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Ser Warwick

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Everything posted by Ser Warwick

  1. No word from a newer guy last week. I will head there at 6pm and mill around for an Infinity game if he is a no show.
  2. Fishing with my dad but I should be back in time to drop by at 6-6:30pm. I could really go for some infinity.
  3. So I had my first full game Tuesday. Very exciting game, learned a lot both mechanically and tactically. Oh yes, I also got tabled, but took a few blokes down with me. The battle was Ariadna v Ariadna, 200 pts, on a desert battlefield. My headcanon was the skirmish being a training exercise. Rather fitting. I thought I was being tricky with half my army ghillied up, but lo and behold my opponent Miles one upped me with an entirely camouflaged army, ten models to my eight. I won the roll off, choosing to deploy second. I think this was my first mistake, as there were few places to hide from the six models that managed to infiltrate my deployment zone. This allowed for a rather powerful alpha strike which managed to take out my lieutenant. I had not really accounted for the viability of speculative fire grenades, ignoring LoF and taking away modifiers if well placed. I was not aware you could dodge these attacks until mid game, learning process and all. Losing the LT was pretty crippling, and really showed me the importance of having enough orders to play around with so your force can be flexible and fight well in the active turn.. I think hiding the LT with the line troops might be my modus operandi until I get more games in and can maneuver a frontline combat LT more safely. My men fought rather well (esp. the Spetsnaz), but with a quickly diminished order pool could not properly reclaim my deployment zone. The thing that I enjoyed was that even with the early advantage of my opponent, there were still some key rolls that may have swinged things back in my favor. Still an uphill battle, but not impossible. Also a bit frustrating as I can more easily see where I went wrong in hindsight. Really looking forward to more games.
  4. Good plan. 5 or 6pm work for start time? Also, would we do an objective based game or keep it more basic?
  5. Hey Miles, still down for some Infinity? I'm mostly free for the day if you wanted to play earlier or later to get some other games in. Although I wouldn't mind having a ref or two around to question as well.
  6. Cool to see a lot of interest in this game at the same time I'm dipping into it. I only got a small taste of the combat but I'm looking forward to getting more in. I like to get models for looks and lore, then try to get the most out of them from there. If you win with something underpowered but badass not only did you outmaneuver your opponent, but you also did it on your own terms. Luckily, it seems that Infinity doesn't slap you too hard for this mindset. I went with Ariadna as my prime choice. They really sell the stuck-in, determined underdog feel to me. Dug in, battered, hardy infantry and low tech, non-integrated power armor. Also, Marine Corps Werewolves. Although they are probably not the least played, I am unsure which army that honor applies to. I can make guesses at their play style, based on their abilities, but that's a job better done by the vets as above. I can mostly just speak to the models and lore, which I am finding impressive on both fronts. I think it was looking at the models with the context of the lore that really sold me on this game.
  7. Definitely down for that. Might need a few ref calls then, as I am in the same boat. Probably an even smaller boat really. I will try to do some homework on my relevant units for the sake of game flow. Sounds good. I should be around for most of the night tomorrow.
  8. The online models have yet to arrive for Infinity but I would like to get another practice game in. I read the Rules PDF but as in all things I need a practical element for things to hit home. I'll be there at around 6:00PM and if no Infinity demo games are to be had will probably paint and faff about.
  9. My weekends fall on Monday and Tuesday, so I probably won't be able to make it when the majority can play. Still going to keep a pulse on this though.
  10. It's too bad I couldn't get a full game in, but the small taste, combined with the warstore's discount and the kickass models, allowed me to justify buying a pretty heavy Ariadna force. I aimed for 300 pts off the bat to take advantage of the flat shipping and sale, but have no illusions that I will be able to use the whole army off the bat. I tried to cover a mix of specialists and killers for the foretold missions, so hopefully it will be a decent toolbox to work with as I learn the game more. Not sure if the order will arrive in time for Tuesday but I'd like to get a more complete game in with any of you above if that suits.
  11. I will be down at 6:30 to drum up a 40k game.
  12. I would not have an issue playing this, as long as it was cleared pre game like all alternative modeling should be. However, this would strictly and mechanically be a proxy, and I think iconic weaponry can be somewhat confusing to keep track of as a proxy. In your case- What you see (what's modeled): two power fists Is not What you get (paid for in points for the rules): power fist and lightning claw. Therefore it is categorically not WYSIWYG. If it were my issue I would either pay full cost or try to model one clearly as a lightning claw.
  13. Summoned units could be solved by the points system. They could act as reserves that you pay full cost for. I disagree with the notion of free units as this defeats the purpose of even matches, which is already constrained by potentially miscosted units. Shooting into combat could work if misses hit your own guys. Turns it into more of a desperate tactical choice unless you have keen marksmen.
  14. Don't play Fantasy, but was considering building an army after the dust settles with these rules and I can get a pulse on the game locally. According to the locals it's looking like a no go. Guess warhammer total war will have to do. I agree on the lore points. I like space marines, and the sigmarites aren't terribly designed, but it doesn't seem like they have any culture to them. The lore might work as a mythic backdrop that precedes a more human struggle, but battles aren't as interesting (to me at least) in a vacuum. I don't get the sense that sigmarites shoot the [big bad swear word] or even [big bad swear word] at all between battles. It's difficult to relate to faceless gods who exist only for battle. The models themselves actually portray their revealed fluff of legendary heroes losing their identity as they are resurrected continually quite well. Didn't mean to get too meta there. There is some potential tragedy in that thread of sacrificing identity for a greater purpose that could admittedly make for some decent lore for the sigmarites. Now, if they pulled the focus back to the mortal survivors, with a fantasy/apocalyptic aesthetic, I could buy into that. Just scattered, broken and rebuilt civilizations trying to hack it while the gods are battling it out. Maybe with the rumored bigger rule book and/or points cost additions there will be models that represent this? Then one might demo the game with AoS, and introduce a more complete edition as "Yes, Sigmar continues to open the realmgates, this is how the Gods fight, but we are no Gods."
  15. I will be down at 5:30 pm with some 40k if any of you folk above want a game.
  16. Unfortunately I cannot make this one. On watch at work all day today. Should have a regular schedule next week that won't conflict with any games. Also good to see Loren joining the party. Too bad about flamefarter pig, he died before he could truly live.
  17. Scratch that. Work. Maybe Ando and Valhalla can game?
  18. Thanks for all the know-wotz you gitz. I'll be sure to pass this all along. My friend got a hold of the codex and we built a small list. I brought my Stormtroopers army on foot to attempt to repel the horde; SW would have been more optimum, as Orks laugh heartily at AP3, but I wanted to give my opponent a slight edge for the first game. I was pretty surprised playing mostly elite armies at how cheap his army was, even after piling on a few toys and gubbins. I fully expected the Nob squad to do some damage. What I did not expect is the gretchin squad, tired of cowering in the backfield, to make a 10" charge, dodge incoming fire, and proceed to wipe out a full squad of stormtroopers in melee. The Ork Waaagh overran the beleaguered Militarum Tempestus, but not before they could send out a distress beacon to alert the sector to a quickly growing threat. Perhaps it will take only the Emperor's Finest to rid the sector of this menace?
  19. Recently hooked a friend into the hobby via the gateway drug Dawn of War. He just picked up some Nobz (with one he has converted to Warboss), gretchin, two squads of boyz and a trukk. I am not overly familiar with greenskin tactics so I was wondering what any veteran Warbosses had to say about building a right and proppa Waaaaagh. It seems like Boyz n' boxes are a solid enough core due to that open-topped business, but as an Imperial player I know little.
  20. Yeah, nerfs to their best units at the moment (which are merely good compared to other codices' best) are not needed. External codex balance does not seem to be a primary goal for the design team though, so that could very well happen. I think solid chapter tactics that reflect either their archaeotech/plasma hoarding, their sinister and secret reputation, their knightly theme or their synergy between the various wings would be cool for fluff and rules balance. Although I am sure they will be nerfed for the sake of tradition, what does everyone think they would need to get to be on par with the more reasonable books? Points adjustments are most likely, but pretty boring as far as updates go.
  21. I will be down at 6 to troll around and look for a game, and am up for one if the Duncan-Loren pairing falls through.
  22. I'll be making it down at 5:30 for a game of 40k if I can find one.
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