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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. Do Warmachines in FB normally come with Bases? Or do they come like (most) Vehicles in 40k?
  2. By the way, thanks for making me look that up. It answered questions I didn't know I had.
  3. Ah, yeah, I just read the pre-reqs in the Ordo League. I hadn't bothered opening the thread as I'm back down in Rogue Valley again, so making it to Ordo League Night, ya no. Yeah, the Leagues in Lexington at all three stores (1 GW, 2 FLGS) were must purchase new product to participate. GW required it be an in store or mailed to store (gw direct) purchase. The other two were a bit more flexible, as long as most of the product was from the store. Bend was the same way by time I made the transition from Decipher's SW:CCG to 40k.
  4. I envy your ability to use an existing army in an Escalation League. I have never participated in an Escalation League that allowed you to use Used Models. They've always been "buy new models for new army for new escalation league."
  5. pg 117 BRB says "bring units" not "bring models." I would say you have to meet the Unit requirements to field the Unit. So, no, you couldn't bring 130 Meltagun Marines to a 2k point game. Pg 117 also addresses Special Characters and says they are UNIQUE, 1 per army, period. And an Unbound Army is, *gasp* an Army. Detachments are for Battle-Forged Armies, only. It's all on 117-118.
  6. As long as Squats are revived into an amazing, glorious kingdom of Engineers fighting to regain their honor, I can get behind it. Maybe they'll reintroduce the Old Ones in some fashion? Thank you, sir.
  7. just found this http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?404199-Chaos-Space-Marines-in-the-pipeline citing this http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/630351.page Pretre, I defer to your greater wisdom.
  8. Just heard from a buddy something to the effect of CSM being done after Necrons, and it's going full Renegade. Legions will be CSM Datasheets/etc available in WD/Downloadable. I don't know where the reverb started, but I woke up to that.
  9. We aren't anticipating the takeover, we're celebrating the joining of our two families! Just think how much easier OFCC will be! And how much larger a turn out, too!
  10. Clearly GW is just getting ready to introduce the FB universe into the Warp and integrate the two systems. Just watch, all ya'll are going to be on the 33mm bases and Lizardmen will get the Tesserect Vault as a Lord of War.
  11. I'm going to make that this weekend. Or possibly for my mom's birthday next week.
  12. Hey....psst....ya, you. I's got whatchu wantin. I know you've got an itch for some of that fine resin. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, I ain't no fool.
  13. Ask (pretre), and thou shall receive.
  14. Page 17 of the BRB has "Sequencing" on bottom right. I think this is what gets people going on 2+ Kharns Turn, 6+ Psyker's Turn, because the Chaos player will always choose to resolve the Psyker's rule before Gorechild's rule, and vica verca. I think supporters of this line would argue that these are two rules that are resolved at the same time, instead of a conflict arising between a rule listed in the BRB and a rule listed in a Codex.
  15. Thanks for finding that, I went through the book before I posted, but skipped over the box because of the page it was on. Whoops. But yes it says Basic Rules (Moving, Shooting, Close Combat, and Morale) are always TRUMPED by Advanced rules (anything else). Advanced Rules in the BRB are ALWAYS TRUMPED by Codex or other Publication. So, by the book, Kharn always runs as Kharn is printed in CSM, Invisibility be damned! However, what it sounds like players have been doing is applying real world logic and sportsmanship to their games and going "The unit is invisible, Kharn can't see Invisible Units (or can he???? dun dun dun!!!!)....half the time."
  16. 7th Ed BRB doesn't have the blurb about Codex trumping BRB?
  17. Oh, the reason for posting that though, was I was thinking I want to get into Armada a bit because of say the Battle of Endor, etc. That's what got me thinking about the Executor.
  18. So I was thinking about the size of the models and contemplating how big we'll see Armada get. I'm kind of doubtful we'll see Super Star Destroyers or similar sized Dreadnoughts. The Victory class is like 900m and the model appears to be approx 2 inches+. The Executor, Vader's Flagship in ESB and RotJ, was over 20x larger than a Vic. That puts us at nearly 4 feet. Even if the stick to the Cinemagraphic play/scaling format, going any smaller than 2 ft really just does it disservice in scale, but I could see them doing that. Imperial-Class Star Destroyers are not quite twice the size of Vics, so lets call them 3.75" long, while Rebel Mon Cals are going to be around the 3" range, being about half again as long as a Vic. Victory Class are 900m Mon Cal Cruisers are 1200-1300m Imperial Class are 1600m Executor is 19,000m Death Star is 160,000m Death Star II is 900,000m Edit: The Corvette appears to be closer to the 2" range and is 150m. Neb B is 300m, so should be twice as long, but they are not. They are almost the same size, model wise. The Vic appears to be about twice the size of the Neb B model, though it should be 3 times the size of the model if everything was scaled the same. Which brings me back to the above, I imagine we'll get the Executor as a "Giant Ship" like the Corvette and Raider in X-Wing. Probably about the same size as the 3 X-Wing ships, too, I'd imagine. It will still dwarf the other ships.
  19. Hmm. 40% off, plus another 10% off for it being preorder? That seems....wonky. I mean, [big bad swear word] yeah! if it's accurate, but seems pretty big cost cut there. D2C perhaps allowing the price cut?
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