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Everything posted by TW_Haines

  1. Infested, thank you for the input. Yes I have stuff to paint, Working on a dread and my ADL right now. I also have still in the box a storm raven and a storm talon. I also have found for most of my squads running 5 marines and 2 or 3 scouts works best. I haven't played with drop pods yet so I will mock up some paper ones to try out before I invest in them. Thank you for your input, As for fluff vs comp, our group runs in the middle. I have been crushed by some competitive lists heldrakes and flying bugs, the more competitive payers are the ones I want to play with. But yes I always have fluff in my army's. Thank you for your time. The hammer and anvil idea is something for me to think about. TW Haines
  2. Riphook, Yes I already have 1 ironclad dread and am going to get 1 more. Also have 1 drop pod and plan on making some scratch build ones for testing. I want to pick up a second dread. Digging on Ironclads. 13 frontal armour is the way to go and add in the option for a hammer or chainfist with the other hand giving a extra attack there not a bad 135 or 145 if you add the flamer. What do you think of small units like a 5 man with both the plasmagun and a lascannon? I know kill point missions you will lose, just to many small units, but so much fire power.
  3. So I have a SM army, painting them up and playing them as Templar. I am new and getting kicked in the head alot, in part do to the fact I'm new. Also do the the fact I'm not making a useful list. So what units would you use? I am running a 2 landrader list with crusader squads and a honour guard, this is the core of my army. I am thinking of removing the second landraider and putting in drop pods. if I do how well will it work? I have been running 10 man units in rhinos 5 initiates and 5 neophyts weapons according to roll merlta/ mutimelta for tanks flamer and close combat weapons for anti infantry. I have put my hq a marshal with art armor shield eternal and a thunderhammer with a 15 man crusader squad in a laindrader. I fell like I am sinking in alot of point into a unit thats not returning the cost. So should I drop pod, use the 5 man las/plas in a razorback, what about adding in my stormtalon stormraven and is the agis defence line a good point for Templar? Also what about bike should I add them in? I haven't tried them, I only know there a power point unit that should make its points back. Thank you for your time TW Haines
  4. I think your question was answered, but just wanted to say convert away. Also if its a dark wing flyer\speeder all the more reason, some of the models are strange. Best of luck TW Haines
  5. Hay 2 weeks ago on Tuesday was the last time i seen my little rulebook for 40k. Think I left it at the shop, if anyone picked up a extra one, it was mine. If not, anyone have a extra there willing to sell? Thanks TW Haines
  6. I have a fence already I just dont use it. I dont hold a lot backfield, and there one of those things that get shot up and get knocked out before thay make there points. That and I dont see it killing the drake. I will just snap shoot a lot of lascannons and assault cannons at you it will go down of not. be fun anyway.
  7. My 2 cents is your list is not using the key CSM units that really make it worth it. Cheap troop for back field objectives in cultists, best flyer in the game heldrake, and spawn/bikers for fast attack units. Also is putting vets on the havocs worth the points? could that be removed from the Black legion list and put in IW list then replaced?
  8. Jim I'm looking at a 2000 point list I can field. I think I can run a good 2000 point list. good fire-power and solid amount of troops. The weak spots are anti air and deep strikers getting behind troops to attack the armour. All and all a solid list to play. It should keep my teeth off the curb. 2000 points on Tuesday 530 ish. I will be playing Black templars so my be good practise as there not as codex astarta as many other chapters and there challenge rules will be a cool. There a underrated chapter, that have some good tools to work with. Duncan you where going to see about a chaplain, the casting was kinda crappy. see you Tuesday Timothy
  9. I will play ya Iim, but I am not all that competitive so its not gona help with practise as much as just a fun game. I'll see if I cant harden a list up, so its not a roll stomp with my face to the curb. then its more like a comp list. See you Tuesday. Timothy
  10. If this is a semi regular thing I could throw a game at you too. I'm still new to the game, and learning the rules. So things get a little bogged down with me. Anyway if you are interested drop me a line.
  11. Anyone up for a game of 40k? Say 1850 points.
  12. Hay Corey, I will be dropping by the shop later. If you can find it would you lend me your Black templar book? Unless you already left you house then never mind. have a grate event guys wish I could be there.
  13. Looking for Space marines bits and models, Talked to people at the swap and have a line on many things. Still looking for a Ironclad dread, chaos backpacks, chaplain, scouts for neophyts, black templar stuff and a master of the forge. In short fun Space Marines stuff, I will be at the shop next tuesday.
  14. Ok cool, yes I think its a good gauge. I also think its kinda a pain in the butt, to have to run you list threw a count and try and keep things true. My lists Suck by comp standers but there still goood bug food. Just ask Shea. This go round, I will try a flyer, more shooting troops and some other goofy stuff tell I work out the units that preform. And thank you for all the hard work, Corey.
  15. so Corey are you doing the strange comp points thing again? Or just show up and let the body count climb?
  16. Hi all, I'm looking for a good idea on how to convert a storm raven. The stock model is just to much of a flying box, for me. So I was hoping someone could point me at a conversion to base mine off of. I am looking for more of a aerodynamic look less clunkie. I found a good stormtalon conversion looks like a bsg viper, but I cant find anything for a stormraven. Thank you TW
  17. Well looked at the dust tactics flyers and there not what I'm looking for but thank you. Thanks for the scale also.
  18. he all I'm thinking of adding a storm talon to my list, but I hate the looks of the space marines flyers. I was thinking of a Korean war era mig as a possibility. I just hate the box like looks of the space marines flyers. So if there is a less boxy model that would work please let me know. Also the scale for GW would be appreciated. Thank you TW Haines
  19. anyone up for a 40k game Tuesday? Say 1500-1850 points. Sorry anything more is out of my level.
  20. black templars can run land raiders as dedicated transports for crusader squads. If you didn't run as blood angles, but played as manly men.....Biatch.. then you could.
  21. the new codex is not kind to the templars line troops, then it makes there char good in return so there a mixed bag. Only real bitch I have is that they should be able to buy a extra cc and keep the bolter and pistol. The deny the witch bump is nice, and the re rolls in challenges are sweet as hell. The mad space sharks are just fun. extra ccw for 1 point, and cause fear are the real bonuses. Tyberos is fun but gets ganked to much, and brings alot of cool rules.
  22. Hi all, I want to read the fluff of the black templars. I was thinking of running my army as templars, and was hoping to read the old codex fluff. I dont care what edition the codex is from as the rules are in the new marines book.
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