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Everything posted by intrizic

  1. so is 2k double force org...but we all ignore that, and it's in the BRB
  2. I feel the firestorm redoubt is much better, at least more resilient, AA than the crone. I think we need to look at the actual wording on shrouding, I believe shrouding is an inclusive rule. I read in an article by Reece that, and I'm paraphrasing here, if any model in a unit has shrouding it give shrouding to the rest of the unit
  3. Still my favorite OFCC game from last year :)
  4. another note that I read somewhere else, ty Reece, Read the shrouding rule: I believe it states, and I'm paraphrasing here, if one model in the unit has shrouding, that model gives the rest of the unit shrouding. So that helps a little.
  5. generally speaking, rules don't generally, there are some exceptions, stop me from going to an event. It's the timing that those rules are delivered to me that stops me from going to an event. If I want to go to an event and I am given all the rules up front, I make peace with those rules, whatever they may be. Events that release rules and scenarios a few weeks before the event....now that burns my grits.... so allies or no allies, I care not. That's not why I go to OFCC. I go to OFCC to grow community and see friends.
  6. me, me, mememememe pick me, my wife is interested as well
  7. Jim, play the list you know, if the Warhamsters have taught me anything, it's play the list you know. If you have time and inclination, some other week we can try the beefy list. I'm also interested in playing your eldar list. @ Corey and Kevin: I want rematches :D
  8. Jim, do you need anything else besides the two Nightscythes?
  9. I agree with you about the psychic powers, but I don't believe all the nid psychic powers are a complete waste, just mostly ;). My concern is enough synapse. If not from the elite slot, where would you suggest looking for synapse? and how many? My knee jerk with not testing says 4-5. I think min warriors with a venom cannon ain't too shabby as well
  10. The 'synergy' of spamming psykers is that you need the synapse anyway. IMO, spamming zo's is legit until proven otherwise. Also a small bonus for zo's rolling powers, they already have one of the powers, so there is an increased chance of getting the FNP power.
  11. YES !!!! I'll prattle a little. Trueborn are an elite choice, they can take 2 splinter cannons in a min squad of 3. Pack them into a venom with an extra splinter cannon, you effectively have 2 venoms if you are able to sit still and 1 3/4 venoms if you only move 6". If you have DE questions I volunteer myself and Kevin. We play pretty divergent types of DE armies, but between the two of us, we cover the spread.
  12. I'd like to see three of the plasma spitters in action (exocrine?), but I think for what you want it to do the Haruspex (sp?) isn't worth it. The crone....so close yet so far in some aspects, to me also is a no. Keep in mind, this is all arm chair with no testing.
  13. I agree with this. I wonder if small spamming units of warriors are the way to go for synapse, I put a venom cannon on them for 10 pts. 600 pts, 6 scoring units, 6 synapse units, then fill the rest of the list with the fastest meanest threat you can find.
  14. you can only shoot 2 tentaclids ( such a bad word lol) a round, the crone won't live long enough to shoot all 4. Haruspex...you might have something there, I'll need to see it on the board before I change me tune of no go. As far as the Haruspex drawing fire, I believe that fire magnets can be cheaper and just as effective. Hive guard, meh again for me. Exocrine...you might have something there too, but my knee jerk is no. There is way too much out there that can shoot them down without breaking a sweat. You are the master and I am the padawan but I'm just not convinced those news units are very good. I think a brutal mix of swarm, MC and buffs may be the way. I misread the spore mine rules, the Fast Attack Spore Mine Clusters can be the business, but the biovore shots.....yeah, not so much.
  15. More than anything else I think the heavy slot will dictate the lists this time around. I think there will be lists from spamming: Carnifex Biovores Maybe exocrines ( I think they are too expensive though, I hope I'm wrong)
  16. I think biovores need some serious attention, I agree with fluger's statement that Heavies are the best in spot in this dex. I think list building should generally start there as to how you want to play your army. With the exception of genestealers, most old units got better
  17. I agree with you zimm Shea, none of the new models are worth it, the crone is not an answer to flyers imo, nor is the haruspex, nor the exocrine.
  18. Pssh I've already cooked up 3 potnetiallly meta SHATTERING lists to unleash on the crunchy on the outside tender on the inside, you might call them space marines, and the super tender, you might call them eldar.
  19. any how is it Tyranids have the only FMC on stands?
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