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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. At my age... comfort before fashion.
  2. Yeah I almost missed it too and they actively recruited me. If you got the time you should show up 1000 creds mostly compilation book. They are trying to avoid house rules. Only one I know of is must equip a fighter with at least one weapon no bare knuckle brawlers... to avoid trading post abuse.
  3. Just be aware that dark tower is running a six week ish necromunda campaign Tuesdays starting this week. Seems like about six people are in so three ish tables still be gobbled up...
  4. Not yet and who knows, March wd is the one to have them...
  5. These are pretty cool too... http://anvilindustry.co.uk/bomb-rats?search=Rats
  6. That are vertically stacked and look awesome in the plastic! I got a set wicked cool looking.
  7. Okay reworked the living room and got out the game cube. Yes 20 yr old me was giddy at the prospect! Pikmin 2 was in it fired it up and oh my god so fun! Sunk 16 hours into it last week and it is just so addictive. Mobs of worthless individually things that need some direction to rule the micro world. My receiver upscales the graphics enough to be pretty and the game play is just the right amount of nuanced with great shifting puzzles. Different colors of pikmin have different abilities and you can have max 100 out at a time so there is some list building and then reserve manipulation. So much for such a simple title. 9 out of 10 carrots on a stick. Super surprising this is 15 years old...
  8. I totally can. David Lopez. They had four interested but were looking for six to start it up. It seems to have sputtered but if you are down just one more to go...
  9. Yep as a non imperium player got to build assuming he'll show...
  10. That's not it I get that there are pieces that need to be on the board and those that don't. This is a convo best had in person not on a forum board. I play orks too so i get it biggest difference is your hobby tourney goals vs my lackadaisical approach to competitive gaming these days. I'm a little like Hanur when it comes to orks. Contrarian Comes to mind 😎. Remember battle wagons are big and can hide things out of los plus have stuff inside!
  11. My availability on weekends is great especially if you are willing to host or travel to ferndale 😁. I agree on the cards most gangers won't advance much. I could prolly hook you up with a few non cawdor (I bought two starter boxes after all) combine that with the cawdor and your predilection of sticking with specific models mechanics be damned should work out well. If this works out you thinking you'd be interested in making David start the dark tower campaign?
  12. You don't stay in it... battle wagons have enough transport to put characters inside and grots or ten lootas and grots hop out and do what you do ie just use the sheer size of the thing sideways to hide the kff from the assassin. Going second is gonna suck at the knife edge of meta. It is about target saturation or lack thereof to force your opponent into bad decisions. It is tough but meta changes swing wildly depending on your force.
  13. That's why I suggested transports... adjustments must be made at the cutting edge of the meta...
  14. I'm thinking of it as an 85 point cp or any one of the assassins
  15. Is this expected to be the March dwarf?
  16. The assassin stratagem states if your warlord has the imperium keyword then you may expend reinforcement points for an assassin at the cost of a single cp in matched play. I highly doubt these stratagems will require a detachment of oficio assassinorum. Just an imperial warlord.
  17. Grot shield... Edit second idea, couple of vehicles to block true line of sight. One of them could even contain your lootas as you might want to use grot shield on the character. Don't have to deploy that way but if you are that dependent on the mek or wierdboy. The wierdboy could also just deploy in vehicle as he can jump out and do his job same turn.
  18. Quick math... 18 in detachments no cp sadly but battle forged for 3 cp so 21... one of them would be your warlord (without a trait they can be warlords they just don't get traits).
  19. I have them! Multiple sets, love them, they travel and are what I was gonna use for your demo when you are ready... a scenario worth is even painted!😇
  20. They are just hard mode... bomb rats have a really cool niche, prepped bombs. They can also cut off parts of the field from los with smoke and use multi activation to out number at point of contact. Easy access 5" template, Blunderbuss pole arms are awesome too. Basically they have crazy awesome gear. Cheap fighters allows for better gear.
  21. What I've said in the beginning of this thread continues to apply... I have not gotten enough reps in with the compilation books to find much in the way of changes. If you are nitpicking you can continue to find gw type issues but overall I love it so much! More focus on fighters and equipment than the building of individual fighters through experience but everything starts more lethal so quicker to get into mid campaign levels of previous systems (necromunda or mordhiem) so feels solid to play never way behind nor really ahead so far...
  22. You'd know if I was coming down! Especially for necromunda
  23. This would be in Bellingham as koyote is up here unless I totally missed something...
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