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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen attending OFCC, I am proud to announce the continuation of Bronson's "pub style" quiz this year at the Club Challenge. Due to difficulties last year fitting into the restaurant, being able to hear, and other issues; we have decided to do this in the main hall an hour after the "dice down" call on Saturday night. This quiz will be 20 questions across all spectrums of geek and nerd culture. Some popular themes will be: Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, popular anime culture, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Warmachine, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica (new series), Red Dwarf, Wing Commander, and many many more. Be sure to bone up on the geek trivia and I will see you Saturday night. -Chappy
  2. I will be in Tacoma in 2 weeks. I frequent the GW Tacoma store pretty regularly.
  3. New in box with the plastic still on it: Space Marine Assault Squad - $25 Space Marine Sternguard Vets - $30 Located in PDX.
  4. This.I am all for nostalgia, but can we get a dude that works with the rules and isn't hamstringed by a 25 point upgrade that very few people take?
  5. I do. Let's do an "Old Skool" mission. I am still missing a couple. Looking forward to it.
  6. I will be there with 40k. Any points, any mission. Yes, I have a key. I can be there whenever.
  7. Going to miss this one. I have Air Force commitments.
  8. I am there. 2000 points of 40k violence served up hot and fresh!!
  9. Technically still works.
  10. You want to scare the poop out of your opponents? Fear not, I have the model for you. I am selling the one and only An'ggrath the Unbound. I have already built him and gap filled with green stuff. His whip was lame so I upgraded him with the plastic Bloodthirster's flail. Trust me, he looks amazeballs. Comes on a large oval base. Pics upon request. Looking for $125.00 firm.
  11. That looks like a heavy black wash over boltgun metal. (Or whatever it is called nowadays.)
  12. I am stuck in Washington until Friday. No gaming for me this week. You all get to survive one more week.
  13. 1 box of 5 Immortals/Deathmarks 1 box of 1 Nightscythe/Doomscythe Both boxes still have plastic on them. Asking $25.00 for the Night/Doom Scythe. Asking $15.00 for the Immortals. SOLD
  14. I can. I will fight your Dark Eldar.
  15. Looking for a 2000 point 40k game for the league.
  16. Date of Game: 4/21/16 Opponent: Peter.Cosgrove Did you play 1000+ points per side? (Y/N) Y Did you play a league mission? (Y/N) Y Did you bring snacks to share? (Y/N) N Did you play someone for the first time? (Y/N) Y How many bonus league points did you earn? 0
  17. Date of Game: 4/19/16 Opponent: NathanVoodoo Did you play 1000+ points per side? (Y/N) Y Did you play a league mission? (Y/N) Y Did you bring snacks to share? (Y/N) N Did you play someone for the first time? (Y/N) Y How many bonus league points did you earn? 0
  18. Jesus. It's like you are consigning yourself to the gallows. Alright man. What you want? 1500? 2000?
  19. The Sisters of the Ebon Chalice seek an army to cleanse! 2000 points ready to purge the unclean with the holy trinity of Bolter, Flamer, and Melta. Any takers?
  20. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/27537-40k-schedule-and-list-entry/
  21. Right. And watch that Marine be the Imperial Marine with the Disintegrator Weapons. >POOF!< "Well, there goes your Daemon Prince. Good game."
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