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Everything posted by WestRider

  1. Cats is an Easter story. The entire story is focused on a cultural group celebrating the miracle of resurrection as their yearly ritual.
  2. "Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out."
  3. The Girl with All the Gifts: Finally landed on Netflix. Worth the wait. Excellent movie. Atomic Shark: The opposite. Even by the standards of SyFy shark movies, this one is pretty bad.
  4. I saw a Rabbi on Twitter talking about how hiding in your home from a plague is basically the most authentic way you could possibly celebrate Passover.
  5. Dark Light: Mixed. The lead and the Sheriff are really good, but the way the Sheriff gets taken out felt like a cheap shot. The ex-husband is a total douchebag. The monsters look pretty cool, but I feel like I've seen something very similar elsewhere, and the way they're supposed to operate (and frankly, most of the details of the plot itself) don't hold up to any real scrutiny. Nicely atmospheric and good overall vibe, along with a couple of decent jump scares, but the soundtrack is trying way too hard. So yeah, mixed. I wouldn't have paid money specifically for it, but I don't feel like I wasted my time catching it on Netflix.
  6. Quite the accomplishment there! They look awesome all ranked up together.
  7. From someone on Twitter: "COVID-19 is the serial killer loose in your neighborhood. Allergies are the wind rattling the branches against your window and making you think he's right outside."
  8. During the day is usually good. Thursdays and Fridays tend to be my busiest days, tho. Early afternoon Saturday?
  9. The Fortress of Solitude seems a little too on point right now 😬
  10. PPE is only needed if sawing/sanding. It's not inherently toxic, it just grinds into extremely fine particles that can damage your lungs. This also means that the mask you use needs to be a good one, capable of stopping those extremely fine particles. A bandana ain't gonna cut it here. Also, washing before assembly is really important, and can help mitigate the need for pinning or other reinforcement. The mold release agents used in resin casting are also very effective glue/paint release agents, so if you don't get that cleaned completely off, it can make for some serious issues.
  11. Yeah, I remember trying to get a team of 5 together the first couple of years. It was a serious relief to step down to 4s. Plus, with 4s, there's a way to handle an odd number of teams, which is cool.
  12. You obviously don't live next to my neighbors 😉
  13. I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help. Best wishes for a good outcome!
  14. There have now been several nights where I had nightmares about being attacked by Plague Marines or other followers of Nurgle. I think this Pandemic thing is weighing on my brain more than I'm consciously aware.
  15. Blast from the past! With an emphasis on "blast"! I've always had a soft spot for that Model, and you've done it up wonderfully here.
  16. Concerned about running out of toilet paper? Don't hoard, get a bidet!
  17. "Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to Hell, because through that gateway, evil will invade the world." Really, Eibon? I thought opening a gateway to hell gave everyone rainbows and ice cream and unicorns </sarcasm> The Beyond (1981): Wonderfully atmospheric and surreal and creepy. The gorier scenes feature some very impressive special effects for the era as well, and even the music holds up better than I would have expected. The acting isn't great, but that isn't really the point. Also, Dr. John McCabe is the worst shot ever to face off against slowly shambling zombies at barely more than arm's length.
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