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Everything posted by Sugarlessllama

  1. Depends on the situation. Like was mentioned in the post, if you have a strong gun line, you can have a unit that was changed fall back from the combat and then the rest of your force can shoot into that assault unit. I like the idea because it means that Tau and Imperial Guard can keep their original play style, while still making assault armies viable.
  2. I wouldn't worry about it. There are plenty of examples of Leadership modifiers in AoS, and I am sure that the same will appear in 40K.
  3. So are we on for this Sunday at WoW? My Skitarii are ready. :D
  4. According to the Foley Twitter feed, Charging Units attack first, afterwards units will fight in alternating activations. I like the sound of that.
  5. Since it looks like they are using the Battle Shock system from AoS in lieu of traditional Morale Tests, Ld 7 is actually really good for a Troops choice.
  6. Unit Profiles are up on the community site! Terminators now have 2 Wounds! :D
  7. But I think I shall bow out of this thread. I'm excited about the new edition, and you guys can run around like the sky is falling all you want. Peace brochachos! :D
  8. How did my point fail? GW announced the Core Rules would be free. I stated that the Core Rules would be free. So....... yeah........
  9. Sure thing dude. I don't see the benefit to wallowing in your pessimism, but you can keep doing that. Me? I'm going to continue enjoying the game and my Space Marines all day, every day. So keep complaining duderinos, I'm going to be fine either way. :D
  10. Fair enough. However, the new codexes being printed (AM, DA, CSM, and supplements) have all been soft covers between $30 - $40. Additionally, the core rules are going to be free.
  11. So this tells me you that you could easily afford a new codex. Since you could easily skip a bunch a steam sales, and humble bundles without sacrificing your video game hobby. I mean, all you would have to do is play the games you already own but haven't gotten around to playing yet.
  12. Well, think how many games you buy during a Steam sale. If it is more than $50 of Steam games, that means you skip a single Steam sale and you're set for your army. And I'm pretty sure you have sunk a lot a money into your model collection ( I know I have.). I mean, I guess it all comes down to priorities.
  13. Don't worry. As was pointed out, your collection will still be valid and there is be a new faction book dropping for you. So buck up chum! :D
  14. Of course if anyone has a 3D printer, you can always use some of this stuff: http://www.printablescenery.com/ I know I would be willing to buy a file or two for club use. I just don't have a printer.
  15. Actually that would be pretty awesome. Since I haven't looked at the rules for Gorkamorka, are they very different from Shadow War? I also know that there was a lot of fan supported content for Necromunda online; are there rules for vehicles within those rules? If so, then we might be able to just port them in for special missions.
  16. I did have a quick question. Is the campaign taking place on Armageddon or a different planet?
  17. I actually kind of like that there aren't any vehicles or bikes in this game. I really like the idea of fire team on fire team action. It just feels more awesome to me. :D
  18. What have a recently read? Well I bought into the Horus Heresy Humble Bundle, so I finished reading Fulgrim and Descent of Angels pretty quickly. I have to admit, having the HH books on my Kindle is really nice. Although currently I am reading The City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clarke. So far it has been interesting. I am kind of digging some of the old timey sci-fi concepts being explored.
  19. Personally I would vote for just allowing people to run their old gangs in the new system. If they have weapons in their inventory that have a points value in both games, then just use the points from the new game. For weapons that might only exist in the old game, then use the entry for the old game. I don't think it would break the game.
  20. Although I don't think you are required to play league games there. As long as there is plenty of terrain to fit onto a tiny table you should be able to play a game. :D
  21. Welcome Happy Camper! The good news is that many of us are also new to the game (I only have two games myself). So we will all be learning the rules together! :D
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