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Everything posted by DuskSeer

  1. I believe I have a 9th age game although I forgot with whom, I sincerely apologize to that spectacular individual who's name I forgot. What's everyone else up to?
  2. I'll certainly be down although I don't know when. My job as a tutor is starting to keep me occupied.
  3. Sounds good. I've been meaning to get the coins to you for quite some time.
  4. Does anyone have a book for Mordheim I can give a quick read through on a tuesday night? I'd like to put some ideas for warbands on paper.
  5. Fix, I'll be a taker for farming + mech combat if the spot is still available.
  6. Koyote if you're still looking for players I can get to DT just after 6pm.
  7. If there's still room for players I'd like to jump on. I have models for elves/dark elves and I'll look at the rules asap so I can make a decision.
  8. I'll be down with my 500ish points of 40k if anyone wants to try a kill team or a low point game. Other than that I'm down for some board games.
  9. D_Lo: A lot of people seem to be getting into 9th age so there should be a few people (myself included) willing to play Mordheim pretty soon. If if you haven't done so already, I'll echo SparkMage and recommend you request access to the Bellingham Warhamsters sub forum to get in contact with all of the Bellingham people.
  10. I'll be down at 6ish with my 250 points of Nomads for Infinity.
  11. I've got an early game of Malifaux and then Infinity!
  12. If you need more contributors: I'll get a Black M.
  13. I'll be there! Sherbert I'll bring money for the Otherworld rulebook. Other than that I have no plans, but I'll bring anything gaming wise that I can put together too.
  14. Hello my fellow Hamsters, my studies in Berlin have concluded and I am safe and sound in the beautiful city of Bellingham. I can't wait to see all of your lovely faces and get some games in. While I was away I picked up an interest in Malifaux and Saga and I hope to get involved with those soon too. Also on a business note: Galibraith I still need to return your fantasy coin pouch of coins. Let me know when and or where I should bring them to and I'll hop on that as soon as I can.
  15. Hey Galibraithe if someone can purchase the Otherworld Skirmish book it from Sherbert I will guarantee myself a buyer once I return to the states on June 3rd.
  16. I don't have any old models but the local game store here in Berlin has a large selection of unsupported games and models. I can dig around for you and see what I can find. I'd be down for mordheim when I get back if things haven't picked up by June though.
  17. VonVilkee: Will do man. Thanks for the opportunity.
  18. Sweet. I'll be back in early June so I'll hit you up then. Also good luck in your games in Vancouver.
  19. That'd be really cool. I've seen a fair bit of Malifaux in Berlin. Once I get back from my studies, a demo would be very welcome.
  20. Hey guys I saw an interesting looking Skirmish game while I've been checking out the tabletop scene here in Berlin. It has an interesting mechanic with playing cards. Here's the link to their site where you can download the rules and check them out yourself. http://wolsung-ssg.com/
  21. Hey Scipiano I've been looking at doing a Kill Team mission called the raid. I'll bring the scenario at around 6pm if you're down for it.
  22. Scipiano: Yup HoR rules and for Infinity I unfortunately only have 200 points worth in built models so I guess a 200 point game? Edit: Also maybe 300 points for our kill teams?
  23. It's been a long while but I'm finally free to game again. Scapino are you down for a 40k kill team and maybe some infinity afterward? I still need a week or so before I'll have a complete army.
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