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Everything posted by Sugarlessllama

  1. I wouldn't know since I don't go to tournaments. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but after 10 years of Warmachine Tournaments I am burnt out on that style of gaming. And while that might be the hot hot heat, I just don't see myself paying money to play according to a clock. Just not my cup of tea. Now a club based campaign? hot-cha-cha! That is right up my alley sir! :D
  2. I play Space Marines. I usually play at Red Castle since it is pretty close to where I live. I am usually free weeknights from 6 pm and on. If I plan accordingly I can leave work early as well. I can also do Saturday or Sunday afternoons.
  3. So I think we have arrived at the crux of your issue Pax. And I think it is a fair point: you are pretty happy with the current edition, and some of the people you play with are also happy with it. To you fine people I say this: please continue to have fun. I promise you GW is not going to come to your home and take the books from your shelf and burn them. They will continue to be legible for a long, long time. I know this because I still play Warhammer Fantasy, and will continue to do so. But please don't try and speak for the entirety of the community. It never adds to the conversation. Because while neither you, nor I sent the rules team in Nottingham a letter pleading with them to create a new edition, they made one anyway. Because that is what they do. In fact that have done it six times previously. And I for one am glad. And I don't think I am alone in this. I have not been having a ton of fun in the current edition. Everything seems to revolve around allies, and deathstars; things I have no interest in playing. I have my Space Marines. And I am happy to have them. I don't want to combine them with riding dogs, or flying saints, or anything else. I am tired of walking into a game store and facing off against someone that has a frankenarmy that has zero lore behind it, made up of three different factions that has been copied from Spikeybits or Frontline Gaming, or some other such place of nonsense. And it is happening because the current rules allow for it. I miss Orks. Yeah, orks. Remember them? Big green screaming death machines that scream "waaaaaaaagh!" You don't see them because crazy rules and jerks playing crazy armies have roflstomped their players into oblivion (at least all the ork players that I know). Same with Nids (all of the Tyranid players I know). And I would love a rules set that allowed for those armies to thrive. Not roflstomp, but thrive. I would love Heavy Bolters, and Power Armor to be rad again. I just like the look of a Space Marine in Power Armor armed with a Heavy Bolter. With every fiber of my gamer heart I desire a new edition that makes factions other than Space Marines, Tau, or Eldar fun to play. I would love to see diversity in the factions again. I would love narrative play become viable and a thing. But right now 7th is not doing those things. It is a WAAC/Tournament player's wet dream. And I am just not feeling it. So you're right Pax. You didn't want a new edition. But I did. And I wasn't alone.
  4. Well if you are in the Portland, Oregon area I am totally down to play some 40K. I have another player that is pretty new to the game who is also interested in getting more games. Hit me up! And we can throw down. :D
  5. I got to play a few matches in this weekend, and I have to say I had a blast. I would love for this to be a regular league thing. :D
  6. How close is Necromunda to Shadowwar? I ask because I would love to participate, and I have some Skitarii Rangers that I can run as a kill team. However, I don't have any of the older models, and no interest in getting them.
  7. Dude I am so stoked for the new edition being more like AoS. If only because of all the rage quitters selling their stuff for cheap on eBay. The teary-eyed misery of the grognards shall feed my hobby habit. Glorious! :D
  8. Hey hey! I might be able to make it this Saturday after all! :D
  9. Awesome! Well then I will keep you in mind for this summer. Remember to get cracking on the lore for your army (if you are interested of course). :D
  10. Well unit specific rules aren't really a problem in AoS. Since the rule is clearly defined on the warscroll for the unit it isn't confusing at all. Right now 40K has unit rules, that reference codex rules, that reference USRs, that in turn reference different USRs. But somehow people think that is less complex and more "flavorful" than the rule in its entirety presented on the warscroll. I really don't get it.
  11. I am really excited by the possibility of warscrolls for my Space Marines. I think it would be awesome.
  12. Yeah, I am trying to focus on places where I tend to play and seem to have a lower number of WAAC/Tournament players. Mostly because I tend to enjoy narrative campaigns and I would love to try and put one together for this summer. :D
  13. So the only thing I see that might be a problem off the bat is that according to the General's Handbook, Plague Monks and Plague Bearers are only Battleline if the army is Saven Pestelens allegiance. So if you have the ability to swap three units of them for some Chaos Warriors (or Blightkings if you have them) it would solve that problem.
  14. I thought about doing a poll, but I decided against it. I thought it would be helpful to not just have a count of what factions are being played, but also who is playing them. That way if I wanted to get a match against a horde army because I am tired of playing against Space Marines I can come to this thread and find someone to ping for a game. It also helps for setting up narrative games and campaigns (which are my favorite things about 40K).
  15. So I was wondering, of the people in Portland who play at WoW or Red Castle, what factions do you guys play? I play Space Marines (Custom UM successor chapter) and I have a small contingent of Imperial Knights. How about you fine people out there?
  16. So some awesome people have mentioned the possibility to starting a regular Thursday night AoS game. I would love to get in on that. But I was wondering, what factions would be represented? I play Dwarfs, and I am starting a Stormcast Eternals army. What are you lovely people playing?
  17. I can see why you might be feeling let down if you were hoping for WFB. However, I think if viewed as a game on its own merits it is pretty darn solid. And Khorne is getting a new battletome soon, which I think will do some nice things for it as a faction. I see the Bloodbound doing very well once Khorne Daemons are thrown in. If you are looking for some WFB matches though, I think you might be in the right place. There is a section of these forums dedicated to WFB and 9th Age. I think if you poke around there you should be able to scare up an opponent or two. :D
  18. Are for running Ultramarines Chapter Tactics in a Gladius SF. I do it all the time, and I don't think it is silly. While using Salamanders in a Gladius lets them use each Doctrine once, being an Ultramarines Successor means I use them twice; except for Tactical Doctrine: I use that three times. I have found being able to re-roll all my 1's during the first three turns of the game to be a huge boon. And my tactical squads are essentially twin linked in both the shooty and fighty phases of the game for three turns in a row. Three. Turns. In. A. Row. I only have to start choosing between better shooting or fighting on turn four. However, if you really prefer the lore of the Salamanders (which is some awesome lore IMHO) then you should keep doing it.
  19. I like that Guard collection. I look forward to seeing more. As for how big the task is: YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. First, I when I first saw that I thought it was supposed to be a smile because they are the "Smiling Skulls". And second, I don't think there is a rule that says chapter colors or iconography determine what chapter tactics they can use. So it doesn't really matter if the opponent is "confused" or not.
  21. I think the blue and red paint scheme, and the Khorne-esque symbol will prevent people from thinking that they are Ultramarines.
  22. Well seeing as I am also starting a new army for AoS, I would love to face off against your Savage Orruks.
  23. OH! I did not know about this Facebook group. I shall be joining it shortly. :D
  24. Dang. Well, I am not giving up on this! I want to get some games in. :D
  25. To be fair, it does cost money to develop apps for each platform, and since no company has an infinite amount of money they have to determine which platforms will serve the most customers. And well, Android and iOS are going to serve the most customers. And while you may have a Windows phone, that platform does not have a very large market penetration. I mean do you think that if the apps don't work on my Blackberry as well, that GW and PP should not be putting out an app for their respective games?
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