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Everything posted by peter.cosgrove

  1. Steady on. Isn't the Demolisher Cannon the same thing that's on a Vindicator?
  2. Winning Putt. It's a golfing MMO F2P/P2W. I can't recommend it unless you want to play a golfing game. It includes matched play where you compete against other players for ranking. You end up dungeon crawling in instances trying to get eagles for swing food/3pc balls and gold to pay for enchantments. You also end up leveling alts to gather crafting materials for better clubs and enchanting materials. Very polite and helpful community. If you start with a power toon you won't start to see the bad side of power vs accuracy until about level 23-25 so be warned. Accuracy you will be out ranged by everyone all the time but once you get the backspin skill/Fairway driver skill it makes up for it. Just make sure you stay in the fairway or you are screwed.
  3. I'm comfortable with 42 wounds. That's 7 damage a structure point. Even though the rest of the models are closer to 8-10 damage (sometimes 15 damage) per structure point there's enough variable.
  4. The other bit is figuring out how many wounds. 3 structure points is somewhere around 26-32 wounds. The NPT has twice that amount. If you figure that a lascannon would have a 50% chance to remove a structure point, doing 3.5 damage per. Thats around 7 damage per structure point. Baneblade at 3 structure points would be somewhere around 21 wounds, but the Stormlord is also 3 structure points with 30 wounds. The Revenant Titan has 3 structure points/32 wounds. Warhound Scout Titan has 3 structure points with 2 void shields/35 wounds with a 4+ void shield. Gauss Pylon is 2 structure points 4+ cover save/30 wounds. I'm having a hard time finding anything with that many structure points. 6 structure points The Warlord Battle Titan has 9 Structure points with 6 void shields/70 wounds and 3+ void shield. Stompa is 4 structure points/40 wounds.
  5. The transport and firing ports are kind of key to it. 30 models transportable with 10 firing ports.
  6. no. What they did was take a baneblade kit and sliced it apart, stuck it upright so the bottom is facing forward, cut holes in it for guns and added all the other bits on with glue, then where the kit ended they tacked tounge depressers on with more glue, added the mortar and called it good. I'm not finding any datasheets for the mastodon
  7. The Stormlord has 3 structure points/30 wounds at a 3+ save. The squiggoth has 8 wounds/36 wounds at a 4+ save. The NPT has 6 structure points and I think 4+ save/5+ daemonic with DR is appropriate, so how many wounds? What about 32 wounds?
  8. I like the stormlord because it crosses over. It's in both sets of rules and it has rules that match. The Extended Gun Platform that you can shoot out of. I wouldn't even have looked at it if you hadn't brought it up. But I think that keeping more to the flavor of a slow moving tower of wood with diseases pus dripping out of it being powered/pushed by nurglings.
  9. Yeah. The tidewall stuff makes sense as well. Can't advance or charge.
  10. Something odd about a tower that can only move 6" being able to jump up to 12 inches
  11. I was thinking for the descending modifiers do Movement 5"/4"/3" and BS 4/5/6. oh.. and the NPT can't advance or charge.
  12. That makes sense. Keep it S3, and 3d6. What are nurglings WS? WS4.
  13. ya, I know. I haven't put that part on yet. Wanted to keep the model durable so pieces don't break off moving it around.
  14. How would the Nurgle Infestation work? "Any unit assaulting the Plague Tower will be attacked by Nurglings. The enemy units suffers 3d6 S3 hits at I3.
  15. The interesting bit is the Plagueburst Crawler Plaguespitter is S user, which is S7/6/5 descending modified, The pus cannon is also S7.
  16. Thing is.. it's not a flamer, it's spewing noxious plague ridden liquid that rots and diseases instead of burning.
  17. This looks far better. What is the str on the Chem Cannon?
  18. I think 3 Damage is a bit too powerful for the pus cannon, The plague spitter on the Plagueburst Crawler is only 1 damage.
  19. yeah, the Plagueburst Crawler has exactly the same weapons except normal 9" flamer template instead of the hellstorm template. But you can mimic that by switching the 9" for 18".
  20. I haven't done anything yet. I am still looking at stuff. What I was hoping for was to look at the weapons and find the equivalent. There are no more blast templates. So what's the new thing that looks like the old thing in stats.
  21. I don't think I am looking at making up stuff. I would like to use rules that have a direct comparison between the original apoc books I have and current rules. The weapons are exactly the same as the Plagueburst Crawler which doesn't have a direct comparison but at least the weapons are the same. Actually.. 40 wounds at a 4+ seems better than 32 wounds at a 3+. It is petrified wood. I was thinking that 36 wounds would be better, more aligned to the Gargantuan Squiggoth but the point value is going to be higher than the squiggoth.
  22. Here is The Sanguinor, Mephiston, Chapter Master Seth, Ashtorath, 2 Astra Psykers and 15 Longfangs
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