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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. Heeeeeey Koyote - turns out you were right: my Champions DID need advancement rolls - and they one who took out Erasmus needs 2! Would you mind rolling for me? 1 for the halberd champ, 2 for the great weapon champ. I must not have been reading the boxes correctly on my ipad.
  2. Looks like I will be down around 7:30. Probably too late to join in on Conan. I'ma bring some figures to assemble, and some quicker board games in case folks finish up early. N
  3. What time are you guys starting Conan? I've played once and would love to play again.
  4. I've met a lot of illustrators over the last couple years, and Kickstarter is giving them a platform to do something on their own without a company to back them. I think these projects are some of the most exciting I've seen, and in the true spirit of KS.
  5. Just found out my order of minis will arrive on Tuesday... the day I fly to MN for a week. :( Saddest panda.
  6. Here's my Reiklander List Captain - Sword, Mace, Brace of Pistols Champion - Halberd Champion - Halberd Youngblood - Dager, Mace Youngblood - Dager, Mace Marksmen x 4 - Long Bows Swordsmen x 2 - Twin Swords
  7. I'd be interested and would like to bring my girlfriend. The 10th or 11th would be good, or a weeknight. Thanks!
  8. I will likely need to get multiple games next week, as I'll be starting a new Reiklander warband. Ordered up some Perry Bros plastics, and I'm pretty stoked to build and convert them!
  9. Joey, will you please update the first page post? Otherwise it is going to get really confusing if rules are being updated throughout the thread. I had a good time, thought it took me a while to relax and remember that this is a different type of game than I've been playing, where the rules are loosely defined and the wacky results of the dice are part of the fun. That first mission was a bit brutal for the defender. I'm scrapping lizardmen and will probably have to buy or borrow figures for a mercenary warband... Toughness 2 heroes reallllllllly suck.
  10. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/47998-ascended-kings-kickstarter Ascended Kings looks like a battle royale game. I've met some of the illustrators working on this - super nice folks.
  11. YOU GUYS. TENGGER CAVALRY IS AT THE SHAKEDOWN ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/JwEFqT_A8bI ​Mongolian folk metal! That's right - throat singing, traditional instruments, songs about horses, and METAL.
  13. I'll be down later to hang out. Kasey, I'll bring your eels! Maybe I can get a filler game in towards closing.
  14. F FINALLY!!!! Go team! I'm so proud right now....
  15. For those of you who like custom card decks, this one has art that is amazeballs: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wyliebeckert/wicked-kingdom-illustrated-playing-cards-by-wylie
  16. I am down for some Infinity or Board Game action! Probably won't be down till 7.
  17. Thanks, Jim. It is a really fun game. I probably left it Seattle or something...
  18. Can't find my copy of patchwork - did I loan it to someone?
  19. That... It's... My god, it's beautiful! Great idea, amazing execution!
  20. Whoops, I put the wrong date, but y'all seem to know what's shaking.
  21. This is the time, this is the place! I'd love to play a board game or something.
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