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Everything posted by CaptainA

  1. Your arguments don't make a lot of sense to me Doc. Many of the polls that were voted on went the opposite way you would think if people wanted to nerf their enemy. Eldar Scatterbikes and the Ork FW Stompa for example. Both kept/allowed in by a pretty large majority. Adepticon is an ITC event, in that you can get ITC points, but that is it! For the past few years, the reason the lists were so disgusting, is that they went by the book for GW. To be blunt, it feels like you and many others are latching onto the topic of rules being changed, which the ITC has done, and making everying the ITC does therefore negative, without much actual knowledge of what is or has happened in the world of ITC. I know it fairly intimately.
  2. Please read the PRIMER! Also, please know that this years OFCC is NOT an ITC event. We are just using a part of the ITC system which will give a baseline for players to know how to interpret some of the more wacky GW rules as well as tone down some abusive items in the GW universe.
  3. We will be asking players to adhere to the ITC FAQ yes.
  4. What I like about the FAQ is that it answers a tons of questions that come up due to GW's poor rules. You can't necessarily say just play it RAW as there are many rules that can be written both ways. If we take away the FAQ then we open the floodgates of, "Well how are you handling x and y." Something I don't necessarily want to do.
  5. I don't think a comprehensive lists exists. I think A Battle Co could be totally fine if done in the right manner. Skyhammer as well. It all depends on how it is crafted. Some codexes will be a lot harder than others IE eldar.
  6. There were lots of "No" type lists in the Primer....did you reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaadddddddd the primer? 4 – Tournament lists, these are just a flat out no go. Skyhammer, Centurion Stars, Gladius Strike Forces, Ad Mech War Convocations, deathstars and the like. Multiple super heavies here as well. Avoid super psychic units and stars fall into here, major MSU. If you’ve seen it at a top table, or know it’s regularly played by some of the better players around, you shouldn’t be bringing it to OFCC.
  7. I clicked the reserve button, but nothing seemed to be happening.
  8. I'm just a brain monkey, that is above my pay grade.
  9. Here are the proposed list of team theme achievements. Any thoughts on additional items? What would make this the best OFCC yet? Team Points Turn in Lists on Time Pay For Team Pay By X Team Shirts Armies Compose a Theme Story Written for Army Display for Armies Team Theme Table Everybody gets a Favorite Opponent Pin No Bad Marks Against Your Team Team Banner Your Team Brings Something For Your Opponents One round everybody wins One round everybody loses One round everybody ties One round 50/50 wins/losses
  10. When you have paid for your team, please contact Savion47 to gain access to the captains forum!
  11. I guess my "issue" with calling it a 4 is that when you go down the list of some of the best items in the eldar/corsairs book, you have them here - Warp Spiders, Hornets, Lynx, D-sychte wraithguard, etc. Hard to say what would make it less tournamenty.
  12. Plan on 1850, hard lists A-ok. Unless the vote changes too much, but still it is up to Tanks.
  13. Your face could be more clearly written.
  14. You measure out 12" from your deployment edge. Any unit of your at least partially out of that 12" is counted. Reverse for opponent. Most wins.
  15. What clarification did you need? Just checking.
  16. The one day singles event is to scratch your competetive itch. No holds barred straight ITC one day tournament. Then relax and have some fun at the team event.
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