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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. Hey all! Thought I would toss up a thread on the subject to get it out in the open, there's talk about doing a meet-up in Olympia for us 9th Agers, as sort of a "halfway point" between the people from down south and up north. Looking for thoughts and suggestions! Sounds like "Olympic Cards and Comics" is probably the place to play. I'll toss out October 15th as a date to consider, partly because it should fall between 9th Age updates, but mostly for selfish reasons (wife will be out of town, heh). However, that's just an idea!
  2. I'm sure it is! Would be nice if the 32 knights I already had could be worked in though, heh. Eagerly awaiting the end of your inventory sir!
  3. Oh jeez, I'm in the market for some Brets, but I think that paint job is too nice for me to try and replicate, heh.
  4. OP updated! Splitting the army up (because who has $300 lying around, AMIRITE?), decided to hold on the Knights. Cheers!
  5. Some great games today! Pestilence Daemons vs Dwarven Holds, Saurian Ancients vs Vermin Swarm, both really close games (10-10 and 11-9, I believe). We're looking at the 27th for next session, I'll put up a thread for that soon. On the topic of an Olympia meet-up, I found out my wife is probably going to California for a weekend in October. Sounds like a good excuse to spend a weekend pushing miniatures around ;)
  6. So minor adjustments / "hot fixes" are happening late August / early September, with major overhaul to BRB in November. Would we want to try and get something on the books between the two, say October? Or we could wait until after the big updates in November, but that's quite a ways out, unless we want to try and work something in during the holiday season :\
  7. Last change on these guys! Dumping them at Guardian tomorrow. Haves! Board Games: NIB Game of Thrones LCG. Two of them, 1 was opened and looked through, 1 still in shrink wrap. $20/ea. Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - core set + The Scourge + Howl of Blackmane $30 for all Mansions of Madness 1st ed $30 Dungeon Run - $20 Risk 2210 - $15 40K Books: 40K Apocalypse book, newest. $25 Codex: Khorne Daemonkin and Datacards $25 Wants! Cash! Firestorm: Planetfall Directorate stuff Dark Age: CORE
  8. Depending on the frequency, I would be very much down! Maybe like once every few months. Very cool! I personally can not make it to Portland on a weekday due to work, but that shouldn't stop others from getting their game on :)
  9. Hope you can make it Brother G! Question for other potential 9th Agers out there: there's been some talk about changing / alternating where we play 9th Age, so 1 group of people doesn't end up doing all the "long hauling" for gaming. Supposing we were to game every other weekend, what times / days/ locations would people like to see?
  10. Thanks man! Too many projects now, not a bad problem to have, heh Thank you sir! I've seen your Nurgle stuff at OFCCs past and have always admired your ability, so I take this as high praise indeed :)
  11. From my limited experience, war machines seems to have lost a little, gained a little. Cannons have to roll to hit now and catapults have a better chance of scattering further. Max damage is capped at 4 wounds per target (5 if you are a flyer). On the other hand, cannons don't pick a point and roll to "overshoot" anymore, so there's less of a guessing game there. Minimum wounds are also up to 2 (3 vs fliers), so the damage output is a bit more reliable. Engineers also help make them more reliable.
  12. Hey all! While I took this weekend off from gaming after OFCC, I did not take it off from hobby time. 9th Age has got me pumped to hit the ground running and keep hacking away at my slowly growing pile of hobby projects. Currently working on getting Daemon Legions (Pestilence style) up and running so I'm not pushing around empty movement trays and grey models. Most of the week was working on assembly and magnetizing stuff I already had built. A 30 man block of Tallymen (well, 24 man + unit filler) Somewhat better pic of the filler, than I cobbled together out of random Blightking parts. ...and the ever satisfying "hold the unit upside down" shot. Nothing satisfied like a good, magnetized unit, heh. Also got a little 10 man unit magnetized... ...and a little 2-pack of Pestilent Beasts. They were originally going to be the Titan Forge Descendants of Decay models, but turns out those sculpts look pretty horrible in person (IMHO). So some extra Chaos Spawn I had lying around fit the bill nicely! Since I can't really glue my Plaguelings together until I paint them, I did just that! 1 unit down, 3 more to go! Hope to have some more progress soon! The Blight Flies are proving to be a major pain to get ranked up, so that should be a fun way to spend my week!
  13. Sadly home-bound this weekend. Hopefully will get my Daemons to a playable state for next weekend though :)
  14. A huge thanks to everyone who works so hard to make the OFCC such a great event, year after year! Big thanks to Kacy for stepping up and running the 9th Age event! Even though Fantasy at OFCC was smaller than previous years, I have to say, it was probably the most fun I’ve had at an OFCC yet… and that’s no small feat, since OFCC has been consistently great year after year!
  15. Ahh, managed to pull a solid 6.66 average with the Ogres / paints / personality! The crowd goes mild!
  16. Hello all! Following a short break to rest and recover from OFCC, a few of us are excited to get some more games of 9th Age in! Looking like at least 4 of us are planning on showing up at noon at Dice Age and getting some games in. Stop on by if you are interested in checking it out, or if you want to get a game in. The more the merrier :)
  17. I'll double check the height when I get home, I think the GW ones a slightly higher though. Regardless, the GW bases have that slight tapper from the bottom to the top, while these are straight up and down, so I imagine you would be able to spot the difference. I have yet to get these painted / based though.
  18. Had such a great weekend, 5 great games against 5 great opponents! Super excited for more 9th Age in the future!
  19. I believe it was canceled: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/27993-x-wing-at-ofcc-2016-now-with-details/
  20. Nice. I already have the game, but not the Lizards or Wood Elves.
  21. You say that so casually, like the loss of "rank and flanks" was just a minor difference between 8th and AoS. Personally, the loss of rank and file is what drove me AWAY from Age of Sigmar; I already had a 40K army, and the blocked trooped movement is what made WHFB tactically different from. When they took that away, I didn't really see any reason to stay with GW and switched over to Kings of War. KoW was great, and I still really like it. But it really did feel like a stripped down version of WHFB, despite what other people (myself included) said. As someone who loved 8th edition and wished the whole "End Times" never happened, 9th Age has been a perfect. You say it feels like a skeleton of 8th, which is fair; it's your opinion, and it's definitely not my place to say you're wrong. In my opinion, I feel like it's LESS of a skeleton that WHFB was, in the sense that it is a community driven project, concerned with balancing the game rather than selling the next big model. I'm not trying to bash on AoS. I think ascetically the game is very striking right now. While I did not care for any of the new Sylvaneth models, I think a lot of the new Orruk stuff looked ace. I'll guiltily admit I like the Stormcast models. Heck, I've got a buddy who is interested in putting together a small AoS force, and now that there are actually points, I'll probably try the game out with him. I think AoS is a fine alternative for someone who is looking to play a cool "mass skirmish" style game with fantasy miniatures. I definitely respect your opinion Mike, and I admire your enthusiasm to get AoS up and running. I think for someone who is looking for a more "traditional, rank-and-flank" style game that continues the spirit of Warhammer Fantasy while fixing a lot of its issues (and doesn't make you buy any books ), 9th Age is the way to go. Again, just my opinion, said will all due respect.
  22. Bump! Hopefully the last one, will probably take everything to Guardian after OFCC
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