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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. Thanks to everyone who came by and had a beer, talked art, and extra thanks to those of you who posed as a wizard - I'll post the pic when it's done. I had a great time, and it was really cool to see how many people can fit comfortably in that space. I'll be doing some art events in the future - drink and draw, figure drawing, and so forth, so if anyone is interested in sketching, let me know and I'll put you on the list. It was also hilarious to me to find out what a small town this is - Damien is Stratton's brother?!?!? Also, for those of you that I've alarmed with talk of moving to Minnesota, the day after the opening we got word that the job Sacha was looking at will probably go to someone else, so we are here in Bellingham for the forseeable future. Excellent.
  2. Next Warhamster T-Shirt Slogan? ​"Warhamsters - I Blame Brad"
  3. Thanks! It's awesome to have a place to paint that's not my living room. :D It has been so ordained in the Book of Vile Bradness. Nothing you can do against such ancient prophecies. Sweet! It will be great to see you both! I hope to be working on a big canvas. Well, big for me. Everything seems big when you're used to painting miniatures!
  4. Hey, a while back we had a false alarm and I thought we would have a grand opening for our art studio. Well this time it is FOR SURE HAPPENING this Friday the 1st during art walk. I'll be painting, Sacha will be jeweling, we'll be hanging out and having adult beverages - all will be well. If you're downtown during artwalk (6-9), swing on by and say hi! It's above bay, in Studio D. We'll have signs up, and probably an arcane system of notifying us that you're there (like a pull-bell or something.) Anyhow, huge thanks to everyone who helped us move in, and hope to see you on Friday!
  5. I will probably poke my head in, but I'm out this week for games...
  6. Hey man, first off - HELL YEAH! DO IT!!!! You've got a great voice, delivery, and sense of humor, as well as a passion for your subject. I would recommend contacting Mike from "the History of Rome". You could probably work the fellow WWU grad angle and get some pointers. He seems like a nice enough guy, and has been really successful with his podcasts and growing them.
  7. I also should be there about 6 with Infinity and a lust for board games. I'm bringing my PanO shennanigans list. Excited to roll some dice!
  8. Looks like I have work meetings that will be later than expected tomorrow, perhaps not getting started til 4. I will try and be down by 6.
  9. Ok, what time do you think you'll be down?
  10. What's shaking, y'all? I would love to get a game of Infinity, Space Poker, Cocaine Cowboys, or something similar going...
  11. I enjoyed that quite a bit! Even though I'm not a GoT person. Well done.
  12. I have yet to succeed in my efforts to get a Hamster hired at my work, but I will persist. We are looking for someone to take sales orders by phone and fill in for coverage gaps. Normally this would be very part-time; 2-3 hours a day M-F from 2 or 3 till 5. In September there will be 3 weeks when the position would be full time. When folks go on vacation, then it would also be a fill-in for those days, so the position would flex. It's a weird one, but I thought I would throw it out here in case anyone knows someone whose schedule would work with these hours.
  13. Disco Metal is a thing Listen to 3:40 especially closely.
  14. Sweet! Let's play 300 points of something simple.
  15. How about an early game of Infinity? Or monster arena? I've got to go to leave for the airport so I should wrap up by about 7, but I would love to get a game in earlier in the afternoon.
  16. I would like one in Navy and L, please.
  17. I don't know... I think Warhamsters Game Night is pretty solidly and 8 or 9/10. 5/10 seems needlessly harsh.... I feel like hobbying, so I think I'll bring some minis or *gasp* paints(!!) and try to work on my Infinity, then maybe grab a board game after folks are done with the main event. N
  18. As far as I know, it's a city-wide waterbaloon/tag match. I think you can 'kill' zombies with water baloons, and maybe you have tag-football style tags that if you lose them you become a zombie? Not sure.
  19. The city needs us, lads. http://goo.gl/kUP9l3
  20. Turns out there is a conflict - no art walk for us this month! (Or next month - GRR....) However we have made a ton of progress with painting and setup. I am going to take my painting supplies there tonight, and try to do my first work there either this evening or tomorrow morning. We are going to try and work with the other artist up there and maybe some of the folks in downtown spaces nearby to try and do something for Saturdays after artwalk, I think. People are downtown for the farmer's market... Maybe call it the "Art Walk of Shame"... :D Thanks again to all who helped, and just to reiterate - don't come by on Friday! We won't be there!
  21. Yeah, I won't be there till after 8, but that should leave us solid boardgame time, right?
  22. That thing was heavy! Thanks again to Jim, Kacy, and Dave. That was SOOOOO much easier than just Sacha and I moving. Jim - I've got your beers tonight! Sacha went to town scraping walls and cleaning yesterday, and this morning we bought paint. By the time I get to game night, it should be looking halfway decent. We are shooting for being open Friday for Art Walk from 6-9 - if you are out and about, stop by! I will be painting something cool. We are at 1059 N State St above BAAY.
  23. Feeble old lads also help! Thanks! Man, having an actual space to work and not painting in the living room is going to let me step it up considerably. An acceptable excuse! If you're free, come by. Looks like with Jim, Kacy, and my friend Dave there will be 5 of us. We should be able to knock it out real quick. If you help me move my girlfriend's Lapidary Journals from 1999, then I will owe you a beer. Turns out she's deeply nerdy, just nerdy for rocks. Thanks, man! Hopefully next time you're up, you can swing by and there will be fresh paintings on the walls! Sweet, thanks Kacy!
  24. Hey folks, I could use help moving my girlfriend's goldsmithing setup into her new studio on State st. This is going to be awesome as the space is large enough that I will have part of it as my painting studio. My stuff is easy to move, but she has a couple work benches, shelves and furniture that will be easiest moved with some help. We will be unloading this Sunday at 5, and buying beer and pizza after for anyone who comes to assist. It's not a lot of stuff, and shouldn't take more than about 30-45 minutes if we have 3 or 4 strapping young lads to help. Location is 1059 N State St, Bellingham, WA 98225, above BAAY. If you can help, it would be muchly appreciated!
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