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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. The Transport isn't just a special named Wave Serpent?
  2. So....The solitare has a 5++/3++? Weird.
  3. So if I equipped 2 Zombie gems, I could raise 6 Zombies? 3 from 'Q' and 3 from 'W' (or however I set it up). That's cool, I didn't know that. I was wondering what to do with my duplicates. Jeez, I just looked over the Currency system and Crafting system. There really is so much about this game that I know nothing about.
  4. We tried watching it last night. I couldn't sit through it. I don't think I got half way through, so I won't bother rating it. I didn't realize it was based on a stage play until a bit into it. I think I'd enjoy it as a live production, but I've never been a fan of Musical Movies. Cannibal: The Musical, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables being notable exceptions.
  5. It's not that they are allying. It's that your Opponent's army is guilty of engaging in pacts with Chaos, and Chaos is constant in one thing, its treachery. The Grey Knights are dispensing the Emperor's Mercy, or Judgement as needed, en route to destroy the Demonic incursion.
  6. I'm kind of curious as to how someone hacked your account. So I lost my old account, created a new one, and I have a single level 32 Paladin right now. Honestly, for myself, I really like the Gem Skill system. My main Attack right now, I think of as "Wrath of God." It's Firestorm junctioned with Added Lightning. I am going to add an Increased Fire Damage to it, as well. I tried getting it to Leech health for me, but that didn't function, so I have my Health Leeching gem Junctioned with a flaming hammer attack, currently. I just finished Act 2 on Normal difficulty, which is further than I got before. I don't recall ever beating Act I, honestly. I think the Ship Graveyard was where I stopped.
  7. I think it'd be fun to run in an Iron Hands list with a handful of Riflemen.
  8. If the target is in Cover, they get a cover save. If the target is "in the open," but you are not able to draw clean line of site to them, you pretend you can, because your plastic robot has sophisticated targeting equipment. I feel like the Tau Missile Pods used to work like this when I played them 6 or 7 years ago. I'm not sure if they still do.
  9. 185 Point Walking Dakka Pred with ability to Intercept/Skyfire. S8/AP4 H4 Re-roll Pen arm cannons S6/AP3 H3 Pinning Missiles that can target different and contextually ignores intervening terrain available for 35 pts 5++ vs Shooting, 6++ vs Melee http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/DEREDEO_PATTERN_DREADNOUGHT.html http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/D/Deredeo.pdf
  10. Can you get a Termie Libby, Assault Termies, DC and DCD in pods and a couple scout squads in like 800 points? I'd imagine those are around 400 points per squad, for the Angel's Fury. What about Angel's Fury and Archangels Sanguine? Then you'd have...4 Storm Ravens and 60 Marines. 10 Tact in SR 10 Tact in SR 10 Tact in SR 10 Stern in SR 10 Vanguard 10 Vanguard And pray the Angel's Fury Formation comes in Turn 1.
  11. Wow! I couldn't tell the difference! They'll go great with my Golden Daemon Paint set!
  12. Once Upon a Time This is a guilty pleasure and I don't want to rate it, because rating it is admitting to enjoying it. And I don't want to enjoy it. DAMN YOU, DISNEY! It's a retelling of all the Public Domain stories that Disney tries to get people to think they made. It's done very well, though. Sometimes the graphics start looking like those old Adventure Tapes or Laser Disc things. Most of the time, it's about the caliber you'd expect from an ABC/Disney TV Show. The cast is all pretty strong, too.
  13. 2 Mil in less than 2 days. Freaking insanity is right. And it keeps going up, like $30/sec. edit: watched it for 5 - 10 minutes. About 1000 backers and almost 40k it went up in that time. 55,002 backers $2,139,092 pledged of $10,000 goal 29
  14. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elanlee/exploding-kittens Card game by The Oatmeal
  15. A very merry unbirthday, to you!
  16. Yeah, I went back and re-read what it was I had read previously and saw where I went wrong.
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