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Everything posted by ninefinger

  1. Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: All games are welcome. Currently we have Infinity and 40K, and a kill team campaign. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game before comingdown. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop in and check it out.   Im planning to be there, but have a few errands that could interfere. Ill have some warcry and Kill Team with me
  2. I’m in for the season. Can’t make the 14th, however.
  3. Looking great Scott! ill try and remember to snap some photos of my warbands in progress and throw them in here
  4. @zcaust83 are you still linked in here? Any advice?
  5. That sounds great. I’ll bring my orks and thousand sons. Both should be pretty straight forward, so whatever you’re feeling.
  6. Likewise, let me know if anyone wants to give it a try on Tuesday or Suinday Game nights at WOW
  7. im always happy to throw down some Kill Team. I should be there around 4, but hanging all night. I'll also have some warcry with me, and likely some painting projects
  8. They’re super handy for tracking tokens and activations. And they’re 8 bucks.... I’ve paid more for blank gw paper. What were you expecting?! 🤣 I’ve made a full turn around after playing necromunda and Kill Team. Cards are super handy. I’d rather use them than printing off a roster, personally. if it’s a set I didn’t pick up, I’m happy to buy them off you, and have them available at the clubhouse for folks to try (I picked up nagash, goblins and fish elves)
  9. I’d love to play some warcry or kill team, so I can get out of helping pack. Should be there around 4 or so.
  10. There should be a couple set aside all weekend. Friday events are not quite as big as saturday and sunday, so there should be plenty of extras available all day.
  11. That sounds rad! if y’all are around on Friday, and not doing other events, there should also be open table space at ofcc, for what it’s worth.
  12. Life update: October is looking like it’s clear again, so full steam ahead.
  13. I’ll be there to give the Warcry rules a hackthrough
  14. I picked one of these up. Really loving it!!!
  15. Okay, so I’m sort of a liar. Highly likely that I’ll be out of town on a work trip for much of October. I’ll finagle or extend the dates a little bit as I come up with concrete plans, or coerce someone else into running things for me.
  16. Alright, I’ve been lax in my updates here. but in June, Jay, Tyler and Brett were Or prize winners. The station suffered bombardment, with forces in squares on the edge of the board being destroyed on a 4+ roll. In July, there are three objectives on the board that are moving randomly (d8) on a 3+ every Tuesday. One of them is a fake, but the three locations will be revealed at GN on 7/30. I have a sneaking suspicion that the station will be bombarded again, after that, but surely the objectives are TOO CRITICAL to risk, right? (I’ll edit in some photos into this post when I get a chance)
  17. Just wanted to get it on your radar, I’m hoping to run a league/campaign/event for this throwback game this October at the Ordo clubhouse Nothing cemented at the moment, but feel free to chatter about the game here, in preparation if anybody wants to do get some testing/learning games in anytime, give me a holler. I’ve got more than enough orks for anything you’d feel like fielding, if you don’t have them.
  18. There’s 25’mm necromunda bases for you in the locker
  19. I’ll have Kill Team with me, and have the rules for Daemons from the new White Dwarf, if anybody wants to give them a try. In the Campaign, the objectives are in the Move, with only a handful of game nights left before the next prize draw!
  20. Cool. I’d still love to give it a try
  21. I should be there around 4 to open up with Kill Team and hobby projects.
  22. I should be there by 4 (have to grab a couple things between work and the club), and occasionally @Blustorm or I are able to open by 3:30-ish ill have some kill team with me, and be updating the campaign
  23. I’ll be there for Tuesday, with the prize pack for June. I think I’ll be drawing or rolling for 3 people, and be PMing our winners shortly. Im also hoping to have some AM and/or Orks to throw down with for Kill Team
  24. i''ll be there shortly with some Kill Team!!
  25. Only two more game nights to stake a claim on Psi Delta-X and be in the running for June's prize draw!! So either come on out, or shoot me your match reports if you’re playing elsewhere ill be there with Kill teams to spare
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