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Everything posted by WestRider

  1. Polaroid: Holy trope aversion, Batman! The black lesbian character survives the whole movie! In other regards, it's pretty solid as well, but given that being black (or to a slightly lesser extent other PoC) or queer is generally a death sentence in horror flicks, that aspect was what really made an impression on me.
  2. Yeah, I kinda buried the lead there 😉
  3. Nothing Left to Fear: I don't understand why this got panned so hard. Sure, there have been plenty better, but it's a perfectly solid supernatural horror flick. There have been plenty far worse as well. Maybe the reviewers thought Tupper and Heche were the leads, rather than Brandes and Stone? A significant part of the plot is that Tupper and Heche's characters never do learn what's going on. Both of the actresses playing their daughters did some good work here, tho, and Ethan Peck does nicely, with sort of a "Matthew Broderick, but creepier" vibe. Oh, and Clancy Brown, too, who I don't think I've ever seen turn in a bad performance. I was also favourably impressed by how they used their clearly somewhat limited special effects budget, saving much of it for the scenes where it would matter most.
  4. Skyscraper: Yes, it's basically Die Hard: Hong Kong edition, but as long as you don't expect anything more than that, it's great. Good action sequences, the Rock always entertains, Neve Cambell gets some pretty badass moments as well. And yeah, the one-legged man absolutely wins this @$$-kicking contest!
  5. Girl on the Third Floor: I was about to skip past this one, but then I noticed that the lead was played by CM Punk. Punk comes across more or less as the unholy love child of Bruce Campbell and Mitt Romney in this well-constructed haunted house flick. Think more AHS: Murder House than Amityville Horror. Some great, and seriously gross, practical effects really sell the impact. Also, a word of warning: the dog dies. I know that's something that some people have issues with, and honestly, I was kind of bummed by it myself. Still very worth the watch if it's your sort of thing, tho.
  6. Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The 1978 one, with Jeff Goldblum, Donald Sutherland, and Leonard Nimoy. Great flick. Other than a few bits of dialogue, it's aged incredibly well. I can see why it's regarded as a classic.
  7. I can't help but wonder if the Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula was named as a backronym, or if it was genuinely coincidence that they ended up with the abbreviation "CHOMP".
  8. I feel kind of bad about pulling a Super Bowl XLIX with that interception at the end there, but that was a great game. Thanks!
  9. I'll be online when you're ready. Just re-starting everything because Steam was getting a bit glitchy during last night's game.
  10. Any time after 2:30 or so should be fine. I'll check back around then.
  11. Nice! I had heard mixed things about it, but all in really vague terms. The way you describe it, I think I'm going to like it. Thanks!
  12. Later in the afternoon, or this evening, should work. I've got stuff to do that I think will take until 2 or 3, but it might run longer. I can check back in on the forum as things firm up.
  13. I'm pretty sure he had that in at least one previous version. He's just that lucky! Kinda has to be, to survive so long around Ghaz
  14. Let's give it a shot. Since I didn't have to go running all over Seattle today, don't have my brother's kids over this week, and don't have to get up stupidly early on Thursday, the odds are looking much better that I'll be up for it. 8PST again?
  15. The Car: Road to Revenge: Knight Rider plus Robocop plus Christine plus, what the heck, a dash each of Mad Max and Blade Runner equals...something not nearly as good as that equation implies. There's some cool visual spectacle at a few points, with the cybered-up bad guys and such, and Nina Bergman is hot, but that's about it.
  16. At this point, it's down to when @jollyork can find time. Just waiting to hear from him.
  17. Nice! That came out looking excellent!
  18. The Forest: It's a good thing I was mostly watching this for Natalie Dormer, because she's pretty much the only thing it's got going for it. The script is weak, the co-star gives the impression he's reading his lines, a lot of the bits with Japanese characters or cultural elements feel a bit off for some reason I can't quite pinpoint, and it doesn't manage more than a few mild jump scares and a couple moments of creepy aesthetic.
  19. I will concede if necessary for the League, since I was the one who had to bail at the last minute.
  20. 8th ed Apoc actually handles everything on a Unit-by-Unit basis. A Tactical Squad, for instance, has 1 Wound if 5-strong, and 2 Wounds at full size. If it takes 2 Wounds, you pull all 10 of them in one go. Using it for Epic came to mind as soon as I read it.
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