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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. Howdy all! I'm in need of a few bits in order to finish my "Chaos Knights to Khorne Bikers" project I have going: -1 Chaos Knight (dude on horsey, not big robot). Would like him to have armored / "non-booted" legs -4 sets of armored Chaos Knight lets (because CSM with leather boots = no bueno) -6 Meltaguns -Khorne heads. Looking for WHFB / AoS heads (Wrathmongers, Skullcrushers, Blood Warriors). Only looking for helmeted heads. Not looking for any 40K / Berzerker heads. Also looking for a single Bloodletter (current plastic). Happy to toss some PayPal your way if you don't mind tossing stuff in an envelope, or I'm happy to go through my bits if you have something you are looking for Thank you!
  2. I'm committed to making it at least once a month for KoW. Could not do weekdays in Portland, but a weekday in Vancouver or weekend at either and I should be able to make it. I think Sundays at Dice Age could potentially be tough; they are only open 12-4, and I think the store is pretty full for Pokémon league when I've stopped on Sundays.
  3. I need to go over my list again and double check my numbers; Battlescribe and Army Builder are giving me two different values, so I may be good with just what I'm getting from Splinx. I'll be sure you hit you up Purajh if I end up needing more of them though, thank you!
  4. Hey all, looking to get my hands on 20 of the Dark Vengeance Cultist with pistol /ccw. Let me know what you have and what you want for them!
  5. I think Skarbrand is way cool, but not sure if I like him in Daemonkin as the HQ of his own CAD, since him or the rest of his CAD doesn't generate Blood Tithe. Take him and a unit of Bloodletters as an allied CAD instead and switch everything else to your Daemonkin CAD?
  6. Price lowered to $275, wants adjusted. Also looking for 2 Chaos Knights (dudes on horses, not big robots), current plastics.
  7. Had a mix up on my end, not going to be able to make it tonight. But I highly recommend to anyone interested in KoW to show up and check it out!
  8. Marc, just a heads up, my friend Tim and I will be there tomorrow around 5:30 for a pick-up game of KoW!
  9. Gamezone makes a pretty cool unit of Bloodknight-esq minis. Not cheap ($60ish for a unit of 5), but cheaper than Bloodknights.
  10. Just a heads up, not sure if I'll be able to make it that week; I've got Mordheim starting up with my other group that Tuesday, not sure if I'll be able to squeeze in two days of post-work gaming.
  11. Not planning on parting them out until I get my Demonkin army together. Understand it's a harder sell that way, but I'm in no rush to move this; worse case scenario I just hold on to them and have a 2nd army :)
  12. I'm still planning on being there, but I found out that my buddy might not be able to make it due to falling ill. Is anyone planning on being there around 5:30 looking for a game?
  13. Pics here: http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/tag/5520612172.html Throwing in Tactical Objective cards as well!
  14. You guys are killing me with those post notifications, heh. Somebody out there must be in need of some Xenos filth!
  15. Should also note that I have a drawer with tons and tons of bits, containing most of the weapon options for everything, most of them still on sprue.
  16. Talked to indytims (aka "my buddy") and we should both be there next week! Think we are both planning on showing up with 1500 points of Ogres and Ratkin, respectively. Brother doesn't have any models or experience, but may show up to observe.
  17. I will talk to both of them either today or tomorrow and let you know!
  18. I can be there after work. Get off at 5 out in Camas, so 5:30 or so.
  19. I probably wouldn't want to jump straight into 2v1, as I'm still fairly unfamiliar with the system. But like I said, I'm happy to watch you guys get a game in; I'll bring my Ogres anyway, in case we have anyone drop in looking for a game :)
  20. Nick, just wanted to touch base with you; Bham and I are planning on meeting at Mythic Realms next Tuesday (22nd) around 4pm. Unfortunately my buddy is unable to game that week, so unless we have a 4th person out there wanting to throw down on KoW that day, looks like we'll have an odd number of people. But like I said before, I'm more than happy to sit out and observe if you and Bham want to get a game in.
  21. So was unpacking some Mordheim stuff the other day, only to discover the sword for my Vampire broke off at some point. So I'm looking for a replacement! Happy to throw some PayPal your way if you don't mind tossing it in an envelope for me :) . Or if you have any bits you might need, I can take a look! Thanks!
  22. As much as I would love to see AoS return to something more closely resembling WHFB, my gut feeling is that we won't see that happening. I think between GW being "all in" on AoS this year (supposedly this year is going to see more AoS releases that 40k, if rumors are to be believed) and the number of players that they hemorrhaged over to other gaming system when they blew up the old world, I think a more likely scenario would be for them to just kill of AoS / WHFB than try and rebrand it a 3rd time, or maybe hand it over to the specialist studio? That is assuming that AoS is doing worse than WHFB. That seems to be the case locally, but I've heard AoS has been better received in the Uk than in the US (source: I don't know, I think I heard it on a podcast). Sorry, a lot of "I think" or "I heard," but just my impressions.
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