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Everything posted by intrizic

  1. Jim, I have to bail, please accept my most sincere apologies for any inconvenience.
  2. I don't play fantasty, so please pardon my ignorance. Does fantasy even scale well?
  3. serious Laugh out loud moment, ty Pretre
  4. Sounds great, I'll be waiting bwahahahaha
  5. I'm rolling a new list, no poison, 1850 is fine Jim, if you are interested.
  6. Sounds like Shea is volunteering, I nominate Shea
  7. That sounds like the voice of experience :D, which trumps my arm chair. Thanks for the feedback. I haven't had an opportunity to get any games in with nids yet. But I have been wracking me brains on lists. The only list theory, pure armchair here, that I keep coming back to is threat overload. I feel that if the list doesn't max out every FOC slot, it's wrong. What's your take on that Mr. Winterman?
  8. pure armchair here: my guess is that the Mawloc craze will pass and that it's just the current cycle of test lists coming out. I feel the mawloc will prove to be too random to be reliable.
  9. :D, yes I mostly kidding, and I absolutely agree with both of your points, but I don't think there is a David build in the Nid codex to take on those Goliaths. Let's just let bygones be bygones and focus on a more...reasonable expectation level, maybe we'll find gold there, or at least a less brutal test environment.
  10. We are probably setting the bar too high by using Tau as an example of 'why not'. Let's focus on a more reasonable target, Chaos Space Marines.
  11. Great point Shea, and I agree. I just don't know a better path at the moment. If only there was someone more technically inclined than either of us.......
  12. I'm lvl 30, mostly I play support, but I'm learning jungle. Also: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/18172-league-of-legends/
  13. yxix, I love to play LOL, but be warned i'm not good
  14. We have a Facebook page we almost never use. On the surface this is a BFD kind of a thing: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bfd But, if you take the blue pill and go down the rabbit hole a little bit I will explain the importance of the FB. We are an active and talented bunch of gamers, we really really are, believe that, this is a FACT and it is the TRUTH. We have gifted ourselves with an amazing gaming community. I have been reaching out to potential sponsors for the June 21st Warhamster open 40k tournament, most notably is Worldsmith industries :D, Dreamforge games. They only way some of these potential sponsors will have any idea who we are as a club, potentially, is Facebook. We need pictures of game nights, Tuesday night gaming, painted figs, Apoc battles, pics of painted kickstarter models, you get the picture. So when people from the club reach out to potential sponsors, or gaming companies for which we want to run events for their games ( i probably could have said that better ), they can research us and see that we are active and would be a good club to support. Rant off
  15. On a related note: I ran into an old friend of mine from the Battle Den, Kyle Ricks. Kyle is the only Press Ganger in Bellingham. I invited him to our next club meeting. Kyle has found our Warhamster facebook page ( OH [big bad swear word] that reminds me of another rant I need to bring up at our next club meeting), but to my point, could be please post the date of our next club meeting on the Facebook page? I will try to remember, but I may need some help.
  16. napalm, napalm sticks to kids.... sticks to kids in the orphanage.... ty marine corps running cadence
  17. /grows concerned at Jim's use of the term 'wetwork'......
  18. and by hiding you mean off the board, remember 30 inches of hot thick smart missile system firing at that oh so fierce 5+ armor save, gives you dead venomthrope every time, just out of LoS isn't enough
  19. yeah, it's rather unsettling how often Tenaya pwns my punk ass at games. I liken it to the old days of Street Fighter II in the arcade: If you come up against an established player playing certain character, you roughly know what to expect it's the noobs that are just button mashing you have to worry about, cause those guys you can't predict.
  20. Just as an FYI: Matt (his superhero name is Kingblackgrot) is my apprentice for next year
  21. gah, at first I was all 'hell no', now, after the Apoc battle, I'm like...hmmmm
  22. same here, any weekend is good but seriously not the nineteenth
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