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Everything posted by intrizic

  1. I made the 2nd page of post counts. This was a goal, check it off my bucket list.
  2. So what new Tyranid models did you buy? Firestorm Redoubt (yeah I know there is an exocrine in the list but that ruins the joke )
  3. I got Andy to agree to a 1750 game of 40k. he's my kryptonite
  4. LOL, just noticed the 'rays beard' tag on this thread
  5. last saturday is great for me. Give me time to learn the game :D
  6. this depends on your definition of 'balance'. The best metaphor or analogy, for me, that I've heard for balance goes like this: Balance is not: no one complains Balance is: everyone complaining at the same volume Let's be honest, everyone complains, even Tau/Eldar/X-wing/League of Legends/49ner fans/WoW/WoT/Skylander/MTG/ players complain and that's ok, we're humans, it's what we do.
  7. I too make mistakes with who people are in real life and reconciling them to their super hero names
  8. This. For me it comes down to core army mechanics. I haven't kept up to date on the 'humble proposal' thread, fyi. But let's look at army core mechanics in 6th, please jump in and correct me where I am wrong. CSM, supposed to work the challenge mechanic, you can see what GW was trying to accomplish here, and when it works it's pretty brutal, but it's clunky and difficult. DA core mechanic, stubborn and fearless on key units, with elite armies, both are considered middle/low tier I believe. Chaos Demons: core mechanic, gifts and Warp storm table, gifts are random and the warp storm table is a bit cray cray, mid to top teir? Who was next...Tau? Markerlights and supportive fire, both extremely good core mechanics, easy to leverage with no/little negative sides, top tier dex. Eldar: core mechanic, shoot and run or run and shoot, and negatives versus Slaanesh, who says fluff doesn't determine rules? Fluffy negative affect, but really doesn't come into play, fairly strong core mechanic, top tier codex. Space marines: core mechanic, combat squads and ATSKNF, both strong core mechanics ATSKNF is arguably one of the best USRs in the game, above mid tier codex. Tyranids codex: core mechanic: instinctive behavior, fearless within synapse range, most builds do not function outside of synapse range, not a strong core mechanic, actually punishing. Just some perspective
  9. what if synapse gave FNP? starts at a 0+ for the first synapse unit, improves by 1 for each additional Synapse unit to some maximum, not necessarily 2+ During game play if you lose a synapse unit the FNP roll gets worse, ex; the FNP roll is a 3+ lose enough synapse, goes to a 4+, lose more synapse goes to a 5+ etc.
  10. There should be an award to the game that forges the hardest narrative :D or makes the best forging the narrative pun :D Myself, I forge my narrative as frequently as possible and as hard as possible.
  11. Happiest of Birthdays Mr. Pretre
  12. Excellent point and you are correct. I looked a little deeper and to build the current stat lines in most cases it exactly spot on to the current stat lines as far as cost is concerned, except the fex :D. BUT... I don't think either of us, any of us, would build the current stat line. That was the joy of the old system, the unit isn't going to be shooting a lot? Don't pay for the BS bonus. Unit going to primarily be shooting? don't pay for the initiative, str and WS bonus. But throwing all the stats in there together kinda gives the feel of a half assed space marine. Need a cheap deck chair synapse unit? 66 pts for 3 warriors. 2+ saves were more available, you could even get a really really bad invul save for the Tyrant :D
  13. all those stats were adjustable... I didn't mention force org, you'll have to find someone else to argue with for that
  14. I won money off of your prediction Jim, you just need more confidence in yourself....I think you just leveled up, from godfather to prophet ;)
  15. You didn't have to, that is where build a bug came into play, you got to boost some stats, build the nid to your nefarious purpose of devouring the universe
  16. Cheapish wings for conversions: http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=258 I
  17. so I broke out the 4th ed tyranid codex last night....Tyrants used to be 75 pts, Warriors 14 pts, Carnifexes 85 pts......
  18. hehehe, while I wouldn't want to play against a revenant, you have to admit it would be cool as [big bad swear word] to see one on the table :D
  19. wonderful ty, I paraphrased because I don't have access to the BRB at work.....
  20. thank you for putting the order together
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