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Everything posted by Andrewgeddon

  1. First, glad to see more players giving 9th Age a shot! Love the system, hoping to see a few more faces at OFCC this year :) Regarding hordes, I've been seeing online a lot of people going more of a MSU / MMU route. Playing locally though, I seem to run into big blocks quite often. Personally, I like a big block of troops in the various armies I play, but with the way objectives work in 9th I don't think a horde of troops is as vital as it was in 8th.
  2. No reason you can't do both either! I've got my "Bretonnians" pointed out / organized for 9th Age, and they are pretty much a straight-forward conversion, but I'm looking into getting some Shogun metal movement trays so I can run them as Brotherhood in 9th Age as well. Only thing the Bretonnian range is missing as far as KoW units is the Water Elementals and Forsaken Beast I believe, if you plan on running either of those.
  3. Sweet! I started up a progress "plog" over on the Fantasy section, but having a monthly goal will help keep me on track to get my army ready for OFCC (or at least that's the hope, heh). This month, I will finish / paint this unit of Grail Knights (dated 1/3/17):
  4. We're at the dawn of a new year, and after much waffling between armies, I thought it was time that I committed to working on one for OFCC 2017. I've got the Ogres painted and ready to go, but after bringing them for the last 4 years, I'm hoping for a change in 2017. Hopefully this log is more successful that my Demons log, heh. I've always loved the idea of Bretonnia back in the WHFB days, and I've had piles of them sitting around from various trades that I've done, so I spent some time putting together some models, magnetizing some bases, and listening to inspiring tunes. Here's the list I'm looking at bringing, assuming that: A.) 1.3 is the standard, B.) 4,500 points is what we're playing at OFCC, and C.) there is 9th Age at OFCC next year 😉 Token of the King Duke on Warhorse -Grail Oath -Shield -Dragon Lance -Crusader's Helm -Virtue of Might Paladin of Warhorse -Questing Oath -BSB -Great Weapon -Hardened Shield -Oath of Daring Damsel of Warhorse -Wizard Master -4 Learned Spells (Divination) -Talisman of Roland 44 Peasant Levy -Halberds -Musician & Standard 5 Knights Aspirant -Musican & Standard 11 Knights of the Realm -Full Command 7 Knights of the Grail -Full Command -Stalkers Standard 5 Yeomen Outriders -Shields 3 Pegasus Knights -Gleaming Icon Sacred Reliquary Trebuchet Putting It Together Models that I had in my "to do" pile were a mix of assembled / partially painted stuff I had received in trades and on sprue models. I built what I needed to fill out my units, put disk magnets in the bottom of their bases, and replaced some bent / broken lances with some extras I was able to buy online (suckers are hold to get a hold of). I received some movement trays from warbases.co.uk, as well as a couple sheets of what I thought were rubber steel from Green Stuff World... turns out I got magnetic sheets, which sucks, as they don't quite hold as well as the rubber steel does to the magnets, and the magnet - on - magnet can make some models slide around due to the polarities. Grail Knights + Damsel + a stand in for the Duke. The metal legs are going to be my standard bearer, but he dropped and broke in half 😞 Knights of the Realm + BSB. The BSB came in to me with a broken pole for the standard and a bent sword, but I was able to repair them. Knights Aspirant. Used the older snap-together KotR from the starter set. Need to find a proper banner. Yeomen Outriders. These guys are the FireForge Mounted Sergeants. Nice looking models, but I don't like how they scale up to the rest of the Bretonnian models. I'll have to see if I can get my hands on the old GW models, but these will do for now. Peasant Levy w/ Grail Reliquary. Was lucky to get Reliquary for fairly cheap, due to it being "broken." The lance arm just needs to be glued back on though, heh. Shields will stay off for ease of painting, halberds weren't glued on yet because... lazy, heh. And finally, the Pegasus Knights. Going to have to have to think of some ways to get these guys to rank up a little bit, even with skirmishing. No Trebuchet yet, have to find a model I want to use for it. Next step will hopefully be throwing down some basing and getting models primed (or re-primed). Cheers all, and happy new year!
  5. Definitely interested, going to have to see if I can free up some of the post-Xmas budget! How many spots are available? Any info on team construction rules that will be used?
  6. We will probably play at Dice Age, which means painted terrain. For miniatures, my friend and I like to play with painted minis, but since were looking at starting in January it might not be feasible to have our entire warbands painted. We've got another player interested who almost certainly will NOT paint his minis (has had a Nid army for about 10 years, never painted a mini yet), and another potential player who isn't a mini gamer. I much prefer painted minis, but it's never been a requirement for our various gaming groups.
  7. I watched a few battle reports on the game, am thinking of possibly picking it up as well! Have never played though and have no models, so I doubt I can commit to playing at an event, heh.
  8. 1) You can find PDFs for all the "official" rules here: https://www.hong-crewet.dk/links/mordheim/ 2) I know a lot of people who use round bases for Mordheim. I can't imagine anyone really have a problem with it. 3) We've got a small group up in Vancouver who plays Mordheim. We're on hiatus for the holidays and had some changes with people's availibility, but we might me starting it up in January,
  9. I'm sure it won't be very helpful, as we're located in Vancouver (WA), but a friend of mine has been talking about running some INQ28 / Inquisamunda after the new year. Actually, the ruleset we are looking at using is Age of 'Munda, which is basically modified Age of Sigmar rules. Think the idea is that we keep the rules simple and put the emphasis on story, in order to attract some of our non-miniature playing friends. https://bigbossredskullz.com/2016/11/13/age-of-munda/#more-3498
  10. Thinking about it, I guess the "gather as much wyrdstone as you can" and "loot the enemy" secondaries are very much doable, but mainly because that's something you're going to be doing regardless. I've yet to take the other warband's idol from their wagon though.
  11. I have Mordheim for the PC, and I love it. Mordheim is probably my favorite tabletop game, and I think the PC game does a lot to capture the essence of the tabletop. Gameplay has some large difference: the "fog of war" type system where you don't know where your enemies are until you run into them adds a lot of tension to a game that is largely played again the AI (in my case). Having initiatives that people go at instead of "you go, I go" is different, but works well. I think the best thing about the game is being IN Mordhiem though: the environment looks like what I image being in the City of the Damned would be like. It's weird and creepy and sometimes funny, I love it. Not to say the game is perfect: character progression, my favorite part about tabletop Mordheim, is a lot less satisfying for the digital game (IMO). Also, the AI can be pretty dumb. If I can get my warband grouped up, the AI will often feed me the enemy warband piecemeal. Different deployments help to make that a little bit more challenging though. The game usually devolves into "grab wyrdstone, scrum in the middle," making secondary objectives kinda pointless... but that usually happens in tabletop Mordheim too, so I can't complain too much. Been playing the Undead recently, think I'll get the Necromancer soon! Looking forward to it :)
  12. Updated, added Ravagers, Frostgrave, Deus Vult, updated wants.
  13. Howdy all! Like the title says, I'm on the look out for a couple of the old Bretonnia Grail Knights transfer sheets, either the older style or newer: Maybe I have something to trade, or I can toss some cash your way come pay day :) Thanks!
  14. Office cleaning time, round two! Way too many projects, not nearly enough time on my hands. 2 Dark Eldar Ravagers, NIB Trading these for a friend. He's looking to get the new Blood Bowl box set for the pair of them, but is also looking for Rhinos / Landraiders (standard "Godhammer," no Redeemer / Crusader), possibly of the 30K variety. Frostgrave: -Rulebook -Thaw of the Lich Lord book -Cultist box (NOS) GONE -Soldiers (1 sprue missing, some bits cut off other sprues) PENDING OOP Dark Elves: -Cauldron of Blood - NIB -Dark Riders (4 DR) - plastic / metal,NIB -Cold one Knights - plastic / metal, boxed opened, unassembled (4 per box) -Cold One Chariot - plastic / metal, in box. Cold Ones built, rest unassembled. -15 Crossbowmen - previous edition plastics, assembled Looking for: Bretonnians: Non-Knights stuff: Men-At-Arms, Battle Pilgrims, Damsels, etc. -30K: Legion red book 5 Betrayal of Calth Terminators Leviathan Dreadnought
  15. Just on the Woodelves Treeman I believe. Halfling Treemen still get it.
  16. Via Andy Hoare on Facebook, "Specialist Brands Product Manager at Games Workshop: Hi all I just wanted to address the issue of rules changes in Death Zone Season 1, so we can let you guys know what happened, what’s happening, and then crack on with enjoying Blood Bowl (although Jonathan Taylor-Yorkeinsists the game is not supposed to be fun and that I’m doing it all wrong!). Back when we began the Blood Bowl 2016 project at the start of the year we received numerous messages from players, almost all of them asking us to consider changes to Claw, Piling On and Mighty Blow. Though we were reticent to make any changes to the CRP we thought it sensible to try some alternatives, which our playtest group trialed for several months. At the end of that period however, and in consultation with our contacts in the community, we reached the conclusion these rules shouldn’t be changed, and instead addressed it by making Piling On an optional rule. However, it’s transpired that the dreaded Version Control Goblins have been at our files and the playtest versions of several skill descriptions have got out into the wild and made it into print. So what do we do? Well, the first thing was not to make any knee-jerk reactions, but to listen to what you guys were actually saying about the rules as published. There’s been a lot of perfectly justifiable objection, but in amongst it all has been some very interesting and useful feedback, for which we sincerely thank those that gave it. Having given the matter a lot of thought and having spoken to some very experienced Blood Bowl players, we’ve decided that the best thing to do is errata the skills in question so they reflect what we meant them to say all along. This does mean that a couple of skills will be wrong in the first print run of the book and so we’ll release an errata download when the game is released and ensure that future iterations use the correct wording. Hopefully now we can all enjoy some competitive violence, and I hope to see some of you guys at Warhammer World this weekend! All the best
  17. Supposedly that version of the PO rule was playtested and rejected, but made it into the Deathzone book by mistake, according to the game designers. It's going to be errata-ed on Friday back as it appears in the CRP, except it will be an "optional" rule for leagues.
  18. If someone picks up an extra box set for the minis, I would potentially be interested in the non-mini contents: dice, pitch, measuring thingy, rules, etc... everything that's not the teams :)
  19. Definitely going to check it out! Sounds really cool, love the idea of a turned-based MOBA.
  20. Hey Sam, you can see it here: http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/tag/5848333584.html
  21. Lot is SOLD, except for 1 of the silver Stormravens. Comes with sprue with addition weapon options. $30.
  22. I'll have to see what 4500 looks like for me; I liked 2500, felt like the fight balance of "bring your toys" without taking 4 hours to play a game. Then again, don't have a problem with shorter games.
  23. Does going from 2500 to 4500 really mean anything if the points costs on stuff has doubled? I haven't had a chance to really sit down and get into my books yet, but won't lists look (roughly) similar to they were in 1.1, in terms of size? I know composition will be different with the update, but why the resistance to 4500?
  24. I probably wouldn't be a very good middle man if I gave this to another middle man after a week, heh.
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