournament or other event.
  2. Hey folks, I won't make this plea often, but just want to put it out there for folks who may not be aware. I know plenty of Warhamsters already help out like this each year already. Ordo Fanaticus is a wargaming club based out of Portland OR. For the past gazillion years, they've served as a central hub for miniature Wargaming in he Pacific NW. In addition to creating great events, and traveling around to visit other events, and in addition to fostering an awesome sense of community, they host this website. These forums are an amazing resource for us, and serve as a way to connect those of us in the region. Furthermore, several years ago Ordo was kind enough to grant us Warhamsters our own little piece of heaven, in the form of this forum. All ofthe conversations we have here, the games we set up, the jokes we make, the shenanigans we plan, are partly due to the generosity of Ordo Fanaticus. If you can, and if you're able, I encourage you to go to the store section of the forums (the link at the top of this page) and purchase one of the Ordo support levels. Even $1 is helpful, and the $20 Reaver level gets you discounts at Ordo events (like the OFCC). Plus, Reavers are awesome. Even Malcolm Reynolds is scared of them. Of course, you can always donate more. We just got new forum software, the forums continue to grow, and the community keeps getting stronger. The Ordo folks have never asked us for anything, but I know that anything you can toss their way to help with hosting costs and the like would be appreciated. Any typos are due to the fact that I'm typing this on an iPad, and autocorrect is my enemy. Thanks, guys!
  3. I do not understand your foriegn ways. In your culture, this is an accomplishment of which to be proud? And not a mark of deep, deep shame? How strange!
  4. That's a hell of a complement! I'm a long way off from even touching their body of work, but to call Armorcast inspirational would be an understatement! Thanks, Busbina! I'd love more of your money, but really need to find time to get back into it before I have anything saleable. Other things (painting for an Apoc game this weekend, getting my Nurgle army painted) keep interfering. I want to get a good proof-of concept large-scale terrain piece (like a building) done. I still haven't gotten to try my expanding foam, yet! Currently, I'm getting set to get a pressure pot. I've done a lot of research, and while the re-rigged Harbor Freight route seems popular, I've read too many accounts of them failing (read as: exploding). I also want something I can use as a vacuum chamber if I eventually decide to move up to a vacuum pump. It's pricier, but I'm thinking of going this route: http://www.finishsystems.com/resincastingpressurepots.html I've got some more walls ready to mold, along with a bunch of tombstone stands (for which I want to use the pressure pot). I've also got my eye on trying out some fillers so I can reduce the cost of some of my casts. Might have to move to a slower-setting resin if I go that route, due to changes in viscosity.
  5. Hey Scott, what's up? Your stuff is fantastic, and I'd hate to see you close up shop. If it's a personal issue that needs attending to, then please accept my non-specific condolences and best wishes. I hope you can come back to scratch-building and casting when you're able.
  6. That would be simply awesome to play against! So many dead bugs, but they just don't stop coming!
  7. I'm with you on the Wraithknight distaste. Partly, I'm disappointed with the model, which doesn't have that spindly, fragile look that I associate with Eldar. Mostly, though, because it's so darn expensive (pointwise). For its points, it can't do THAT much in a game. I know folks love it, but I don't care for them. I did have my own nice Balesword moment when my GU1 got to ID a Wraithknight. Whiffed the first turn (when I charged), but got it during my opponent's turn (keeping me protected in combat for a turn). It was fun, and an experience I hope to repeat. :) Torg, consider a unit of wraiths with D-scythes. They are hella expensive, but considering the flamer template will catch at least 4 models, a unit of 5 will be wiping out 10 marines in one turn easily (provided you have the wave serpent to get them where they need to be). Add in doom (if you can roll it) and they are a brootal murder squad of bloody death. They don't benefit from spirit mark, but they make great use of the primarus power you get from the Iyanden spirit seers.
  8. Such pretties... I'm not in, but I'm curious what all kinds of carcharadon (or is it charcaradon?) stuff you found? The big boss-man, you showed me, but is there other stuff?
  9. That is epic! Seems a waste to have textured the foam just to cover it up with sand and planking, but it turned out amazing. Now he has to paint all those little Rivets - they look out of place in their unpainted plastic glory on a table like that.
  10. They play a lot, but they're almost completely separate from the Warhamster Tuesday regulars. Which is the one night I can make it out regularly. I'm looking forward to the release of Warmachine Tactics, so I can play the game more (virtually, that is).
  11. Thank you for selling them to me! :) I don't play nearly as much as I'd like, but did happen to wander into the local gamestore on WM/H night, and got wistful. I really wish more Warhamsters would play it. The guitar strings look great! If you haven't already, check out Greenstuff Industries' Tentacle Makers. They're pretty wonderful.
  12. This must be why (with the exception of Batman) I find DC comics so incredibly boring, and why I enjoy the X-Men so much. I'll take my heroes with some flaws, thanks.
  13. Maybe shorter if you know what you're doing. Depends on the mission, though. Fun little game!
  14. Crap. Damn ninja Choir performance. Gotta go watch the kid sing at 6:30, so I won't be able to make it down for an early thing, just an after-7 thing. Brad, I read my e-mail. Whatever happens, happens! Rivet Wars is about 45 minutes.
  15. I'm playing Rivet wars with Evan at 7ish and maybe Rivet Wars with Nathan earlier?
  16. It'd not be the first time I lost an army. 3rd edition 40k ended my squats (and my Imperials). 8th edition FB ended my Chaos Dwarfs. While I'd weep if my Wood Elves died, I'd sing a song of joy if Beastmen, Warriors, and Daemons joined together in one glorious, unholy book. I put nothing past GW these days. Nothing.
  17. http://www.comicvine.com/hulk/4005-2267/forums/can-the-hulk-survive-in-space-526202/
  18. What about fans of Lynch who though Mullholland Drive (SP?) was garbage? Would they like it?
  19. Solomon Kane 5/10 Man, was I let down. On it's own merit, the movie was worth a Netflix watch. As a Solomon Kane film ... the movie was sadsville. Gone was the brooding, stoic Solomon Kane of the books, the one infused with a grim determination that was nearly supernatural. Instead, we got one of the most angst-ridden and emotional characters I've seen. I get that they were trying to do an origin story, but I'd rather they portray Kane as he was in the books. The movie took place, apparently, before he was the Kane we know and love. This Kane gave up at the slightest hint of failure, and was all whiny about killing people. Plus, not enough pistols.
  20. Heck, the upgrades don't even need to be positive. If it serves the story, you could make someone pick up a soulstone addiction for a game. A model with he use soulstone ability has to take it, and on any turn they don't use at least one soulstone to modify a flip, the following turn they get a negative twist to all flips they make. Perhaps in return their cache gets increased by one, or perhaps there are no benefits, it just has to be taken. Upgrades are actually pretty genius. I could see them being a great way to do campaign-based play. You get access to more upgrades as you advance ( that are specifically tied to the experiences you have had) but games will still be balanced because of the SS cost of the upgrade.
  21. In which case Hulk is going to hit something eventually. And he'll be really mad by then. really mad. Mad enough to launch himself off whatever object he hits with enough force to fling himself back to earth, entering the atmosphere like a kinectic bombardment, laying waste to earth as we know it (and sending the object in the opposite force with equal force to lay waste to the alternate universe earth on the other side of the galaxy. :)
  22. In bellingham, there are a variety of Kickstarted games that see some play. We did a Sedition Wars day a while back, Zombicide is a go-to, and I'm getting set for a Rivet Wars-apalooza this Tuesday. Fix has some card-game-of-the-universe kickstarter thing that's seen some play, as well. I think they have as much life as any other board game.
  23. Still cool if I bring my 10 year-old daughter? If we do Saturday, I'd prefer a start time after 10 am, but either day is fine with me as well. Thanks again so much for doing this, Don!
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