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Ser Warwick

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Everything posted by Ser Warwick

  1. I'll head down with a 40k force, but if anyone is willing to demo another mini game or needs another board game player I'm down. I'll be looking to get out by 8pm, so starting a game earlier than 5 or a < 3hr game would be good. Need the sleep for the 4am wake up call.
  2. Ave Corey, are we still on for that team game at 5:30 to 6:00 ish? Perhaps my reply in the other thread got washed over by the Sunday game plans.
  3. Yeah Sunday would be just as well, same time work that day for you white_devil? Should be easier to find a table.
  4. Copy that, see you then. I hope you are not waylaid along the road. That time suits me. I have no issue with a crazy list, so long as there's a battle to be had. See you at 12 noon Saturday then.
  5. Saturday would work well for me. Did you have a time and points value in mind? I'm open on both of those accounts that day. Sounds good to me. What time did you and the nid player have in mind?
  6. So as I understand from the secretary incumbent's play by play warhamsters are called upon from this sub forum from here on out. I'll repost to the outer rim if this falls on deaf ears. Haven't been able to make the past few Tuesdays, but I'd like to get a game in this week and either meet more hamsters or get some games in with the small population that I've already met. I'm up for 40k, a good board game or a demo of a game. I'm free after 14:00 today and on the morrow, and most of the weekend. I care not from whence the dice roll, so long as they roll. Jake
  7. My thanks Wiccus and Nathonicus, that industrial metal is good fare. Things shall get loud now. In exchange I bring the death humppa of finntroll.
  8. Yeah ideally I think there should be a mix of both scheduled and pickup games. I didn't get a secret club feel as Jim immediately offered the keys to the forums and it was no trouble to join. I like the commitment of scheduling games and feel a lot worse about missing a game if I have it scheduled. I have an easy commute, but even for me Tuesday is now war gaming day and it's nice to have a guaranteed game setup. I'll try the Pug approach but of course I don't think there should be any stigma associated with scheduling games. The main issue seems to be that scheduling games is the exclusive way to play since much of the community are warhamsters. Theoretically I think team games could work, I.e. having a backup friendly/1k list that could meld a new player into the game before starting. More generous or extremely trusting folks could let people interested in the game without army or list try playing with some of their less precious models. Obviously there should be no obligation or pressure to do such things though, just what people are comfortable with, as it would definitely net them a slower game. Same thing could apply to board games that support several people. You guys already seem to know what you are doing and have carved out an awesome gaming community from what I've seen, so I trust you already know how to foster growth. Corey for example offered an excellent intro to 40k. TL;DR just the two cents of a new blood.
  9. I'm on board. I'll try to bring multiple lists so that team games are more viable as well if an odd number of players shows up for 40k. Speaking as a new player, I didn't feel unwelcome but not knowing of the forums prior meant my first few Tuesdays were gameless. It's also admittedly difficult to welcome a new player when trying to concentrate on rules heavy games I've found so far. I'll bring 40k and some board games. Mage knight anyone? Hard to convince the gf to play it :P its a fun light rpg hex game. Allows for up to 4 players, so exclusion wouldnt be a huge issue, fairly intuitive, card based.
  10. Blast it, like last week, I've got another double shift today, can't make it. If only there were more table top days, sorry my man. Hopefully there are enough wargamers to go around in my absence tonight, but would you be cool with a game another day this week? I'm generally free at 2pm Mon-Fri. Dark Angels fighting renegade Space Wolves is thematically pretty cool.
  11. Works for me. Earlier would actually be better. I can make an 1850 list to do battle with the renegade wolves you mentioned. Would 4:30pm work better then?
  12. A 2k sounds good to me, I'll head down at 5:30 today.
  13. Now I wouldn't call myself an expert, but it does make me wonder where metal begins and ends as a genre. It seems as if it has evolved into something hard to define as more subgenres crop up, which in my opinion can only be a good thing. To me it encompasses most of the hard hitting, fast-paced music I enjoy subjecting my ears to, lyrics optional. Your mileage may vary, but does anyone know of further bands they enjoy that would commonly include guitar like this?
  14. Any response from Miles? If yes that's cool, if not I'm still down for a game.
  15. Any other takers for a game of 40k?
  16. Thanks all. That was a good variety of answers but I'm seeing some common themes here. It looks like it's going to be a tough call. I'm still pretty split but can make a more informed decision weighing up gameplay alongside aesthetics. It may be sound to get the BRB at least and codices first, even though it's of course more fun to get models and start painting up. (I do have three WoC painted, not quite a raiding party) I guess this will depend more on my local players, but is there a good points level to aim for and learn a bit below what seems to be the standard at 2500?
  17. Yeah, I can't speak myself to either, but I was thinking current codices pared down to their army list entries, special rules and wargear. Altogether I doubt it would be much bigger than the BRB.
  18. Similar thing happened for me with Grey Knights. I painted up an inquisitor and vindicare, to use along grey knights with stormtroopers. I rolled with it and got the new codex because I got the older codex cheap. Not too keen on buying two digital codices for 2 units though, I'll just look up the updated assassin rules on blog posts and confer with my opponent. Also, Well I'll be, I knew it didn't seem like too ridiculous an idea.
  19. I don't claim to know anything extensive about business or econmics, and I actually find buying models a manageable hobby thus far in moderation. I was just curious what you guys might think of a hypothetical: What if GW sold their codex rules all in one book, pared down to just the essentials? No fluff, no pictures, you could get a more traditional collectors edition style codex if you wanted to delve further. These more traditional codices could also add any new models postrelease, so if you love your force and want the shiniest new toys for it you can get the collectors codex (perhaps bundled with said shiny toys at slight discount?) The way I see it, they could charge a little more than a standard codex for it, say $60-70, update every armies rules at the same time and bundle it for a discount if bought with the main rules. Or better yet it would come standard with the rules, replacing/melding with (the admittedly cool but superfuous) fluff and miniature books. This way everyone would have access to every army's rules for easy reference, the armies could be more easily balanced because they would be released side by side, and I could see more models being bought because people would be more willing to invest in models they just think look cool because they don't need to buy another book. Also, I doubt there would be a loss in units sold due to most players buying one to two codices on average anyways. The main caveat I see I new models. Either they could release the new rules in the box like the new nurgle units, or have them in a collectors codex, the latter being less user friendly but still possibly viable. Just some thoughts to get more players into the game. Thoughts? Is this not as viable as it seems? TL;DR would bundling codex rules help with revenue and sticker shock for new players?
  20. Hey all, Newer player of 40k here, considering fantasy once I get a majority of my 40k painted. Looks like a fun game with a healthy player base at Dark Tower. To the short of it though: Thinking of fielding Warriors of Chaos, Empire, or perhaps Dark Elves, based on aesthetics and theme mostly. WoC: I'm a big fan of elite heavy infantry and Vikings. Empire: Like the idea of a core of disciplined army regulars, esp. when contrasted with militia or rabble like enemies. Moustaches. Dark Elves: Black Guard, cold one knights, sleek armor Anyone feel like weighing in with their experiences with any of these armies? Much appreciated.
  21. That's too bad, but also responsible. Are you still up for a game then, unforgiven? If so I still plan on heading down to dark tower around 5. I'm good with any points amount up to 2k.
  22. Anyone else in for a game of 40k? Are 2v1 2k vs 1k each points a thing, or would that be too ridiculous to sort out? Just a thought, I don't want to impose myself on a game. I'll be down either way to try and get a pick up game, or maybe see if I can sit in on some Fantasy. Some of those warriors of chaos models are calling to me, and it looks like a pretty fun system.
  23. Thought I'd take advantage of the necromancy to get in on this thread. I've got a Viking riding mammoths: Stumbled on this a while back, it has an orchestral version as well if you're not a fan of the voice: http://youtu.be/y_ts8cPScXM My old favorites Ensiferum, saw them along with Tyr at Paganfest a while back, much merriment was had: Now to look through this ancient thread for some glorious hard-hitting metal to paint by.
  24. Hey Brad, That sounds good to me, 2k at 5:15 it is then. I'll ready a strike force.
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