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Everything posted by Last_Bullet

  1. We started playing Relic Knight up here in Everett. So far the minis look awesome, the game play is fun and its a local company! All win in my book and with a $50 entry my gaming group has all bought starter boxes.
  2. I am currently tweaking my Orks so I have some questions… How did the 10 Kommandos work? How do the Lobbas work? I use 3 kannons (str 8 and up I lack). Why no Painboyz? The 50 points work better than the old KFF (you get FnP in close combat). My 2 Painboyz turned the tide of my last game. And for the Finkin’ Cap why don’t you get to re-roll both Warlord traits? You are not unbound.
  3. I heard its Orks and Blood Angels. We get 1 40k book then 1 fantasy book puts Blood Angels book out end of August and 7th ed box out Septemeber. So I concur with Pretre
  4. Well you could try this… I have 140+ model army. So I planned a Saturday night, bought a couple fifths and some Costco pizzas. Then I press ganged by boys in to paint my boyz. 1 Guy did green, another brown, another black, 1 did wash 1 did basing, etc. Sit everyone around the table. Each “station” gets 10 models. You move the batch when your 10 are done. They aren’t pro painted by any means but I do put down a fully painted army that looks great on the table. Makes for a great night. Everyone still talks about the Ork party :)
  5. RCN the 100+ boyz army is actually very fun. I have warhammer ADD so I have more than a few armies. But whenever I ask someone to play in a few days and who they want to play against, 9 out of 10 times they say the Green Tide. People like to fight the ork horde.
  6. I love Wardancers and now I dont see how you dont take 5 man units to break ranks on things.
  7. Yeah I used to run scouts but they don’t seem to do well. I would really look at a librarian for the Knights. Prescience works for a round and Chaps only works on the charge, Ld 10 is pretty constant. How did Azreil do? Or did he do anything? Hes a ton of points that should be out doing something and he eats basic troops for breakfast!
  8. Oh Terminator armor and comes in with one of the squads (usually an assault cannon squad) I use the Lib from space hulk for Ap 2 soul sucking
  9. You want the bikes for 2 main reasons. First is you want the first turn badly. Since you wont know where your opponent is deploying you want the 12 bikes to spread across the field so you will have teleport homers where you need to be. 2nd is you will get stuck in and they will run from you. You need the bikes to assault with the Terms so either run them down or keep them in combat. I remember reading that if you have an attack bike the squad can not combat squad. The FAQ I believe. The tactical has a Plasma pistol and a plasma gun. I try to keep them close to the Librarian for Prescience. You are correct that chainfists are about the only solution. You can get a lucky rend with the assault cannons and Cyclone missles aren’t bad. The only army I have had a problem with is AV 13 Necron spam. Flyers aren’t much of a problem because everything will be on 1 half of the table and flyers rarely get to shoot 2 turns in a row at a “good” target and with so many terminators you don’t care about vector strikes. Also split fire lets you shoot assault cannons at flyers and bolters at what you want to charge. This list also makes for fast games. First turn you are already in rapid fire range!
  10. You don’t take Azreil because hes this bad a$$ character that will walk your opponent himself. You take him because your entire army should become scoring and he gets to choose his warlord trait. If you roll out of the book then 5/6 missions should be objective based. I usually take the “feel no pain” trait. With a drop pod and exiting 6” you should be within 3” of an objective to make a Tactical squad 3+/4+ 5+ FnP. Bolter fire will not remove that squad and what will reliably damage that squad will need to look towards the 4+ squads of Terminators that just arrived with said Drop Pod. I run dual force org if able and run Azreil 4 Tactical Terms Squads with 5 guys each 2 6 man Bike squads (combat squaded) 1 Librarian (with Prescience) 9 Tact w/ Drop Pod 5 Tact with Missile/ Flakk Even if you cant duel Force Org its easy to make that list single Force Org by making the Term squads bigger but I like my Sergeants in my term squads. But that’s 10 scoring, durable units with a great alpha strike.
  11. I am a huge fan of 9 tactical marines ina drop pod with azreil
  12. The Rock as Herc. Please take my money. And it looks like it will just be the Labors. Should be good times!
  13. I would as well. FSA had a few people up in Everett that bought in but we never play now :( Always interested in seeing new things and ideas to get people playing.
  14. How do you pay the rent?
  15. Thread necro! So there is a local game store up here in Everett that I might becoming involved in and I remember reading all these threads months ago. So I was wondering what ended up happening?
  16. The rumor mill (which is quite good from my source) says that the Knight Codex that comes out Saturday over rules the White Dwarf rules and Knights can only be taken by Imperials....
  17. I agree with Pax... My Knight (Paladin actually ) will not be going into terrain!
  18. They already have Dread Knights. Imperial Knights cant be to far behind....
  19. Any word on whats in this one? I was not fond of the last one but these dataslates are pretty cool (I have the Cypher one).
  20. The trygon prime can take Bio-Artifacts. The Miasma Cannon wounds on a 2+ and has AP4. Considering how the Trygon doesnt mishap (he works like a drop pod) he should be on target to hammer a squad of marker lights. Thats how I plan to take out pathfinders.... :)
  21. But the Mawloc can eat them and markerlight squads. I am seeing more and more lists around the net. The "must add" unit seems to be the Mawloc.
  22. that Yoga mat is what we use in the north end. I strongly recommend it.
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