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Everything posted by intrizic

  1. He can't for stop loss reasons I don't think an internet cafe is THE idea, I think it's just AN idea. I think the point is that Nathanial is looking for a better business model for the back room. Sorry If I ramble a bit, it's been a tough week. I think he wants to find something that makes more money than what we use it for, also this doesn't just effect us, there is a healthy Warmachine group as well. Guys, Nathanial isn't stupid, look at how he dominated his market. He destroyed the table top competitors in the area (Eagles), and the MTG competitors as well, which I think is more impressive. He's not going to jump to any conclusions, he will do his research. I think this is a gut check time for our club...... ....(A) is DTG our 'home' club house if you will ....(B) or do we attempt to find another house? If (A) do we collect dues to cover some rental agreement * can we subsidize rent by terrain days and teaching hobby classes **is anyone interested in this? **I think the importance of classes cannont be over stated, after watching a new guy stumble through picking up the hobby, this is low hanging fruit ***Maybe be the club buys store armies for each of systems we play, paints and maintains them as part of the rent ****We push more events, part of this will be educating ourselves on what being played in driving distance ( ex: Bolt Action at Mugu's, they are also heavy into 30k )
  2. oh, and in an attempt to give advice and de-rail once again, sorry Jon: is this a good deal? http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20668-h-skaven-w-bretonnians-or-cash/
  3. Admiral Ackbar moment here: I sense a trap....
  4. all of them ALL THE POINTS !!!!!!
  5. oh, one more thing... In all my tournament travels, The Warhamsters are the ONLY gaming group I have come across that do not have to pay gaming dues for a club house.
  6. sorry, missed this: With GW going digital and direct release only, it doesn't really give much of a need to order from DTG ( I know it's not for everything ). I'm not laying all this at the feet of GW, just pointing out that while 40k may still be the most main stream game, for the moment anyway, that it's business model isn't exactly friendly to our situation. Now to take the focus off of GW, which games do we play that are more friendly to our situation? More towards the MTG model? On the topic of the cafe, I learned in the Marine Corps that playing video games is fun, playing video games with friends is more fun and playing video games with a room full of friends is amazing. So, initially at least, i have nothing against a LAN arcade, plus I have heard Nathanial mention wanting to put xboxes in as well. All of that sounds fun. I don't see a reason that DTG can't cater to all nerds. Plus, I have seen a large number of MTG players come back, watch games, take pictures of games, and quote, 'because this is just [big bad swear word]ing awesome' ( apoc game ) and I see the interest in table top grow. While I entirely agree with everyone that Nathanial shouldn't rush into a decision and do the research, I implore all of us, myself included, not to get butt hurt if we don't like the direction of the change. Be constructive with your feedback, make yourself part of the solution, regardless of the direction that is taken. Remember the great thing about change is change, just because he goes in one direction doesn't mean that's the way it will stay.
  7. also, I don't think Nathanial's principal table top game lends itself to a sustainable FLGS experience for either the end user or the FLGS. My intent is not to bash, but to point out, which was done is a much smoother way above, that branching out into other games will probably be key. Nathanial focus on a set of particular games, because of his fondness for them, may be part of the problem: note the use of the term 'may'
  8. All good points Pax, but Sy-Fy channel doesn't have a good history for keeping their series around for long, I'm still bitter about the dresden files :D
  9. 4 seasons on Sy Fy is a pretty epic run for that channel
  10. I can't do a game during the week, does Saturday work?
  11. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/arcadia-quest looks fun, but I'll probably pick it up from the FLGS after the release.
  12. Luthar 6/10 My only problem with the 2 seasons is that the main character is just continually shat upon, nothing goes well for him, which is probably why there were only 2 seasons Sherlock Holmes 8/10: really enjoying these, but 3 episodes a season?
  13. Thor: The Dark World: very solid meh 6/10 maybe 7 because Natalie slapped Chris twice :D I'm usually a sucker for these films but this .... had no pop for me, it was good, I'll watch it several times, but ...no pizzazz, no razzle dazzle Enders game: 6-7/10 WAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaay to rushed, I would have gleefully sat through 20-40 more minutes of battle school and commanders school scenes.
  14. I have these: http://www.mrdandy.com/wargamma-battle-wolves/ will one of them work?
  15. yeah, i was still snowing in Lynden at midnight last night, is amazing the difference 20 miles north will do.
  16. poop, expect bad roads *EDIT let me re-phrase that: expect poor roads and worse drivers
  17. how about "This is Sparta"? can I call you that? ;) I think we need another golden mile by the way, pretty please? I can't make it this Tuesday, can I rain check for the 4th? Between wife and kid getting back from vacation and snow this is a [big bad swear word] week for any plans I may have wanted to do. Seriously, I want to have this talk.
  18. And I was definitely teasing you :D As to the spread of our meta...I think GW is doing a great job of spreading an apparent lack of......something vague that the community can't quite put it's finger on....time will tell, I think we're closer today than ever before. My turn to whine: it is very difficult to prep for tournaments in other places, meaner places. There are armies that I just flat do not play at dark tower. Before DTG I played in a pretty mean meta, you can ask Kingblackrot. You lose a lot of hobby joy in that situation, plus you don't make many new friends. I don't want DTG to be that way, nor do I want to be that guy anymore, but I do still like to compete, I just haven't figured out the best way to do this. I think I need to switch games honestly. I don't think a GW product will lend itself to competitive play anymore, I think the community can forge a competitive scene with the tools provided by GW, but I don't think GW will be very helpful with this. I play table top to socialize. I have seen the future of not being socially involved and I don't want to walk that path, it looks very lonely, plus games are [big bad swear word]ing cool !!! Ok, now I'm just rambling...... I have heard it said that battle brothers are the root of all that's currently evil in the meta, I'm not sure I entirely believe all of that, but I think it's something to consider.
  19. Travel safe, come home... kudos on the most dramatic thread title :D
  20. now who's whining ;) The intent of the thread wasn't to be a complaint session either, more of a.....let's cast our vision chat. What do we want out of our 40k? Do we still want 40k? It's changing and I was like you Huggies01 (cause I'll butcher spelling your name again :D) and thought let's complain about GW and their terrible rules, some of them are so obviously poor but anyway.... We can focus on GW short comings and go no where OR!! We can take this opportunity and move our 'meta' forward in a direction we all enjoy. I think making the move to more LoS blocking terrain has improved things. Using BAO style missions is another improvement ( I strongly believe we need to get rid of first blood/oil )
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