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Everything posted by nathonicus

  1. I actually teared up a little watching this, and got chills all over. I told myself I wasn't going to get my hopes up... the franchise has disappointed before, and I'm no Abrams fan....but damn. Damn!
  2. I like the line. I think it adds gravitas.
  3. Awesome. I like the bottom one best. If we do the design non-reversed (that is, black on white, and not white on black) the eyes need to be fixed again. Just keep me posted.
  4. I thought this was a thread about looking for a room to run a still. Never mind.
  5. I will stop by on the way home and grab some of my shiz today. N
  6. Ok, that looks better. I think whiskers add a sort of dynamic craziness to the image. Also, whiskers on only one side could be seen as a reference to the 40k Aquilla, which has only one eye. But I'm fine either way.
  7. Ok, I sent this file (in non-reversed mode) to Kacy. Should be good to go. For my order, I'd like a Deep Red XL shirt for myself, and a Vintage Heather Navy Zip-Up Hoody. I'd also like to get 2 Deep Red L, 2 & 2 Black L t-shirts as gifts.
  8. No whiskers is probably a good call. What do you thinka bout printing it inside a white disk? I think this is the best so far. Also, no whiskers is probably the right call.
  9. Double whiskers don't work, but here is a version with a little more planning paid to the reversal to print in white. I think it might actually still look better if we print in black, (though I'll have to adjust the eyes for that!)
  10. Woah, yeah, the reversal of values to print white on black radically changed things. I should have checked that. Let me get you a new file tomorrow with cute eyes. I'll do a double-whisker version, too. N
  11. "Encounters at the Bottom of the World" and "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" - 2 awesome Werner Herzog documentaries, each of which is a 5/5. Watch them with some scotch and herb for best effect.
  12. Joey, can you please bring my Infinity? I will stop by and pick it up. but probably not out for games or beers.
  13. Yep, I remembered they were there, thanks! That's a handy spot to leave things, though.
  14. Loren was definitely there. My wife had to keep reminding me that there were cookies and nachos at home, because I just wanted to stand outiside NYP and talk to Loren. (Love ya, buddy!)
  15. Yeah, the morning I was questioning if that was going to happen but it was ok. Didn't feel terrible, but just bummed around all day so Sunday was pretty much a wash. Feel great today, though! SHERBERT! Thanks for buying a picther wherever that was. I am sorry we didn't get to hang out more. Or sorry that I don't remember and we did. Whatever.
  16. I do remember Kevin suddenly leaping up and running out of the room... I wanna say State Street Bar?
  17. Got text from Shaun's wife, so he must still be alive, so that's a relief.
  18. Doing alright. Worried about Shaun. Got him home and handed-off to his wife, but he was in really bad shape. Hope he's ok.
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