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Everything posted by indytims

  1. Holy crap. I hated Squats back in the day, writing them off as GW's usual goofy take on Dwarves (and then GW themselves 'wrote them off'), but those Forgefather figs are -sweet-.... Need to see how this game plays!
  2. Yeah, I actually liked Quicksilver a lot more than I thought I would. The scene with him and Mjolnir? LOL. I do have to wonder if Joss's direction he took with Quicksilver was influenced at all by the direction Quicksilver in X-Men:DoFP went. Quicksilver had, arguably, the best scene in DoFP, and I wonder if that factored at all into Joss's view for him (without giving away open spoilers or anything). Anyway, having him to that 'On your left' to Steve would have been hilarious, indeed. :)
  3. Wow, talk about timing! I just finished Vikings Season 3 as well, like Raindog, and also finished another one of my guilty pleasures, too, so I'll toss out my thoughts on both. Vikings: Season 3 For a 'regular' cable show (The History Channel, no less) this show is pretty dark and gritty. I do love many of the characters, and I love how the show does have bits and pieces tied to actual history. The acting is pretty solid, the environments and music very fitting and believable. And I am not afraid to admit I probably give the series an extra .5 rating simply for the eye-candy that is Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick). :) The third season was a little more predictable to me than the first two, but still very good, and I look forward to next January/February for season 4! 8.5/10 Black Sails: Season 2 Black Sails is another guilty pleasure of mine, and I absolutely love it. Like 'Vikings', it has some elements rooted in history, but also like Vikings, a lot of liberties have been taken. It's a sort of 'prequel' to "Treasure Island", I've become very attached to certain characters, and like Vikings, people die who you otherwise might not think would. If you like Pirate 'stuff', I definitely recommend it, and it's really interesting to watch their take on various famous pirates like John Silver, Calico Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, and my favorite, Charles Vane. Next season, Blackbeard is introduced, played by none other than Ray Stevenson. Being on Starz, they have a bit more freedom (like Game of Thrones) to go heavily on the violence/sex angle, and the music/environment are again top-notch. The final episode of season 2 was pretty epic, in my book, and like Vikings, I eagerly await January/February to get going again! 8.9/10
  4. Congrats! Now you have someone to help you paint! :)
  5. Nice link! Thank you LH! And everyone else for your input! :)
  6. You don't 'buy' that Colson/Fury 'built' the Avengers in MCU? This was teased as an after-movie clip where Fury meets Stark - and says point blank that's precisely what he's doing, after Iron Man 1 (which pretty much started the current MCU on its current course). What is 'retcon' about that? Do you mean as opposed to the comic book version?
  7. Howdy again! Ok, so I take a 2-3 year break from GW stuff. I've recently begun unearthing my figs, dusting them off, etc, and of course am jonesing for a game. But while reading this forum (and others), I've come to the sudden conclusion that there's been a NEW edition of 40k released? I have the huge 2" thick rulebook that was released in 2012. It has artwork done by Alex Boyd that appears to be a marine chaplain with a plasma pistol in his right hand, and a power sword in his left, being all... space-mariney. Looks like he and his pals are fighting chaos troops. My understanding is that this is 6th edition. But I keep seeing people bandy about the notion that we are on 7th. Looking on the GW site, I see the rulebooks in some sort of special 3-book edition with a Dark Angel on the front. But I don't think GW uses edition numbers for some reason - But is that '7th edition'? Is 7th what people play normally in these parts? I see posts on Dakka and other sites that suggest that 7th is '6th with a few mods'. To make matters more fun, there's supposedly a 7th edition 'mini book' floating around (Which I assume comes with one of those starter-boxed sets like in years past for 40K, FB, LotR, etc). Is this 'mini book' the same as the big-book - minus all the fluff stuff? My apologies in advance for very noob-like questions. I figured I'd ask here - fewer people to point and laugh at me compared to other sites with bazillions of people looking to swoop in on the unsuspecting old guy coming back to the game. :) Thanks, -Tim
  8. When a child asks 'Why is it raining?', I think a cute thing to say is, 'Because God is crying'. And when that child asks, 'Why is God crying?', I think another cute thing to say is, 'Probably because of something you did.' -Jack Handy
  9. As of 4/29/15, from what I could find.... http://wizkids.com/attackwing/attack-wing-faq-2/
  10. Mad Max: Fury Road 8/10. A ton of fun especially if you enjoy the ultimate in 'car chase' scenes. Hardy did a pretty good job as Max, too, even some of the mannerisms from Mel's version. All-in-all, if you go in expecting a popcorn-action-flick, it's a lot of fun! :)
  11. Sorry RCN... I wasn't trying to hijack your thread, promise. Just wanting to figure out what units I should not plan to use so I can keep people from wanting to choke me. ) -Tim
  12. Kinda curious myself... I see a lot of people have heartache with the Wraightknight... And I think folks have issues with the Wraithguard with D weapons... What about the melee Wraithguard? And What about Wraithlords? Do folks have issues with those?
  13. I've been out of the game for a few years.... are Rough Riders those fellas that look like mongols, riding horses, with the explosive tips at the end of their lances?
  14. If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
  15. Heyas Sugarlessllama, Just for the record - you can also order GW stuff from the Warstore via their online order-form - you just have to list the items you want down in the comments section. Usually when I place my orders in the past with them, I do it late at night (while the wife is sleepin', heh heh) and there's no one to call. So I just note down at the bottom the GW items I want. They package them up and then send me the total receipt. All good to go. Like you, I've been using them a long time. The only problem I've had is when there's a GW item they don't have in stock. In the recent past, that's been mainly LotR/Hobbit stuff, Usually they will try to get it quick direct from GW for me, and they can't they eventually ship the order without it. I am usually in no hurry so it doesn't matter. But in the past, when I wanted stuff shipped out ASAP, I've mentioned that in the notes "Please ship what you have", and it's on the way within a day or two. Like you, I've had total positive experiences with them. But it is definitely nice sometimes to call them during the morning/afternoon and chat with a real person. Since finding Dice Age (as well as that store up in Salmon Creek) I will try to keep my $ in Washington, though. Or Portland I suppose. ;) -Tim
  16. Funny one Kerrigan, except if the meme itself was accurate, the 'i' in 'Air' would already be revealed. ;)
  17. I am pretty sure those are both scatter lasers. Then again I've been out of the game for a couple years so I might be mis-remembering. :)
  18. Ahhh, so there -are- some ET troops/characters that cause issues? Or is it the entire setting/all troops/characters from ET that bother some folks? I suppose when playing someone for the first time I should ask if they're ok with certain things? I mainly ask because I have not purchased any ET figs at all... but seeing some, there are definitely some that I would like because they look freakin' cool and would be fun as heck to build and paint. But I also play the game, and if certain troops cause heartache to the point someone would refuse to play... I'd probably avoid spending large $ on those types of troops/characters altogether. Thank you Kremmet. :) -Tim
  19. Howdy! I am just getting back into gaming (feeling like I have forgotten way more than I remember! LOL!) and I recently picked-up the Thanquol book for my rats, and had a quick question. According to the Thanquol book, it -appears- that the End Times troops can be used in 'any' game of Warhammer. But I've seen folks discussing End Times troops/figures as being something more of an 'optional' thing that you need your opponent's acceptance to use. Is there any validity to that? Are they treated like other troop types, or do you need to get your opponent's ok first before using them? Thanks! :)
  20. That is some high-quality work there sir. I hate chaos as much as anyone, but I appreciate excellent quality effort no matter the faction! Bravo!! :) Very nice!!
  21. Ah, up to Season 2... Sorry dash, I didn't mean to spoil anything (if I did). Suffice to say, for me, the series has been going downhill for awhile. I know some folks who have Netflix, some who don't. I used numbers I looked up on the net (and we all know the net is never wrong, right?!!? :) ). I did see today that DD had 4.4 million views as of the end of April, which is pretty impressive - almsot twice as much as 'House of Cards' according to the article I read. Not at all surprised they've green-lit season 2. Netflix, HBO, etc, although easier to acquire as the internet continues to spread and surpass pay-cable, are still not free, though. Everyone gets the free-stuff, but a smaller audience gets the pay-stuff. Going network adds some restrictions on what they can produce of course, but affords you a larger audience. I'd love to know how DD would do if it was on, say, ABC or something, as compared to a pay service. Maybe it would be less? Maybe more? How much would they have to water it down? Either way, the potential would certainly be there to have a higher viewership. And no problem of course, agreeing to disagree on Fisk. :) I'm very curious to see how prison hardens him, both physically and mentally. Hopefully we'll find out next season!
  22. Howdy! I moved to the PNW not too long ago, and am now settled enough that I've started to unpack my GW stuff and am hoping to jump back into some non-competitive 40K/WHFB/LotR gaming. Yay! That being said... I've been around the proverbial block with GW games since 1988. I've played with many groups over the years in various parts of the country. One thing I've noticed right away is that lots of places use houserules, and lots of places have 'common practices' that are accepted in different areas. Since I no long player 'competitively', I am more than happy to observe houserules/practices that will keep me out of hot-water in the eyes of my fellow players. For example, I've played in areas where named characters were frowned upon, but I've also played in stores where they were a dime a dozen. So in an effort to 'fit in' with the gaming crowd (especially in the Vancouver area), I was hoping to find out what some general 'thoughts' are regarding 40K here in this part of the country. Match size - what is the most common game size for pick-up games at, say, Dice Age? 1500? 2k? Named characters - as above, are named characters generally frowned upon? Perfectly accepted? Painted figs - 80-90% of my armies are painted. I personally have no problem with my opponent using painted or non-painted stuff (as long as I can tell what the figs are). Are people pretty hard-core about painted figs here, or are they fairly accepting, in general, as long as figs are assembled? WYSIWYG - Are folks in this area pretty hard-core about models being armed with the weapons their troops/characters have paid the points for? If I have a warwalker or a carnifex modeled a certain way, but I pay the points for a different weapons load-out - are people going to freak about it as I am explaining that before the game? Or are folks generally fine with a model being relatively close to what it's supposed to be on the roster? 'Cheese' - I understand some places are more accepting of 'beardiness' than other places. I play strictly to have fun, and often use army lists that might make some folks laugh at how simple/plain/uncompetitive they are. But I also realize that there are -some- loadouts/models/units that make some people want to vomit. For example, reading this forum the past couple days, I noticed one guy said he won't even play against Eldar *at all*. Are there armies/army types that people generally frown upon, or simply refuse to play against? My main army is Eldar... but I don't 'do' mecha-Eldar or trick out lists in order to 'win at all costs'. I often use models I just think LOOK cool, whether they suck or not in-game. But the last thing I would want to do is create a list I think would be 'cool', only to learn that in the local gaming arena, such a list generates the hatred of a thousand burning suns. Are there Eldar units in particular that I would be advised to keep in the minis case? My second army being Tyranids, I would ask the same questions. Are there 'Nid units/models that generate evil glares by the mere mention of their names? Is there anything else I should know about as I dip my toe into the GW pond in the Vancouver/Portland area? Thank you for your time. :) -Tim
  23. Getting back into the swing of things....

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