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Everything posted by Myster2

  1. I'll step up and be a captain if we can get 3 others. I have no idea what i'm doing but i feel like i should fit right in...
  2. Anyone have the lizardmen book handy? I can't remember if the new book specified that just the carnisaur has frenzy once it deals a wound.
  3. Paint 29 "battle nuns" (Deamonettes of Slaanesh) Paint 40 "Painbearers" (Plaguebearers of Nurgle) Come up with a Khorne Cannon Conversion to order Paint 3 "White wolves" (bloodcrushers) Paint 5 "White panthers (need a better name) (Flesh hounds of Khorne) Come up with unit fillers and creative bases.
  4. And you are right, whoops sorry about that. Well crap, how come my skinks never do that good vs monsters? :) I concede to both of your points, it is a lot of poisoned shooting. I'm running a similar list in the sparkle party deathmatch for really the sole purpose of redirects, i wasn't paying attention to the monster shredding aspect. I guess the only question I would have is would having two units of skirmishers and two units of 20 cohorts be okay? Or else we are limited to just saurus for core. (swarms also have poison).
  5. This list is strong but i don't think i would have issues playing it. The whole concept of your list is to out maneuver your opponents while having a huge stubborn infantry block that shoots, throws magic and fights very well. Just like many lists your list will crush some lists and have issues with others (anyone with purple sun or dwellers will just target your main unit). Any list that is slow moving and can not maneuver well that has high value units in the backline will get routed. It's hard to not look at a list and judge it from the perspective of the army you usually play as, I think as lizardmen without a life or death slann (almost nobody runs either of these anymore) I would get crushed. As High Elves, it would be balanced.
  6. I also fail to see what the "fear" of the skinks are. Lets look at the OP skinks for a little bit. They are BS 3 Str 3 with a 12" range. This means that anything over 6" inches is long range. So in the OP's list he has 40 skinks, lets say all 40 target a standard monster that has a 5+ armor save with a T of 5. All 40 can move and shoot with no penalty (since he has javelins) but its still very hard to get within 6" inches of something so most likely they will be long range. 1/3 of the shots hit (13) hits. 2 of the 13 will be poisoned, 2 more will wound, the monster will save 1 of the 4 so it will take 3 Total wounds on average. This is from 280pts worth of shooting against a 5+ save. So in comparison with Chaos Dwarves (i'm not trying to pick on anyone it was brought up in this thread already i could use any armies core shooting). So trying to mathhammer this out (please correct me if i'm wrong as i dont have the book i'm just looking at forum posts for pts and stats), i'm seeing that 280 pts of chaos dwarves with fireglaives is 17 dwarves. The fireglaive is a str 4 AP, x 2 weapon. So the dwaves would get 34 shots. 1/3 of them would hit due to multishot (11 hits). 3.5 would wound. .5 would be saved. The dwarves cause 3 Total wounds on average. Now for fun, do a chaff unit of say elf reavers into the skinks with javelins vs into the CS dwarves. TLDR: Lizardmen core poison shooting is not very strong. Please be lenient when judging the lizards, this book edition is no where close to as strong as the last edition.
  7. Looks really fun to play against now :). One of the things (and this pure opinion) you might want to think about is not taking the dread as an ambusher. The problem is he has a chance to just never show up or show up too far away and he is 1/6 of your army. He moves pretty fast at M7 (does he have swiftstride, i can't remember)so by turn 2 you should be able to get him to chomping something down. Also remember he gets the +1 from the bastilidon to Initiative if he's close to it.
  8. There is a lot of fun trial and error with using an airbrush. I have a nice badger patriot and a badger sotar 20/20. One of the things i've found is liquitex airbrush medium is a life saver and really helps to mix your paints 50/50. If you want to get even more advanced get some liquitex soft body paint and mix that 50/50. The paint is amazing and works great out of an airbrush.
  9. Hello, The stars have aligned and I will be able to make it to OFCC this year. If any team is looking for a player let me know. I'll be playing in the open on Friday and will be staying for the weekend regardless. I can field a variety of armies and get a few people to vouch for me if needed (with subtle bribes of course ).
  10. It's also easier to comp HE's best unit (the frost phoenix). Rarely do I ever see anyone allow HE's to field two of these. In a truely uncomped environment I believe HE are very close to the top army, DE's being right there with them (unless they are fighting HE in which case they are a step above). A truely nasty HE list looks something like this IMO Lvl 4 Shadow, Book of Hoeth (please mindrazor please). Lvl 1 or 2 dispel caddy, High magic 2x5 reavers Block of seaguard or spearmen or archers whatever you like Horde of White Lions, 6+ ward from annointed whatever his name is (can also switch for phoenix guard i prefer the lions though), banner of the world dragon. (you can also salt with the ultimate chaff unit 5x swordmasters) 2 frost phoenix
  11. Your original list seems completely fine to me. The kadaii is strong but the rest if the list is pretty weak in my opinion.
  12. In the spirit of fairness and fun take ethereal off the saurian. He is 7 attacks (6 at d3 wounds 1 with heroic killing blow). There is very little that is going to stop him and I can see a few people getting annoyed as it destroys their entire army
  13. Wouldn't a nice sized taxidermied bullfrog would work well as a toad dragon?
  14. I was thinking about doing the same thing for my angels of order army as it looks vastly different than its daemons counterpart. I think if i get it finished I'll post it up and let people decide if i can bring it or not.
  15. Veskit is 100% correct, both sides can be argued (and have been argued) since the book came out. Here is the summary, Side 1, Only the front rank gets PF - The BRB says that supporting attacks are always limited to 1 attack, therefore no additional attacks. Sorry, go eat a bloat toad. Side 2, The LM book says that PF "Grants an additional attack after a 6 is rolled." The LM Book does not limit this special attack in any way and clearly the book is intended to allow PF the extra attacks even for supporting attacks as it is a special attack outside of the normal combat restrictions. You eat the bloat toad buddy, extra wasabi. So now empirically what are we looking at, a lizardmen horde (10 wide) with sword and shield gets 40 attacks. 20 attacks are the front rank which on average roll 3.3 6's. So with rule 1, the Lizardmen horde gets 43.3 attacks. With rule 2, they 46.6 attacks. In the game we all know that 1/3 or more of that horde is probably dead before it gets to swing from whatever it is fighting which greatly reduces this number anyway. Lustria has a huge debate about it if anyone really wants to look into both sides.
  16. If you want to go less magic heavy and want a little stronger list take list one and remove the steg from heroes. If possible drop the steg down into rare, take sharpened horns on both. Finally take either the rippers or the teradons and try and fit a scar vet cowboy. Ideally (I'm not sure you can get this at 2500) I'd put a scar vet on the carnosaur and make an old blood cowboy with armor of destiny/dawnstone/other trickster shard/gw/cold one. I love this guy in my lists.
  17. I would really like to go this one but i'm in Yakima. Anyone coming down this way from Seatle that wants to carpool? :)
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