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Everything posted by scottshoemaker

  1. Something bigger, I was thinking a wraith unit... I should say for necron allies for orks, mad mekboy and all that
  2. What necron unit should these be, assuming 2-3 inches tall? I'm at work, bored right now.
  3. I honestly would probably build something like this from a collector standpoint rather than an entire army, but you never know...
  4. I'm seeing lots of cool miniatures that I'd like to use as completely "new" races. My first idea is some long lost not imperial advanced humans, but using the tau codex. Any issues?
  5. Speak of the devil... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blood-and-Skulls-Industry/302835446422577?fref=ts
  6. Or, take your tanks and point out to your opponent you have to table them to win. It takes the sting out of OMG ARMOR WALL! No different than an Ork army with Deff Dreds as troops... Its OFCC, the point is to have fun, not win for the sake of winning.
  7. Great article on warseer with many, many wheel/track configs http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?392457-Taurox-for-those-thinking-of-arming-them-with-wheels
  8. I knew I had seen those wheels before, I first thought from Zinge but they're from Blood and Skulls: http://stores.ebay.com/Blood-and-Skulls-Industry Yes, I spend way too much time looking a toy tires...
  9. These, I only need 10 or so. I'm open to any alternative sources if someone can provide a link. (Perry Miniatures is a good example, but I can't seem to find just the heads)
  10. Via Terminus est http://greenblowfly.blogspot.com/
  11. Hey! I'll take anything!
  12. Build the ork ships, maybe cast them up then
  13. Plastic communion cups. http://www.amazon.com/Communion-Cups-Box-1000-Disposable/dp/0805471219/ref=pd_sim_b_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0XVRZCW0JD2743JM9NED
  14. I actually hope this codex suffers from a horrible case of scope creep on par with tau & eldar. Something crazy like "Orks ignore overwatch wounds, can run shoot & assault, and get FNP 2+ when they WAAAGH!". Not that I'm wish listing...
  15. I just want them to work better. Oh and more medium tanks. I want to shut up the whole FW is or isn't argument.
  16. Grot tank sneak peek: Just hulls at a snails pace for now.
  17. http://anvilindustry.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/AnvilIndustry/photos_stream Anvil's great for alternate Space Marines, they are producing their own game now and coming out with some neat looking figs:
  18. Looks like they reused the same template from Overstock.com. Big O indeed.
  19. Casio watches are no longer cool...
  20. Bumping this, I had tons of issues last night after I switched colors and the needle juice and cleaning segments really helped.
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