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Everything posted by ROGRE

  1. Be safe out there Mooney, we'll see you when you get back!
  2. I should be there for final D&D before the 40k league next week.
  3. Awesome! Tuesday night Raindog.
  4. Chappy and I could bring Templars and Fists against Rhuntar and Mooney's combined Orks. Just a thought.
  5. Turns out we're pushing infinity to another night, I am down for 40k team game Rhuntar.
  6. Gaming gods have smiled upon me. Infinity is a go sav!
  7. My attendance is doubtful at this point. If that changes I'll see if your still available Sav.
  8. Whoa, miniatures are pre-painted too! You have my attention.
  9. Actually I call it Space Ship Dice or sometimes These dice are ships. It is a great time!
  10. I'll be dropping by to hang out.
  11. Happy b-day guys! I think one of you turned 30, welcome to the middle.
  12. I'll be there for D&D and to pay up for a plano case.
  13. Dice Age games in Vancouver used to play Infinity on Saturdays. If they ever stopped I'm sure 3rd edition will have them back and at it again. Give the store a call if you're interested, they are a good bunch.
  14. What is that python eating!? Is it Belakor?
  15. This is what I think too. The corruption mechanic is designed and executed well.
  16. Welcome aboard! Not sure what all is going on but I'll bet somebody will be able to get you some game time. The door usually gets opened between 3-4 and then we usually shut down around 9-10.
  17. Big Tal and I are planning on some 40k. Not sure what he's bringing to crush me with but The Circus is back in town baby!
  18. Don't know ya, but we're damn glad to have ya!
  19. Great times playing couch co-op on the following as mentioned in DT's post above. -Portal 2 -Castle Crashers -Battle Block Theater -Lara Croft: Guardians of Light
  20. I'll be there to hang with the coolest bunch of turkeys I know.
  21. I'll be there, think D&D is happening.
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