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Everything posted by Sugarlessllama

  1. You want a rule that I hate? Out of the BRB? I can't think of any myself.
  2. Well, I suppose the big advantage to the new Space Marine codex, is that there is a lot of flexibility. Tons of different ways to build an army. But I think there is still going to be a place for BA & SW. That is going to be in specialized armies. If are running BA for example, it might not behoove you to run shooty terminators, but instead fighty terminators with a banner, led by a sanguinary priest. The close combat focus of that unit is very much the feel of blood Angels, while the unit makeup is something that Space Marines can't do. Why use Vanguard Veterans when you can use Death Company or Sanguinary Guard? Why use bikes, when you can use wolves? The key,I think, is to focus on the unique units that your codex can offer; instead of getting into a mental arms race over whose tactical squads are better? How about how are your tactical squads different? For me? I think I will be adding a drop pod to my army for my Centurions. I love my Devatator Centurions, and use them quite a bit. Now I have the chance to deploy them via drop pod? Yes please! :D
  3. I would suspect that BA Scouts are going to get a tweak via FAQ. But even if they don't, I still think BA are super neat and I will most likely start building a BA army once I finish painting my base army of SM. :)
  4. Very nice. I look forward to seeing them on the table top. :)
  5. Hey hey, So I have been looking over the new Space Marine Codex, and I am liking it so far. I really like the layout of the new book, and some of the new information about the heraldry common to the various chapters and such. As for the rules, I think they're pretty neat. So far I like: Tank Squadrons: I like the idea of making an all tank based Space Marine army. Walker Squadrons: I am a bit on the fence about this. However, I am going to put myself in the "Pro" column on this change. They are going to be way more fighty. Fast Attack drop pods: I really like this change. I think I am going to pop my Dev Centurions into a Drop Pod. I like the idea of being able to place the cents about where I want them, without them getting shot off the table. Bikes: 3 man troops option if you put them with a Captain on a bike. I like that option. Stormwing Formation: I really like this formation. I think it pairs very well with the Demi-Company formation So what do you guys think about the new codex?
  6. I suppose they could. If you think of the DA organization chart as something akin to the Codex Astartes, then it would stand to reason that some successors would be more "Codex" adherent than others. Kind of like the Black Templars compared to the Crimson Fists.
  7. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it is going to be a neat way to include an ally detachment of Dark Angels to my Space Marines. Two units of the Dark Vengeance terminators, and the new Interrogator-Chaplain would be a fun allied detachment. :D
  8. Well I have been having luck with the new GW base yellow paint. Although, if you are super worried out it, you can either run the paint through an airbrush, or use a yellow primer like the Army Painter primer. :)
  9. Stormlords are really neat looking. I like the idea of the halved scheme, and using the helmet color to indicate company number. It's an idea that I wish I had thought of first.
  10. I decided to make my own chapter myself. Since I am a narrative player, I thought I would get a kick out of writing my own lore. And it turns out, I have. Although if I had to do it over again, what I might try and do, is mix the two. I would take a paint scheme that I really like (Flesh Tearers, Doom Legion, or Imperial Fists) and change one thing (IF, but with white shoulder pads) and then use that as the spring board for my own chapter. That way you still have the draw of an "established" chapter, but still the fun of creating your own lore and feel. But either way, I would start with the lore first. See if there is a current chapter that really draws you in that you can't wait to tell a story about on the table top. If you can't, but there are strong themes you like and do something all your own. Again, drawing something from myself, I would go about writing up my own Blood Angel chapter and build the army using Dark Angels models. I love the look and lore of the Dark Angels, but favor the idea of them behaving more like crusading beserkers in the hunt for The Fallen, rather than dark and brooding hunters. So while they would be Blood Angels rules wise, they would be a Dark Angels successor. Things like that can also be possible with a limited entry codex chapter, but not as easy. By going DIY you ensure that that other people won't try and correct you on your lore.
  11. Nope. It is for the upcoming Wed. So you didn't miss it. :)
  12. Hey hey all you SE Gamers! It's me! Sugarlessllama! The diabetic quadruped, the saccharine spitter! And I'm here to invite you to a 40K open game night! Open game night you say! Middle of the week you say! Indeed I do! When?! Wednesday, 06 JUN 2015 @ 7 PM Where?! Red Castle Games @ SE 64th and SE Foster What?! 40K open gaming. Want to play a fluffy list? Sure! Want to play a scenario from the Altar of War book? Awesome! Want to hang out with other people and bask in the glory of toy soldiers? Heck yeah! Also, for those of appropriate age, there is Da Hui' very close by, and the 40K rulebook does suggest a post-game pint. Disclaimer: If you happen to be a WFB fan, then feel free to join in on the fun as well! The more the merrier! :D
  13. The few times I have been allowed to play with one of my Knights, blobs of infantry are how it went down. I tend to only get 1 stomp per turn; and then only off 1-2 models per stomp. However, YMMV. But to say it stomp will do, the do is a bit much.
  14. Well D weapons don't carry wounds over into the wound pool. So when being assaulted by infantry, Knights can only kill four models a turn (outside of stomp). So infantry spam can still off Knights pretty effectively.
  15. Well under the old codex the Knights had obsec as well. Two Knights would becomes "troops choices" and one Knight would become a Seneschal and an "HQ choice". 1 HQ and 2 Troops would become a CAD, and thus grant obsec. And stock Imperial Knights are not bad. They are not overpowering, other than people get it into their head they are. As for bad matchups? Yes. But every army has bad matchups. Some armies are going to have a hard time with an IG tank army. My SM army got eaten alive by the old Necron codex. And my Knights would have a very hard time with the new one. Heck, a Tau army heavy on firewarriors could be rough on a Knight army since they all come standard with haywire grenades. There is always going to be a hard counter to the army that you are playing. Knights are countered by any army that can get into melee with haywire grenades. Or chainfists. Or melta grenades. Or Smite hammers. Or D weapons. Or, or, or....
  16. No. I don't have any assassins, or AM units. Just three bright orange Imperial Knights. I'm glad you have fun with that fine group of gamers. They seem to be having fun as they have pretty regular attendance. I however, did not have fun. And I know quite a few people that also did not have fun. One gentleman sold all of his 40K after playing there, and now pretty much only plays WHFB. So my experience was, and is, not unique.
  17. Yes I have tried playing with some of the folks at Guardian. It was not a.... positive experience. Indeed, when they had told me that they were part of Ordo Fanaticus, I stayed away from this club for 2 years. When I met Nathan at RC he convinced me to give Ordo a second chance. And I am glad I did. The community here has been more akin to the community in the Cog Collective. However, a post game beer pilgrimage would be a welcome change (and I would be happy to lead it.). I guess what I am trying to say is this: are the army requirements for OFCC my call? Nope, and I happily accept that. However, I a disappointed in the decision being made and decided to voice it. Take it for what you will. :)
  18. When I say I have been told no at every turn. I mean even in casual games. And the other tournaments are "hardcore" tournaments. Filled with unnamed hq models, and unpainted figures. 40K is not balanced for honest competitive play, which is makes it so attractive as a lore based wargame. When I want a honest of goodness competitive play I play Warmachine. When I am interested in seeing a giant stompy robot nuked in melee by white haired zealots, I play 40K.
  19. So for me as a player, I chafe a bit when it comes to restricting Knights. Mostly because, I am a fluff based player. I spent quite a bit of time, money, and energy to buy, assemble, and paint my Imperial Knights. I took the time to write up an Index Questoris article on Bolter and Chainsword about my Imperial Knight house. I designed a custom crest. I printed and applied said crest as custom decals. I'm very proud of the labor of love that my custom Imperial Knight house is. And since then I have been told "no" at every turn when I try to play them as a stand alone army. To say that spending $420 on model kits just be not be allowed to play them is frustrating, would be an understatement. And from the tenor of this thread, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight to this. And no, I'm interested in the "hardcore" tournaments, because 40K is not a tournament game. I have Warmachine for that. I play 40K because I am able to write, and create my own custom armies with unique lore. I love playing my custom Space Marine chapter. They are a ton of fun. But I would also like to play my custom Imperial Knight house.
  20. So OFCC is banning a codex from competition? That seems a bit harsh. As for "Moonwalking" them; that comment doesn't assist with discussion IMHO. Seriously, that comment seems like it is meant to troll Knight players more than foster an engaging discussion. Would that mean a tank based IG army has to drive in reverse? That would be just plain silly. Making such snide comments doesn't put a positive vibe out there for players. There are people that spent a lot of time, money, and energy buying, building, and painting an Imperial Knight army. Griping at them doesn't help foster a positive community. Nor does banning the codex from events (And to clarify, I am using "ban" to describe the act of prohibiting army rosters which feature a Household Detachment from the IK codex. This is an important distinction, as this is what separates the IK codex from other codices that feature super-heavy lords of war.). As all this does is create an atmosphere where players dare not get excited about the new hotness, lest it become seen a too "OP" even though it is noted that they are "... scarier on paper than they actually are effective on the board ". I mean, what is next? No IG tank armies (unless you drive backwards)? No space marine super friends biker armies (unless Salamanders is the only chapter tactic used) ? Only one monstrous creature model for 'nids? No Eldar wraith based armies (And a limit of 2 special weapons per jetbike squad)? Necrons only have an army wide FNP instead of re-animation protocols?
  21. As a Space Marine player I have had some trouble with shooty orks. I played against a green tide themed army, where the Ork player had 100+ shoota boyz walking across the table that my 25 Marines. Make a Marine player roll enough armor saves, and eventually all the 1's start to add up.
  22. Well, the bigger bases were a given. The new Blood Angels all come on 32s now.
  23. Hey hey! Anyone interested in getting in a game around 7:00 PM?
  24. So it looks like there is a new Space Marine codex coming. Any thoughts on what some of the new changes are going to be? I figure there is going to be several different formations based upon the different chapter tactics. What do you guys think? Also, for those that have not seen the teaser: Here it is.
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