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Everything posted by CaptainA

  1. OFCC 2016 Schedule Lists Due – April 15th? Challenges – June 1st Game on! 40k ITC RTT - July 29th 40k Team Event - July 30th-August 1st Once your team has paid you can send your list in! Captains should send their lists with each list pre-rated by your team as to what you think it falls in and rate the general running it. So my Slaanesh Daemons list would be a 2A (2 for its list strength and A for my player skill). Lists should be edited to be a readable fashion. Lists can be submitted to ofcc2016listreview@gmail.com.
  2. One Demi Company should be fine. I think even a battle co could be a much lower rating, just not grav/melta/plasma spam.
  3. We're using the ITC faq for rules clarifications to give us a cohesive set of rules decisions to play by. And it was discussed by a few, but not voted upon as a thing that has to be done. We just both like it as it takes a lot of rules clarifications out of the way.
  4. I like big lots and I cannot lie, the other suckas can deny!
  5. OFCC 2016 40k Team Event Players and Captains Primer Players Primer Howdy fellow gamers, Capt. A and Mr.MoreTanks here to bring you OFCC 2016! We’re dual HOGs (Heads of Gaming) and based upon our past experiences at OFCC, and our experiences playing and running large events in the PNW we hope to bring you a reinvigorated and entertaining event this year. We’ll be focusing heavily on the Spirit of OFCC, what that means, and what you can do to make this event the best it can be. We want this document to help guide myself, the players, and captains of this year’s OFCC. Please read it! The “Spirit” of the OFCC We’ve often heard this phrase brought up. The “Spirit” of the OFCC. What is this? How should it impact our experience at this event? In our opinion, the “Spirit” of the OFCC is about creating lists and games that should help to create close games. Those games that could go either way and leave both players satisfied with the outcome win or lose. It is about playing a person that is gracious and fun and there more for the fun competition and not there to beat face, exploit rules knowledge, or whose sole purpose is to lead their team to victory at the cost of every other team there. It is in this spirit that we are leading the event and are asking players to act in this spirit, both in their list creation and during the event. We feel that if we as players and captains approach the game in this way that we will help to create a fantastic OFCC experience for everyone. Our OFCC Vision We have a vision of what I hope to see from lists, players, and captains for the OFCC. Lets talk about this. Lists One of the great aspects of the OFCC is the theme of the lists. Many players, ourselves included, create all new armies for the event. I (Captain A) have done Swampcrons, Beastmen Slaanesh, and Salamanders over the past four years. It was a fun accomplishment to create and see these themed armies on the tabletop. I bet many of you have done the same. We really want to encourage this type of behavior! In the past four years of captaining a team for the OFCC, I have definitely seen a power creep in lists. Some of that is surely the way in which lists are created in 40k nowadays, and what would be cool to play with what we have. But some of that, in my opinion, is because of what we see others doing at the event or just waiting to see if a list will pass inspection. I would like to put a lot of the pressure here upon the players and captain to self regulate the kinds of lists they are turning in. We will use a four point scale to help guide you with examples of what you might want to do for this years OFCC. 1 – This is the lowest tier list, at a glance they might even be called by many “bad.” The majority of the units may be from the weaker and lower aspects of each Codex. Think Dark Eldar Wytches, especially if they’re on foot. Ogryns or Armored Sentinels, Infantry based armies are often found here. Allies that may be massive force multipliers won’t be found here. Units that lack synergy and an abundance of Special Rules. This list is essentially garage hammer at its finest, relaxed, fun models that you may love but for whatever reason rarely see the light of day. 2 – Perhaps the hardest to determine, this is the perfect place to be shooting for in regards to your army list. Here you may find old school Space Marine battle companies that are Infantry based, without using the Gladius detachment. Maybe an occasional Psyker or two scattered among the lists. A few optimized units that can help carry some weight, a unit of 5 scatter bikes, a thunder wolves squad, a broadside battlesuit squad, etc. 3 – These are lists that could be seen at tournaments, but probably not end up on the top table. Think heavy Drop Pod armies, units with Ignore Cover, Super heavies (Imperial Knights mainly, particularly only 1). Smaller “coma”-stars as opposed to deathstars. These armies are ones that most players could pilot comfortably. Additionally, these list may be very difficult to pair with to ensure fun games for both players. Thunderwolf armies, bike armies, flying circuses, things along those lines. 4 – Tournament lists, these are just a flat out no go. Skyhammer, Centurion Stars, Gladius Strike Forces, Ad Mech War Convocations, deathstars and the like. Multiple super heavies here as well. Avoid super psychic units and stars fall into here, major MSU. If you’ve seen it at a top table, or know it’s regularly played by some of the better players around, you shouldn’t be bringing it to OFCC. We should see lists in a range of 1-3 on teams, not a rating of a 4. An ideal score would be in the 8 range. Player Ratings We are also going to implement a system for ranking your players on your team. This should help in creating better matchups as well. This is in relation to their skill, not behavior. Everyone should have great behavior at the OFCC. A. New Player – Your cousin or brother/sister who has only played a handful of games or a guy just into Warhammer would be categorized as an A. B. Average Player – A person who plays every now and then or is a pretty casual player. Knows the rules and their army but may not have a ton of experience against the rest of the 40k universe. C. Veteran/Tournament Player – This is a person who knows the rules, knows their army, and also knows the armies of others. A person who plays in a lot of events throughout the year and plays regularly is a veteran player. Why Player Skill Rankings? These are here to aide captains in their pairings. A player who is a C – Veteran Gamer with a 3 list should probably not be playing against a player who is an A – New Player with a 1 list. This will create games that will be dissatisfying for both gamers. This is something we want to avoid. Captain’s Primer We are including this here for all to see so that everyone knows what is expected of this year’s captains. Captains have three main jobs to help make the OFCC success – Lists, Pairings, and Behavior. Lists For this, please look at your teams list and use the above mentioned scoring guide to rate your lists before submission. Be honest. When forming your team, make sure they have read this document to help guide their list creation. When receiving their lists, check for points accuracy as well as for how tough or weak the list is. You will hopefully have a mixture of types of lists and that is ok. But if you swing too hard one way or another, you will need to step in first and help guide your team. Remember this isn’t just about having weak or strong lists, but lists that probably won’t be a rock, paper, scissor situation for many players. Pairings This is a difficult job for captains so there will be some mistakes. I remember one year where there were many tournament players on both sides and after we got started two pairings realized we probably should have been playing the other players. This happens, but we should try to avoid this. Captains must be take into account a variety of factors when it comes to making correct pairings. Pairings are the single most important aspect of having a successful OFCC. Captains should take into account lists, player rankings, the mission, as well as the table and terrain We’ve heard in years past of sandbagging, where a captain will purposefully throw a younger less experienced player against their toughest player in the hopes that the other players have a better chance of winning their games. This should not happen. It should be in the interest of both captains to make fair matchups as best they can. This is truly what the OFCC is about, not winning a trophy. Although placing high and winning a trophy is an excellent goal, it should not get in the way of the fun of the other teams at the event. As captains, work on keeping your team in a place that will make it fun for the other players. This includes drinking and tempers. We’re not saying not to drink, but it probably isn’t very fun to play against someone who is pass out drunk and has to concede. Nor is it fun to play against a person whose attitude is not embodying the “spirit” of the event. It is your job as captains to remind your players to keep things in check for the sake of the event. Scoring This year, there will NOT be a Best General team at OFCC. Matches will still be determined by Captains, but which teams will be playing will be determined by teams challenging one another on day one, and any teams not having challenges will be randomly determined by the HOGs. Wins and losses will only be accounted for the purpose of determining Overall rankings. We will simply be looking at wins and losses as well, no battle points. Instead of Best General, OFCC will be replacing that prize with a new one, Best Team Spirit. This is the team that really went above and beyond in capturing a theme or personality with their army. They may not be the best Overall team, but they certainly are the team that everyone will want to be on next time! Best Team Spirit measures aspects such as; do you have a collective themed display board? Are you wearing matching shirts? Are your armies themed into a collective story? Did you bring a team banner? Aspects such as these are major parts of what goes into a successful and memorable OFCC for everyone. We’ll be measuring appearance based on a combination of votes as well as a judging based off a rubric that will be included with your player’s packet. Sportsmanship will be based off again the standard measuring of pins. We REALLY encourage you to think about which game was the most fun for you and who your most enjoyable opponent was for whatever reason, and not simply give your pin to your final opponent because you were too tired to simply go find that special opponent. Win/Losses, Appearance, Sportsmanship, and Team Spirit will all be collectively measured to give us the Best Overall for this OFCC. All of these aspects though will NOT be measured equally. Sportsmanship and Team Spirit will be measured significantly higher than any other categories, followed then by Appearance and finally by Wins and Losses. Army Construction · 2000pts. · Battle Forged or Unbound armies allowed (remember though, your army must still be approved by the list rating committee) · Approved Army Lists o All current Codexes and Supplements that have been published BEFORE the list submission deadline. (TBD) o All current Forge World army lists that have been published BEFORE the list submission deadline. (TBD) o All current 30k Forge World army lists that have been published BEFORE the list submission deadline. (TBD) o All current Dataslates from approved GW sources, such as White Dwarfs, that have been published BEFORE the list submission deadline. (TBD) · In addition to the GW FAQ, we will be using the ITC FAQ found on the ITC tab of the Frontline Gaming website. Any other further questions will be handled by either HOG. Disregard the ITC rule regarding the banning of Come the Apocalypse Allies, they will be allowed. Mission Guidelines Plan for a variety of missions which may or may not include maelstrom, book missions, ITC style, narrative and more. Conclusion We hope you are looking forward to a great OFCC! We have some ideas to really make this a fun event this year and we need everyone involved to help insure it goes off without a hitch.
  6. We'll have some details up tonight! Sorry, waiting on a response from the powers that be.
  7. This is the same day as teh Annihilation Tournament at Guardian. Sad face.
  8. The Guardian Cup is back and Scheduled! Where: Guardian Games When: June 4th-5th What: 2 Day ITC 40k GT Cost: $50 1850 ITC FAQ, Format, and Guidelines More to come!
  9. Yeah, sorry, I don't like to pull of of ebay and sell. Its against their policies.
  10. Big lot of Forge World being listed as we speak. Lot of Raven Guard Forge World.
  11. Have three Army Transport Sabol Bags for sale. Army Transport Mark 2 - $50 With foam, used. Army Transport Mark 1 - $50 With 3 Foams, foams mostly new. Army Transport Division - SOLD! Pics Below
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