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Everything posted by SigurdBC

  1. I might very well take you up on that Joey. I am very interested in getting into the campaign, but don't have any TNT appropriate models of my own. I'll have a look at the rules that were linked and see which faction I'd prefer. Would save me from having to order something.
  2. Still looking for more for Zombicide if you're interested.
  3. Hey folks, I just wanted to get this thread going to announce that I will be bringing my copy of Zombicide: Green Horde to play with folks on Tuesday night. I'm super excited to finally get to play this game with you guys. The core box came with six survivors, so I'll be looking for five other folks to join me. If you are a Zombicide veteran and have a survivor that you personally would like to play instead of the ones that came in the core box, by all means bring them along and hopefully they don't roll 1s for you. Just let me know who's interested below and we'll have a great time slaughtering orc zombies in a couple of days.
  4. THE GREEN HORDE IS HERE!!!! Got my Core Box this evening and I even played through the Tutorial mission to get a feel for some of the new mechanics. First off the models look great and really look and feel like orcish zombies. The Horde mechanic is really intimidating and can really give you a heart attack if spawned in the wrong place at the wrong time. My first Horde was MASSIVE before I finally pulled the "Unleash the Horde" spawn card. I couldn't fit them all into one square . The trebuchet really helps with crowd management, and after looking through some of the scenarios it looks like in some spots the trebuchet will take some work to get to to be able to use it. Anyhow, I am ready and willing to play an epic game of Green Horde with you folks this upcoming Tuesday (2/27) if folks are interested. I hope all of your copies come soon.
  5. I'm feeling the opposite of Jake atm about Mordheim. Since I don't own any models I wouldn't want to pick them up and then not hardly use them since I devote a good chunk of my gaming nights to 40k and with Zombicide: Green Horde arriving today and a new edition of SAGA to play I wouldn't be as inspired to get into Mordheim for just a game here or a game there. A campaign on the other hand would probably convince me otherwise. Just my opinion and I don't want to spoil the fun for others if you guys want to go in a different direction.
  6. Just got my Core Box tonight. Was so stoked and the figures look great. I even played the Tutorial Scenario by myself this evening which was very stressful even for a tutorial. I even lost a couple of survivors due to horrendous rolling in the early game on my part. Was a lot of fun to play and I look forward to playing Green Horde with the Bellingham folks next week on Tuesday. We can also have a rules interpretation discussion once people get their hands on the rules and have a look at the new hedge feature and how that impacts zombie movement. The rules say that they block line of sight, but zombies also lock into their target square based on sound as well, like prior editions. I ran into issues tonight where a group of zombies would be forced to move past a survivor even though the survivor was on the other side of the hedge and still generating sound for being there. We'll cross that zombie filled bridge when we get there.
  7. I know that a few Hamsters backed the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter all the way back in June of last year. Was just curious as to how many of you have received shipping info on your Core Box. Just this afternoon, I checked my email and I've finally got a tracking number for mine with an estimated delivery of tomorrow (2/22) afternoon/evening. This means that I'll be ready to have some Zombicide fun with folks next Tuesday night if anyone wants to do some zombie slaughtering.
  8. Are we talking campaign? I missed the last one due to hesitation over needing to pick up models. Would probably be interested in playing in this one if I could get info on where to pick up some quality Mordeheimy models at a price that doesn't make my wallet go "Oh dear God!".
  9. Greetings from the frozen north which is Bellingham. In the past week I have gotten back into Blood Bowl 2 and have been having a blast trying out multiplayer for the first time and smashing face with my Orc team. It helps when through inducement you get to buy a mad hatter goblin with a chainsaw and go around injuring your opponents pieces defending the opening drive. So funny to watch. I wish you all the best in your upcoming League and for those of you who are new to Blood Bowl remember to always take Sprint* on your first level up with all of your guys because it will give you more chances to roll 1s. *An ability with allows for three go for its instead of the typical two
  10. I'll be around for 40k as usual. If I don't get a game Brad I could hop in to playtest for you. A hamster isn't that far off from a guinea pig after all.
  11. Sweet. I’ll see you around 6:00 then.
  12. Yes that’s ok with me. Just let me know what the models are before we start. Yes 2k is just fine with me.
  13. At first glance I am quite happy with the rules changes that were posted above. Even with some "interesting" verbage for some of the game terms (hooray Google Translate), the edits to the game initially make it seem like the game will flow better and not be as choppy when it comes to combat and shooting steps like in 1.0. The two changes that I am the most fond of is that units that have taken damage can lose their SAGA dice generation ability. I can't even count the number of times during games that I would cripple a unit of warriors or hearthguard and not be able to finish them off in subsequent turns due to the lack of certain SAGA dice or terrible rolling. My opponent would then, smartly, run that unit to the back of the board and still have that 1 or 2 model unit be able to generate SAGA dice for use in later turns. This was so frustrating and I'm glad they changed it so that you are rewarded for crippling units and having good target prioritization. Utilizing your ranged units to soften up certain targets and having your melee units charge in to finish them off is very thematic and appropriate for this type of game imo. The second is the changes to Warlords. Buffing the number of dice a Warlord gets up to 8 makes them on par with a full unit of Warriors or a min. unit of Hearthguard from 1.0 which I feel is appropriate. 5 combat dice often didn't feel enough to dent certain big units in 1.0 which Warlords can now do with 8 (especially with my rolling). Reducing the amount of dice your Warlord generates down to 1 from 2 is also nice because its not as much of a blow if you lose your Warlord early and puts more emphasis on having more SAGA dice generating units in . your warband. Also, the change to Resistance where Warlords would shrug off one wound per combat did feel a bit overpowered and made you feel that you could only use your Warlord or a unit of Hearthguard to go after the enemy Warlord in order to do any damage. Now with your opponent having to choose whether to take the damage or gain fatigue per wound ignored I feel is an appropriate trade off. This also leads to more dynamic gameplay with fatigue management which I feel is one of the best aspects of SAGA in general. Just some beginning thoughts and feel free to agree/disagree with me below.
  14. I'll be around for 40k. I may even bring my Daemons this time.
  15. Nice David! Hooray for Amazon shipping. I’ll have the money for you tonight. A pleasure doing business with you.
  16. That's ok David. I'd be up for 40k if anyone's interested. @nathonicus I'll bring Dark Souls along if you're interested in playing and I don't get any takers for 40k tomorrow night.
  17. Just wanted to get the game night thread started. @D_Lo I know I had to turn you down for Dark Souls last week. Are you still interested in playing? If others are interested, the game supports up to 4 players so we could use a couple more if folks wanted to play the game again/learn how to play.
  18. Sounds good David. If you want to order it, I'll get my half to you on Tuesday or the one after. Just let me know what my half comes to after tax.
  19. Just to double check, Brad were you offering to sell half of your Imperium box only to David and keep a portion of that box, or would you be willing to have David and I each pay you for half of the box and each take the models we wish. Just wanted to make sure I understood you in your previous post. If the latter is the case then @D_Lo I would be fine with buying from Brad.
  20. After looking at what comes in the box set, I'll go in with you David for splitting a $130 box off of Amazon. $80 would have been a bit too rich for me, but I can go for splitting a box for $65 a piece if you're still interested with you getting Nurgle and me getting the Primaris.
  21. So i'm guessing then that the Imperium box is $120? I haven't ever really looked at the price on them that's why I'm asking. So the price for the Primaris half would be $60 then?
  22. What are the Dark Imperium box sets going for these days? I may take you up on that offer if the price is right.
  23. I headed over there today to pick up the Chaos Daemons Codex since Dark Tower had been out of stock for a couple of weeks now. Very nice manager there (Justin? I believe), but a bit pushy with his product. Nice looking store and a bit bigger than I was expecting on the inside based on the above descriptions. Something I did appreciate, and I haven't seen in any other GW store, is that they have 40k novels in the back with a wide variety of topics. Something to consider looking at if any of you are ever interested in the expanded universe. I'll probably still buy my stuff at Dark Tower, but it's a good second option if Dark Tower is out of something and I want to use some new models for next week's game.
  24. Yeah it's a shame about the Strathclyde. They were very similar to the Welsh as I recall with how they played, just with more mounted javelin wielding troops. I do indeed like that new ability which gets you more hits by spending a fatigue. It makes my Normans even more punchy. I just hope there is one ability on the battleboard that gives me some durability and hopefully all my "good" abilities don't all require a rare die to use. I'm looking forward to what Gripping Beast will produce for Saga 2.0
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