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Everything posted by TW_Haines

  1. I dont know how good a list but throw as many tie fighters at them as you can and swarm them. Its the list the Sith lord used in all 3 movies.
  2. My wife will be home to watch my boys at 1600hours so say 4:30 pm you can get salmonella trying to digest raw shark meat. unless I can get my last few models put together then its templars, for a over exited army full of guys that dont know its not king Aurthers court. hoping to try a smash mouth in your face templar list.
  3. Yea Jayne what time you want to meet? I have a fun 1500 list. My name is Timothy. I will be playing a space marines army. Carcharadons or black templars.
  4. Anyone up for a game of 40k? 1500-1850. I cant swing 2000 sorry huggy
  5. I am new to the game so I take my words with a grain of salt. I like the BT, a nice killy chapter master running a shield eternal, thunderhammer and art armour. Looks like a beast to me. I think its not that there not good, It is that the white scar are better so are the Iron hands in allot of ways. Rules that help in assault, are looked down on as the current meta is vary shooty. So assault marines that are not on bikes with hit and run just dont draw allot of love. Crusade squads are going to need to weather the round of shooting after disembarking a transport. Then eat over watch, finally there is the assault there good at. all in all a fun army but not the most competitive one out there. I am making a black templar army my self. I always take the challenge as Im a fluffy kind of guy. I build my army to assault, so I run my rhinos full steam tell thay pop. That gets my troops where there needed. I run land raiders also full of terms or honour guard with a char. As for the named guys in a BT list looks at high marshal ............"needs a better name" his rules for the army are real good for a assualt army. He is lacking in a weapon that has ap, so he is a utility not a beat stick, making his a point sink in a lot of lists. Anyway that is my take on BT. A lot of fun, but not gona will the scary lists that run at a high level tournament.
  6. I would, but I have a final on Wednesday. I'm working on a competitive list to, with a smash mouth hq and a few upgrades.
  7. next question on list building. I just realised bikes are relentless so salvo works for them when there moving. would a biker squad 2 grave guns, put out the shots to work as anti tank? Trying to make a solid black templars list. My 2 land raider list is a lot of points in 2 tanks. That loses troop movement if the raiders get popped. Thinking 2 biker squads, calvary for templars (so much fluff), honour squad in a land raider and some crusader squads are a foundation. Maybe th/ss terms to deep strike and a drop pod for a dred to speed bump the other guys army. Im lacking flyers anti flyer and questionable on anti tank. Any pointers please let me know. Idea is to run the crusader squads up in rhnos tell the boxes get popped. Drop the dred mid table as a denial unit and rush the bikes and the raider. lots of targets for people to decide where to shoot. Any thought, My lists are not at all competitive and need a boost. thank you Timothy
  8. ohhh Didn't know the talon only had 2 hull points. Rethinking the storm talon 2 hp is a bit low for a defence weapon.
  9. Cant say where the book will head, but with the knights out I think big ol tanks may be a good idea. Big damage guns may be the way to go get in some damage before it stomps your troops. Also I think the vendetta will always be good, cant wait to see what the new book brings.
  10. Yes this list is not complete its just an idea. I don't like flyers.As transports the storm raven can grav shoot its troops, but Intrizic is right, I wont be running a expensive unit if I got one. As for flyer defence Im not sold on the stalker 1 weapon and armour 11 its a little bit on the questionable side for me. The storm talon looks like a solid Anti Air transport busting answer that I'm lacking. The dreads can crush transports but thats not a reliable answer. Vindicator maybe or a heavy weapons squad in a drop pod for real tanks.
  11. Trying to build a list for black templars. I am looking for a smash mouth hq. I know the biker cm with a hammer shield eternal and art armour with a second hq in 2 up armour all dropped in a command squad on bikes is the big thing. This allows bike squads to score and run around with relentless grav guns...... ouch but its not my style. Looking to be competitive but still play to my fluff ideas. Im thinking a high marshal with a hammer and shield eternal with a honour guard in a land raider. I know the Storm Raven is probably more effective but... Also thinking of a second hq maybe a forge master or a emperors champ, could also run a chaplain in the mix. This list is a lot of points riding on 1 unit so I dont know how well it will work. List looks like this more or less HQ Chap master honour guard (in land raider hq? 3 crusader squads 1/2 are the squires maby a 5 man scout squad sit the home objective haven't found any fast attacks I like thinking a squad of bikes with lances to be a modern cavalry Jousting anyone? 2 dreds thinking Iron clad with heavy flamers add in a few rhinos and i should be about 1850 Is this list ok in the local meta? And would it work ok. I dont want allies yet and holding off on flyers. Any thoughts let me know.
  12. Hay Corey next month what's the points for the event. I am in dire need of a new list. 2 land raiders with elites is just to many points. And tebyeros is to easy to intagank. Thinking of running at black templars next month with a chap master as the hq shield eternal thunder hammer with honour guard. Maybe deep strike hammer terms maybe not, and more troops i was to low on troop.
  13. Thanks for the input guys the hands im looking for i think are called ornate powerfists look like the dreadkight may work but the fingers on the blood angels dread just dont match my idea. Idea is in the babadon war one of my techpriests saved the life of Tebyros, destroying his body. As his bravery was true they interned him in a dread. As a techpriest he chose not to sleep between battles but communes with the ships tech spirit and works the forges
  14. Like i said earlier, against me play the hard list ill do my best. I understand this game has a learning curve. And nids Demons and the like should play to table the enemy. Cant see the bugs saying ohh this shiny spot here is the reason we landed. Daemons are all bloody killers Those army's wouldn't give any quarter.
  15. Well I will say at 1500 points there's a good chance I cant take out 2 fmc, but that wont stop me from trying. My list is fluff fun and that's the way I like it I understand not everyone thinks that way. I also feel that no one should be made to play at my level if they don't want to. I say let the good times roll/fly if i die well then I had the chance to forfeit the field and chose to fight anyway.
  16. Hello all, Im thinking of adding a dread or 2 to my list. with the cool powerfist the one with fingers. The ven dread comes with one, but itlooks to be only good for 1 side. I have a Idea for the dread to be a ironclad using the ven dread box set as I like the powerfist on it and the body with the exposed helm. For a sizmeic hammer I want to make a oversized thunderhammer held by a powerfist. and add lightning claws to the power fist on the other hand (just a cosmetic thing) they wont count for any weapon as there are no rules for them. Is there both a left and right dreadnought hand put out by GW or a 3rd party that would work?
  17. Yes FW is allowed in some events as most of the FW armys are not any more powerful then there standard counterparts. My chapter master didnt even get a iron halo and is not a eternal warrior Logan from the spacewolves would call him cupcake and make him ware a dress. Only real nasty rule for my army is I get ccws on my troops for 1 point. All in all there a assault army that trades in all the defence of space wolves for some fun assault rules like they can get rage if they win a assault. So all in all as a FW army only real advantage I score is that my tac marines are assault effective for 2 assaults not 1. Thank you for the clarification on counting points so i spent 7 points of 20 landraiders are fun fun fun.
  18. I cant game this Tuesday wife is cramming for finals I have the boys. But was hoping to swing by and hit Jim up on some sculpting pointers for sharks to put on shoulder pads for my 40k army. All have a good game and think i got childcare set up so i can play in Saturdays event.
  19. My army adds up to 5 points if Im reading it right. 1 Tyberos 2 for a par of land raiders 1 for having 25 scoring units is power armor 1 honour guard Not a scary list but fun to play. points may be higher as my army rules are cool but hard to make useful
  20. We I'm still new, but truth be told I think that restrictions are a bummer. If my list was a ball buster or I was(am) a dbag. Then no one will play with me. There lays the restriction that works. As for what level of play its simple state what your looking for. If you play me I play a FW army my Warlord has a 2up armour 5up invul, that can be insta killed. But he is just to much fun. Also I love assault and don't care for holding out for reserves so no flyers. If we start to restrict things I'm out in the cold as a FW army. I aint playing the army for any reason other than fun of it. Thay are good dont get me wrong, but not game braking.
  21. sorry guys I cant swing the order. I thought I could order threw the shop. Im going to make do with normal tac marines and try and ebay tyberos.
  22. I wish him the best but the market for playing x box in a shop has to be smaller than the market for tabletop games. May want to ask if he has met anyone that heads out to game any more, back in the day internet/console cafes where out there but the cost of a box is to low for people to rent it by the hour. I feel like he is cutting off his hand to fix a broken finger. How many shops are out there that work without adding another low revenue source. The easy fast fix my be organisation as Jim said stock what sells. My son loves RPG games "Pathfinder" mostly but we cant buy from DTG there's no inventory to speak of. Space usage is not capable of stocking a large supply of goods on display. His location has a lot of square footage and so little is used for inventory. More shelves lead to more options. The false wall that the paints are on could me moved allowing for a more open shop move the tabletop games the the side with the counters and you have a location that fits magic turnys and 40k by expanding who uses the open space. This area could also shelve board games, RPG games, or other large stock. The area would still be in line of sight of the register and allow crossover from the magic and tabletop crowd. granting income from players being exposed to new games. Last I think we need to support him and ask for support back. If no body knows there's a terny noone shows up. Also we could offer the house a cut from any of the club functions. Thats my 2 cents We need to support DTG and we need his support to.
  23. Has DTG thought about moving the GW stuff to the back room walls? if it will fit. This will free up space in the front of the house and also make impulse buys for GW stock. Im more apt to buy that shiny as its killing me on the table if its right there bagging me. Also dues may be in order, Just understand that if the dues are to high he will loose people. As for internet cafe ideas, I dont know if theres a market for that or not.
  24. Well this Saturday is a no go for me. Wife made plans. I got my boys all day. Sorry Corey I was looking forward to it my 1250 list is awesome. Think I got a good 1500 list now to. but need to finish a few models and paint before its ready.
  25. I live up in Bellingham so wont be playing your army. But I would love to play on that table verses you. I also run a assault army so that is a fun idea to compete against. I think many people would be willing to play a fun game with you.
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