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Everything posted by CaptainA

  1. I have over 350 listings on my Ebayne store. Can meet up at GG on Wed if you want to save shipping! http://stores.ebay.com/Trader-As-Store?_rdc=1 Have a huge amount of Fantasy Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins, Ogres, Wood Elves. Have a ton of 40k Space Marines, Chaos, Orks, Tyranids.
  2. I picked up a largish Chaos Dwarf army, manufacured by a third party. PM me for details.
  3. You trying to start somefin Pretre! Huh? Got some beef?!? Well I got some Pastrami for ya! All joking aside, this is such a hard thing for me. I'm a people pleaser by nature and don't like confrontation. I have a 3 color painting requirement to get cash prizes - so prizes awarded because of best general, paint, sports, overall, and raffle. But you can still participate. Each time though, I typically get a guy that says "are you sure?" and it is hard to say no. I personally like it because this is more than just a competitive game and having painted armies on the field is mo bettah.
  4. Had 24 show up and a good time had by all. Best General - Baxter Seguin Best Overall - Karl Payne Best Sports - Ryan Fredin Best Appearance - Jessica Edgren Three people went 3-0 with Baxter at 3032, Sean Morgan at 3031, and Kary Payne at 3028.
  5. Got 20-21 regged. Come on down if you want in on some tourny action!
  6. Got these in a lot of stuff. What army is this for?
  7. Looking for a ringer for Saturdays tournament. Chance you might not get to play, but chance you might get to play for free! PM me.
  8. You shut your mouth and get sucked into that game! Not just for you....but for all of us!
  9. Do we know when the decision will be made?
  10. $350 for 30 plastic grots and 3 runtherders? They're "classic". http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/for/5308587464.html And many other listings as well. Huh.
  11. There are lots of companies that sell little guns that would totally work. Yes as long as it is consistent.
  12. I don't think anyone would ever have a problem with that, especially if they were as WYSIWYG as possible, meaning a plasma biker has a plasma gun, a grav biker has a grav gun etc.
  13. Working out the details. Still got space! Get signed up!
  14. If we get the HOG position, one of our (my) goals would be to publish and communicate expectations about how captains and players are supposed to approach doing things like pairings, creating lists, rating lists, rating generals. I know for me as a captain, I had a lot of times where We had an inexperienced player matched up against a seasoned vet and the results were poor to say the least. I think a general rating could work as it should give more information about the list and general to make better matchups. The whole goal of the OFCC is to create dynamic and even matchups that could go either way.
  15. I should go on the record that I want to keep the system the same put put out a lot of information and guides for captians and players about expectations of behavior in list building, pairings, and at the event.
  16. No LOW characters? Oh, eben addressed this.
  17. You're 2015 Harvester of Souls champions! Overall Champion: Mason Moore, Orks Best General: Ben Schimoller, Astra Militarum Best Sportsmanship: George Thompson, Tau Best Appearance: Michael Genoni, Orks Player's Choice: Mike Camin, Dark Eldar
  18. Hey all, I've been running an eBay business for the past few years now and have ramped things up a bit. I'm now looking to purchase lots of Warhammer 40k and other gaming sundries to resell on eBay. Got a box of minis just collecting dust in your closet? Got too many minis and your significant others wants it to be thinned out? Tired of your army and want to go in a different direction? I'm willing to pay money as well as work out of a commission to benefit us both. Check out my website at www.trader-a.com for more details.
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