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Ser Warwick

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Everything posted by Ser Warwick

  1. Jake Burgess Imperium (DA, IG, GK, SW) Considering Eldar (CW, DE, Harlequins) if the list is light enough. jwarwick223@gmail.com 90 (-10 until I can confirm taking days off of work)
  2. Still interested in joining or forming a team if anyone has open spots available or would like to get a team started.
  3. That all sounds good. It turns out that I will be there closer to 6:15 though.
  4. Seems like a good time to me Dusk. The HoR kill team rules, yes? I will review them beforehand. Does 6PM work? Also, what points would you like to do for Infinity?
  5. What's everyone playing? I could go for Warhammer 40k or Infinity. Any takers?
  6. In the same vein, I am hoping that they might release some Deathwatch Kill-Team rules. If not that, I suppose they could be used as characters or Veteran Squads. Would make a cool little addition when fighting Xenos.
  7. Hey TW, I play a few. I mostly focus on my Imperial forces but I am working on putting together a motley crew of Eldar as well. I will likely play the Dark Angels this game. Its got some brutal elements, but I hope it should make for a fun game. Of course, playing against the Orks is always a fun time, win or lose.
  8. Looks as if I need to commit my forces here. We shall see who crumps who. 2k at 6 work? Up to you.
  9. No worries in that case, seeing what you end up doing and knowing that I played a minor part is payment enough for me. Should I drop off the bitz at Dark Tower or elsewhere?
  10. Good thoughts all, thank you. I will have to look into null deployment strategies, I take it you would likely want some sort of reserve manipulation in that case, no? My main motivation is contributing to my post-game talk. The Ravenwing component of my DA got pretty brutal, and in taking the first turn I could almost choose what dies. Taking first blood, removing a key target, and getting right in the opponent's face with scout moves has given me quite a bit of forward momentum in the first few turns. Is it true that most ITC missions have 'first strike', wherein each player gets a chance at first blood during the game turn, rather than the player turn? Seems fair enough to me. I might ask if my next opponent would like to give that a go. In further circumstances such as these I will be glad to give more tactical feedback than "Just seize the initiative, roll better next time. Actually, if you look back to the pre-game, when I rolled a 2, and you countered with a 2, that was a solid move. Then I rolled a 5, and you rolled another 2, see now, that's where you went wrong."
  11. In the same vein as the Scouts and Dread, are our Claws still the most inept of the Astartes initiates? (WS BS 3)
  12. Well I could use a spare Dreadnought missile launcher, meltaguns or grav guns, or spare Devastator Lascannons or Grav Cannons. I know that all of the above are rather rare and precious relics though, so its no issue if you don't have any on hand or need them for your own projects. I can put the parts in a bag with your name on it. Do you have a preferred time and/or place for pickup?
  13. Good to know! If you ever find yourself inclined to, I can send my referral code so that we both get some in-game currency, that should function like LoL's RP when the shop drops. Seeing as how Space Marine is still a guilty pleasure of mine, I'm pretty easily suckered by the 40k theme in action/shooter form. It's simple enough to get a few half hour sessions in, so I will likely keep playing intermittenly until the release date, especially when they add the new races to play. If they deliver as promised by the summer, and keep improving the game, it will likely be my go to multiplayer for the foreseeable future. I think they need the overarching territories system and character progression to keep the community strong, otherwise many will likely play for a few days and move on. Agreed, especially for an alpha/beta. It did come with $20.00 of the in-game currency (which will be used for getting new skins and the like), but the true value of in game currency depends on the success of the game and your own personal investment, as skins for a dead game that you do not enjoy aren't exactly worth the price on the tin. Buying in now is essentially crowdfunding to support future updates and developer goals. Time will prove whether or not they will deliver, and if the investment was foolish or not. As it stands, the current price point is likely not worth it for the current state of the game, if you compare it to other Steam titles with dedicated multiplayer.
  14. Just curious about players' thoughts on the topic. I have noticed that going first with aggressive units can lead to taking out key threats before they can properly respond. I have not had any large issue with my opponents going first in any games thus far, but I thought it might make for an interesting tactical discussion. There is a large benefit to a successful first turn, but being able to respond to your opponent's moves in deployment and each subsequent turn is also quite potent if handled correctly. To that end, a few questions: How do you tend to do combat alpha strikes? (i.e. MSU, redundant unit roles, advocating for LOS blocking terrain, tough units, etc.) Do you prefer taking the first turn if you win the roll off? (I suppose it would depend mightily on how the lists match up.)
  15. I usually do not go for early access, but I have been excited about this one ever since it was announced some time ago. I do not have the time and patience to play through a completely bare bones game, but the opening of the alpha seemed like a good time to jump in after watching some gameplay videos. The game is in alpha, but the core is quite fun, and is essentially the earlier Space Marine game's multiplayer with more of a current playerbase at the moment. Even in it's unfinished state, I am still having fun, but the real draw is the potential. The eventual plan is a Planetside 2 Scenario, and in the coming months Eldar and Orks will become playable. Pros +Solid shooting mechanics +Variety of customizable classes (including an assault class without jump pack) +Even the CSM and SM are not complete clones, with some assymetrical balance +Play as one of several Aspect Warriors soon enough (planned for February) +Melee is fun, with some cool execution animations +Traitors sound like Immortan Joe +Developer communicates with players and implements demands for changes Cons -Pretty buggy in places (Alpha) -Variable frame rate (Alpha) -Always a chance that they run out of funding and cannot deliver on their promises -Melee, while fun, can be a little rock-paper-scissor in its implementation, so may need some more work -This may be my perception, but it seems that Chaos has a better chance of winning, either due to slightly better buffs or the fact that more experienced players might be more drawn to play as the "bad guys". Bonus Feature: Tanks physics are pretty great at the moment: Charge up an attack against a rhino with a power fist and you can send it spinning away. You can also go full ramming speed with your own tank into the sides of another, slam and pin it to a wall, (damaging both vehicles) and/or flip it into submission, proving that you are the dominant rhino. Maybe they will tone it down, but its gotten a few laughs out of me. TL;DR Solid core game that will fluctuate in performance as they test and patch it. Buy in now only if you feel the distinct need to drive Predators, Rhinos and fight as a Space Marine of either flavor, and your computer is up to par (mine is currently middling but handling it well enough). Otherwise, wait until the planned release date this summer, especially if you want to play as a filthy Xenos.
  16. Hey Don, Not sure if you already got all of the gear you need, but I have plenty of spare Tempestus Scions heads that could possibly make for renegade gas masks. Might want to scratch, file and defile the aquilas a bit though. Either way it would be great to see what you come up with.
  17. I have a 40k game with Adam if I remember his name correctly. Not sure if he was already on the forums or not, but I will be down at 6pm.
  18. The painting kit should have everything you need for regular Dark Angels (and most of their successors IIRC). Of course, you could always make your own successor with a unique attendant color scheme. Either way is encouraged. I focussed on brush control as much as possible at first, but there are scores of guides for more complicated techniques if you already have the artistic aptitude down. Take pride in everything you paint, even if your first results are not immediately to your liking you are already ahead of the game by painting in the first place. Even so, small mistakes can be brushed over, big ones (and certain Ebay models) can be stripped of paint. Ebay is your friend, especially regarding the Dark Vengeance models. You can fairly comfortably create Ravenwing Black Knights by replacing the DV bikes' bolters with plasma gun parts. If you use multiple renditions of the DV models, you may want to similarly convert them a bit. They are generally cheaper on Ebay because they are 'snap-fit' as opposed to multi-part plastic. This means that they are generally meant to hold one default pose. Most 40k kits are multi-part, which allows for some easy customization options. If you plan to use more than one set of DV models, it might be a good idea to get some of the baseline kits, build them up, and use the spare parts to differentiate your duplicate squads. Either way, with some clever hobby knife work, you should be able to swap out weapons, arms and the like with relative ease. Try to avoid putting too much pressure on the blade if you can, although they do say that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. As for tactics, "learning to fight without war is like learning to swim without water". You will see some generally unified opinions on what units are good for their cost, mathematically speaking, but all of the Dark Angels' units are usable, and the Astartes on the tabletop have the versatility to deal with just about any threat you throw at them. Dark Angels in particular are ornery, sinister fellows who can hold the line or take the fight to the enemy equally effectively. Their current formations are strong but the rulebook's Combined Arms Detachment is always a reliable way to build an army. It is good to learn about what works for others, but you will find what tactics work for you best by heading to the miniature battlefield, watching what holes you might have in your army plan, and adapting accordingly. Try to discuss as much as possible with your opponent before and after the game if you can. This makes for as little confusion as possible once the game starts, I've learned as much from discussing my tactical blunders as much as I have my rare strokes of genius postgame, and resolving possible disputes you can see before the game starts (rules of yours or your opponent's that you are unsure of, which terrain gives which save, etc.) can go a long way in making for a fun game for both parties. Competitive or no, this is a game, and if you and your opponent are having fun, you have won the most important battle. I tend to like units that have their lore, aesthetics and mechanics reflect upon one another accurately. I think this trifecta is what makes the hobby so compelling, and the great thing is you can focus on just one or two of those aspects if you are so inclined. Reading the stories, constructing and painting the models, and commanding them in tandem is a rich experience, but it is perfectly acceptable to find a different way of looking at the hobby. It is your hobby after all.
  19. I'll be bringing 40k down this evening, but if everyone is already paired up, I'll hang around and (possibly?) discuss OFCC teams.
  20. I would go for that. Missed the boat last year and it sounds like a fun event. Not sure where work/scheduling will be at that point but its enough time to plan ahead.
  21. I too have found myself wandering back to this game recently when I'm looking for something to play. The first DoW is what got me into 40k and I agree that getting a visual for the weapons and warfare of the tabletop is quite nice. I've been playing Retribution's multiplayer and getting some fun games in. I enjoy the small unit tactics and lack of base building, as I think it fits 40k better. I am pretty slow on the draw when it comes to RTS PvP (and err... online PvP in general) but so far I can keep up well enough.
  22. The Unforgiven shall answer this call to battle. 2k points, 6pm sound good? I have the day off so I'm free earlier if need be. Also to SigurdBC: It looked like TW's Orks were ready for a go at it.
  23. I could go for a 40k game if Eli's not able to make it. When will you be down at the shop?
  24. Indeed, the new game sheen has worn off somewhat after playing through the game once. I still likely have a few more side quests here and there, but I think I've gotten through the bulk of the content on my main file. However, I really can't complain too much, everything about the game works really well for me. Art direction, music, factions, companions, combat, and even the settlement/crafting system are much improved from earlier Fallouts in my opinion. That said, I picked up a few quality of life mods for better immersion. Small things until the GECK comes out, but stronger vertibirds that rarely get shot down, being able to give ballistic weave to any clothing, and settler renaming have gone a long way for how simple they are. I am enjoying a second playthrough due to a drastic combat style change, but I do feel similarly in regards to the content compared to previous titles. I think that a big part of it is that there are only the big factions tied to the main quest, whereas in New Vegas you had the many smaller factions. (Granted though, in most playthroughs they are considered content of the main quest.) I'm fine with the raiders being jet-fueled psychopaths for the most part (the terminal readings were cool though), but the Gunners seem like a huge missed opportunity. They could have been the alternate path to the Minutemen. I deliberated for quite a bit as an agent of every faction, and eventually settled with the Minutemen. My headcanon for the fetch quests being deliberated to me is that my troops take care of most of the grunt work, but some battles or sensitive missions need the stirring presence of the General. Waiting for a mod that lets me deliberate those quests to my troops completely. I use the settler renaming mod to promote mere settlers to Minutemen, and my combat veterans are commended for their service and allowed to become Grenadiers. The Grenadiers are given Colonial Dusters (Preston's cavalry outfit), Assault Gas Masks and a heavily modified laser rifle with their name inscribed. They are essentially my burgeoning nation's version of the Veteran Rangers from New Vegas. They are more line troop than scout though. My postgame vision for my General character is acting much like General Washington did during the founding of America, a charismatic soldier who lead his people to victory, lead the country in its infancy, and after a suitable term in stabilizing the land, left the country in the hands of capable intelligentsia to retire to his estate with his robot wife.
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