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Everything posted by Fixxer

  1. https://www.wyrd-games.net/bad-things-happen?utm_source=Wyrd+Games+Newsletter&utm_campaign=cf1fecea16-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_11_06&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b5e6c20880-cf1fecea16-128053381&mc_cid=cf1fecea16&mc_eid=084e91c08c
  2. Fixxer

    Moar Demos!

    Had a few demo games last week with a few new players that went fantastic. IMO.... they might feel differently. LOL Perhaps added a couple new players in the mix here on Ordo. Slowly but surely we will have an active group in PDX... If anyone else is interested in getting a game in, let me know! I have crews to loan for learning purposes. YEAH!!
  3. This is a solid interview and gives really interesting insight to the mind of a game developer, how they react to community, and what the origin of creation entails. The interviews start at about the 40 minute mark. Part 1: http://www.combatphase.com/2017/10/01/episode-214/ Part 2: http://www.combatphase.com/2017/10/07/episode-215/
  4. I was able to preorder this dude during Gencon this year. All of the factions got 2 pre release models and I unfortunately did not get the Cyclops but see that they are being released really soon anyway. Grootslang was painted the week I got him and has seen the table in every game since. I think he is a solid model on paper and wanted to see him work with each of my NB masters. He's only a 6 stone minion so I dont usually have a problem fitting him in any master's crew. What he does is after both sides have deployed my crew places 3 50mm lair markers on my side of the table. These are height 0 and are not severe or hazardous. They are simply markers that the Grootslang can teleport between. He needs a 7 of any suit and has triggers on rams and masks for additional goodies. He unfortunately cannot interact on the turn he does his lair to lair action, so it keeps him from making claim jump or other interact schemes more difficult for him to preform. When he is touching ANY terrain marker (only created markers, so Lilitih's illusionary forest, waldgeist's wild growth, emissary's hungry land markers & proboly more) he gets a + to ALL FLIPS except damage but does +1 damage. This is really good, but keeps him tethered to his markers which makes placement of said markers a very important decision. He is on a 5mm base and has a 1" and 3" attack, which does give him some reach to finish off damaged models and engage for things like interference. Overall I am very pleased with the model. He has done great in some games and has gone down quickly in others which speaks to the glass cannon style faction NB can be. Get out early and kill because you wont be sticking around... at all. He wont be an every game inclusion but adds a nice piece for games like Guard the stash or Interference. He can punch above his SS cost if used properly, so for a 6SS minion, I am sold. I look to bring him with Lilith most of the time with all the markers available in her crews.
  5. Oh, I’m sorry Derk... we could play some Malifaux too. Perhaps this way you won’t forget about your miners all game! Lol I would like to play your Gremlins sometime though.
  6. Me too man! Was such a solid game. I learned a ton in that tournament. Getting smashed every game... LOL. Now, I might actually stand a chance against you. :) Hopefully we will cross paths again soon for a rematch.
  7. Coming up on my first year in on this game and I have to say its been a blast. I started with the Neverborn faction because I am always attracted to playing bad guys for some reason and really liked the different characters of the faction from the onset. My first master to be completed was Dreamer. A summoning powerhouse and according to the internet, at the time, one of the better masters in the tournament/competitive play. Although fragile he offers a lot of in game flexibility with summoning being his main focus as a master, its just imperative that you keep him safe and away from hard hitting enemies. The tricky thing about Dreamer is that he can turn into Lord Chompy Bits (LCB) in game and his mechanic for doing so is an interesting challenge to play around. LCB is a melee powerhouse that can be brought in 6" from Dreamer when he reaches Waking +4. Dreamer then buries, or removes himself from play and danger, while LCB is on the board killing things with melee attacks. With a new Wave 5 upgrade, he will be able to chain activate LCB for a plethora of attacks with no break in between. Pretty tough to pull this off, but can be a game winning move when its executed properly. I play him most, more than half the time I play Malifaux, I'd say and I'm not even close to being bored with him. I also have Lilith, Zoraida, and I just got Titania for my NB. As I play more and learn the different schemes and strategies I am starting to realize the importance of picking the correct master from the faction given the different mix of objectives that could come up. When learning the game initially, I think its important to stick with one master at first and expand within the faction after realizing the different strengths and weaknesses of each master VS Scheme pools. Dreamer is better at interference or guard the stash while Lilith would prove better in a head hunter or collect the bounty game. Zoraida or Titania for Informant. With 4 schemes randomly generated (1 scheme is an Always scheme) this could mean I might change masters out based on the combination of these options. Maybe Lilith would be better in Informant because "eliminate the LD" or "a quick murder" is in the pool. This aspect of the game, the list building after the schemes and strategies are produced, is one of the more compelling parts of the game. The decision making before the game even starts can make or break your performance on the table. This design for game set up alleviates the "net listing" that generally occurs in tabletop games. Yes there are better models than other in any situation, but being clever and finding uses for models or even BLUFFING with a certain model makes the game interesting and dynamic outside of stat lines, probabilities, and power creep that will generally occur in any game this vast. You play the other player in Malifaux more than the design team for whatever faction or model you are facing. Meaning that good models need to be used properly to gain full advantage, A great model/crew can be squandered by poor play. I love it. We have GG2018 being open play tested by the community and it looks to be a nice change up to the scheme pool and strategies which I think will keep the game fresh for me. GG2017 had its issues and favored certain types of masters in the game, discouraged smaller, elite crews, and had 2 suited schemes, meaning you saw them more often than all the others. Just the fact that new scheme pools are released every year is awesome for Malifaux. I am going to start focusing more on playing Gremlins for 2018. I almost have 3 masters and crews fully painted at this point and would really just need to commit my mind to their play style. Looking at Ulix, Zipp, and Mah Tucket. Of course, Zoraida can be played as a Gremlin as well. With wave 5 upgrades for all masters, Mah Tucket seems like she is playable again and I assume I'll use her quite a bit. Zipps new upgrade made him play similarly to Leviticus with bury/unbury mechanics. And, of course, Ulix, my favorite gremlin has some sweet pig synergy that I cant get enough of. So yeah, Ranting out on almost a year in... Hope to see more people show interest in the coming months Id be happy to help in any way I can to get more folks playing. A lot of competition in the skirmish game market though... Rant out!!!
  8. Seriously though, great looking models sir. Sad to see you selling, hopefully someone gives them a good home and uses them. Take care.
  9. Bummer... such a great game since 2e... you’re tripping. 🤠
  10. Baffles me that the Ordo crowd isn't more into this wonderful game. I really enjoy the characters and world they've created. Very unique and original in the scheme of things available now in the gaming world. I will continue to post about it and hope that people eventually come around. Throw out your dice and grab a deck of cards... You'll never look back. :)
  11. Hey, We play Malifaux at Guardian Games on Friday nights if anyone is interested in coming out and playing or just checking out the game. Wave 5 book is out and new master upgrades, an exciting time.
  12. Hey dude! 

    You still have those Malifaux models? You looking to play ever or are you moving on from that too? I have been playing a lot.... got a pretty solid group of players locally if you are ever trying to get a game in.  Hope all is well. Later!

    1. djellum


      no i still have them with no plans to sell.  im real busy so just kind of time locked right now.  once my wife goes back to school I may have some extra though. 

      I have just been enjoying painting to be honest.  im about 3/4 done painting all my stuff.  been way more into that than actually playing lately.

      I'm not moving on from Fantasy, just selling off extra stuff.  I still have 2 armies, but I inherited a ton of equipment when my step dad died so Im trying to fit a full jewelers shop and a whole bunch of reloading stuff in the closets.

      I know you shoot, are you interested in reloading.  I have a whole setup id get rid of cheap just to buy some other stuff and get it out of my way.

    2. Fixxer


      Dave, sorry to hear about your father. I am happy to hear that you are still interested in playing Malifaux and possibly 9th age. I have a few fantasy armies also, not looking to sell, ever. I like 9th age, but am really into playing Malifaux right now as its fresh, interesting, and new. 

      No space for anything like that right now, unfortunately. As much as i'd like to tinker around with something like that, lack of space keeps me from committing. 

      We need to try and get together sometime, its been far too long. I'd play anything you'd be interested in. LMK.



  13. Malifaux game nights at the Portland Game Store are on Tuesdays. Starts around 5pm and goes until closing at 10pm. Please stop by and check it out if you're at all interested in the game. I can get you a demo or show you the ropes, whichever you prefer.
  14. Kids do that from time to time!! Hope all is well in the end.
  15. Anyone up for a game or demo tonight at Dice Age up in Vancouver?
  16. Thanks for breaking this down Ben, looks exactly right. With the 9th Age, the Waagh does not give static combat rez, it gives another bonus which might be as good for dealing damage and getting that CR to stack. I do think it works as well in the new edition even though the general consensus is that Orcs arent good with shields. Frankly, I find them to be the best... cheap, T4 LA and Shields is darn good. With only 3 RnF models to target some models will have to target T5 Characters which will lower their chances even more of getting wounds through. I find the build to be completely viable in this edition, its a unit that your opponent will need to take out for in order to obtain enough VP to beat you, most likely. The reason I say 35 was because they were Big Uns in the last edition in order to get the banner on the standard and have WS4. Now with the newer rules, I believe you can get the standard on a normal orc unit now and shields which will effectively make them WS4 as most units will need 4s to hit with the parry rule. You can run regular orcs bigger than big uns due to pt cost. 25mm bases do get a little unwieldy if they are too large, be careful with that. Also, I didnt typically want this unit to BE charged... It was out there to CHARGE with a WAAGH for a game winning attack. With all the chaff O and G have, this unit can get lost in a sea of threatening green and wait for its opportunity. Again, not a sure thing but practice will help to make this a very strong strategy, IMO.
  17. One of my favorite builds in 8th edition was a 35 block of Big Un's with sword and board with the general and a BSB in there and the battle banner +1 CR on the units standard. This gave me 6 static combat rez. Now, if the general Waaghs on the charge for the additional D3 plus the charging combat rez, your at anywhere between 8-10 static. At that point your opponent needs to swing at an Orc lord, Big Boss or a big un who are WS 4 T 4 with light armor and shields... tough to get a lot of rez there to even tie a combat. This means most likely that you will auto break units on the charge. Mind you M4 is unlikely you charge, but I've seen people charge that unit only to bounce off and give the orcs free reign. As for the new edition and T9A, I dont know how well this would work but hey... perhaps you could get close to a build similar. In that case, they'd be worth looking into.
  18. Fixxer


    I do have Paypal and would be happy to ship or even drop off something. I am headed up to Bremerton this weekend for a wedding, would be departing Thursday afternoon and coming back Monday, could stop in Olympia at Olympic Cards and Comics if youre interested in meeting up. Im in Vancouver so I'll be driving through anyway and am familiar with that store and Gabby. I just got an offer on the Dwarfs, what were you interested in?
  19. Fixxer


    Thanks for the heads up Andozane, I appreciate it. Unfortunately I will not be in town on Monday to make that happen. Perhaps I should try Ebay or some other forums specifically for buying and selling minis. Cheers.
  20. Fixxer


    No Nurgle interest? Didnt they just get new releases for each GW game? I mean, make an offer. I got some Plaguebearers and Nurglings available, they need an army to join. I'll entertain offer on everything. Thanks!!!
  21. Fixxer


    I play Neverborn, Gremlins, and Guild. Will also be interested in any Outcasts/ Mercs. 3'x3' game mats are also on my list. Thanks!
  22. Fixxer


    Looking to sell excess GW stuff. I will make good deals for cash, let me know. 50 Metal plaguebearers (includes x5 command groups) -$40 obo I also am now looking to sell my HE army also. $200.00 OBO Off the top of my head: *All grey plastic or metal unless otherwise noted. 20 Pewter White lions 6 Pewter Dragon Princes 7 Pewter Shadow Warriors 15 Silver helms 20 Archers 20 Spears (different stages of assembly) 28 Seaguard IoB 24 Swordmasters IoB 15 Reavers IoB Prince on Dragon x2 Princes on Griffon IoB (1 is converted, head swap/weapon swap) 3 Bolt throwers BSB on horse Mage on horse lion chariot *SOLD Various HE characters Pewters and Plastics. This army is in wonderful condition, please make an offer. Thanks! ADDED** Circle of Orboros starter box with Werewolf, x2 cerebus, and warcaster. **Metal. $15.00
  23. Hello all, Just thought I'd post this here. Gen Con last weekend had Malifuax adding some great upgrades to all masters, pre-released models, and a hint at gaining grounds 2018. Exciting times for us Wyrdos... Spoke briefly with Roy at Dice Age about possibly doing a Henchman program at his store. This means a weekly game night and events every 3ish months. Please let me know if any of you guys would be interested in a demo or if you have a night that you'd prefer for weekly's. I have multiple painted crews and would be happy to show anyone the ropes. Thank you.
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