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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. From the album: Chappy's Stuff

    Emperor's Fist formation for 2016 OFCC
  2. Handled. Greg from Kill!Maim!Beer! will get this stuff from Gabi's today.
  3. I have Daemons of Khorne. I will bring them.
  4. I will be there for Blood Bowl, 40k, board games, and whatever else we want to do. Anyone want to teach me Age of Sigmar!?
  5. Hello ladies and gents, Looking to off load the last of my armies. On the block today is a 2nd edition style space marine army. All the Marines are metal with plastic arms. All the vehicles are older editions that have been found and refurbished by myself. Some of the models are stripped, some are new, some still have paint on them. Either way, you get the idea. The army is in good condition for an army that came out around 1997. Without further adieu: 2 Land Raiders converted to be Crusaders 1 Land Raider hull (missing sponsons and a door or two) 1 Vindicator 1 Whirlwind 1 Whirlwind (NiB) 4 Rhinos (NiB) Bitz to make a rhino into a vindicator and a predator. 1 Land Speeder (2nd edition metal) 1 Dreadnought (2nd edition metal with Assault Cannon, Powerfist) 1 Mk 7 Tac marine with molded Plasmagun 1 Mk 7 Tac marine with molded Meltagun 20 Mk 7 Tac marines 3 Mk 6 Tac marines 4 Mk 5 Tac marines 3 Mk 7 Tac marine Sergeants with Powerfists 2 Mk 7 Tac marine Sergeants with Poweraxes 1 Mk 7 Tac marine Sergeant with Powersword 1 Mk 7 Tac marine Sergeant with Bolter and Auspex 23 Mk 7 Assault marines 3 Mk 7 Assault marine Sergeants with Powerfists 1 Mk 7 Assault marine Sergeant 10 Mk 7 Devastator marines 4 over the shoulder Lascannons 8 over the shoulder Heavy Bolters 2 over the shoulder Missile Launchers 2 Mk 7 Captains with Bolter and Powerfist 1 Mk 7 Captain with Powersword and off hand weapon 1 Rogue Trader Chaplain 1 Chaplain 1 Librarian with Force Sword 1 Rogue Trader Inquisitor 1 Apothecary 2 Techmarines 3 Standard Bearers 1 Ultramarines Captain Sicarius (2nd edition) 1 Marneus Calgar in Power Armor 2 Ultramarine Honor Guard with Axe and Bolter 1 Ultramarine Honor Guard with Banner and Gladius Now, I am including all the bits I have for this army, with this army. Some are old arms and bolters, some are new. Either way it will look awesome when on the table top. Asking price is $450.00 or best offer. Also willing to trade for Orks. Newer edition. Preferably in good condition. Will trade in your favor due to the fact that I may be moving out of country in the near future. Pictures available upon request. I will bring this army to OFCC for people to look at and possibly buy/trade. -Chappy
  6. Hello Ordo. Did you get excited and purchase Skarbrand; only to realise you don't need/want/like him or his rules? Well then, I would love to help you out. I am looking to get him. I have 40k stuff to trade and money to spend. Hit me up with an offer. -Chappy
  7. Yeah. That rule needs to die in a fire. Lol.
  8. WANT IT! Team Warboys challenges Devlan Studs round 1! Lol.
  9. One might think you are being sarcastic.;)
  10. On Tuesdays it is usually 4:00pm to whenever a Senator closes up. Sundays you would have to ask Jay.
  11. With 5 Knights at the house, I am excited for these. Hopefully they won't be too expensive.
  12. Come on suckas! It's time to sweat it out at WOW!! Spike practice will be in full swing Tuesday as will be some 40k OFCC practice. Bring your team or bring an army. If neither of these things interest you, you're a heretic and the Inquisition will be by shortly. Don't be a heretic. Come to game night.
  13. I have these as leftovers. 2 Forgeworld Skinwolves $30.00 Help me make them go away. -Chappy
  14. Dayum.It's like that huh? Alright little man, bring it. I had our challenge privately, but now, IT'S ON! WHAT'RE YA GONNA DO BROTHER!? WHEN THE RUSS-AMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!?
  15. Come one, come all, to the mighty game night at WOW. Board games, Blood Bowl, and OFCC 40k practice are on the list of things to do. I myself will be challenging the Lord of Bacon, first of his name, slayer of pork, builder of things, and collector of miniatures; to a game of 40k.
  16. Challenege their team first round. It is a thing and it is allowed.
  17. 6 attacks on the charge Furioso Dreads. Oh man. That......that is pretty neat.
  18. Holy Mork! (Or perhaps Gork)Scotty the Big Mek is back!
  19. Well, I know how I am going to be playing my pods. They will deepstrike in with the doors closed, scatter, and then land. My marines will disembark, standing on the ramps of the doors the way The Emperor intended. I will measure from the hull, and not from the petal doors. If my opponent does any of the shananigans that are presented on all the websites on how to "make drop pods OP" then I will pack my army up and move on. And if my opponent doesn't like the way I do it, then fine. I don't feel the need to eek out every single thing to pull off a win with my little plastic dudebros. If you need me, I'll be at the bar with all the other players that allowed Shrike to join before the FAQ, dislike formations, and still lament the loss of the 3rd edition Chaos Codex.
  20. Shrike can join squads and infiltrate! FINALLY!
  21. XBox One/XBox Live gamertag: DeathJester57 This game is a riot!
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