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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. I think you are confusing the Old Ones and the Emperor, but I may be mistaken.
  2. Yeah, but he hasn't updated it in like a year. Probably been busy hashing out Film Negotiations with Fox.
  3. I am so looking forward to this and Civil War. *whets pants*
  4. So the current codex has Lictors as HQ and Broodlords as, what, upgrade character for Stealers?
  5. You know he didn't write that up, right?
  6. I'm convinced they took a Carnafex Carapace and put it on a 3up of a Warrior.
  7. This. I think the Imperium has it wrong. It's not a different species of Nid, it's the fully matured version of a "sub-species." Much like dinosaurs.
  8. The WD cover didn't do much for me beyond "meh," but this pic of it, I can get behind.
  9. Was it Painted smoke effects, or was it a boiler from a model train? I've been looking into smaller scale Steam Locomotives for adding steam/smoke to tanks and the like.
  10. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/SOLAR_AUXILIA_DRACOSAN_ARMOURED_TRANSPORT.html
  11. I'm guessing I haven't had that problem since the NL pads have different size designs on them. Good to know, though!
  12. I've had great experience with the Nightlords Metal going on the plastic. You know, outside the obnoxious ears. They also switched it over to Resin. I thought they had with the entire line, is this not the case? http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Crimson-Fists-Shoulder-Pads
  13. I wasn't a fan of the Avengers or Co growing up, but I just wet myself.
  14. I watched Winter Soldier again. I didn't catch the inscription on the tomb stone the first time I watched it. I love fan service like that.
  15. Demolition Man gave me such hopes.
  16. Agreed. Gotta start somewhere. Although, it's not a sustainable practice in it's current form. It's more novelty, at that. All 10 of the boards are sold.
  17. Lasrifle Infantry with bitz for PW Sgt, Banner Bearer and Vox. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/SOLAR_AUXILIA_LASRIFLE_SECTION.html
  18. Have they been able to make it publicly accessible, or are they still getting KS taken care of? It looks pretty rad.
  19. A child kidnapped from his Missouri home must harness the Power of the universe while assisting his kidnapper in fighting an evil alien bent on destruction.
  20. A Ring? I figured it would be a hat, after reading this thread.
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