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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. Oh that's simple too. Just take big game hunter
  2. Looks like a fun list for ITC. Just take titan Slayer.
  3. The GW way. There is flexibility and I figure GW will work things out but for now it's fine. One can always play narrative games.
  4. Still say you should try out the souped up Shokk Attack Gun... You will be an instant fan
  5. The past is the past ruled by someone who no longer has any skin in the game. As for the knight model. It's to find interest in that. It takes tens of thousands of dollars per mold so they won't want to just dive in making products like they did in their past. It's like playing Risk, expand too fast and you think yourself out. Take your time, build up and put pressure out and you maintain a strong base
  6. Sales are a cycle and having diversity means GW gets more overall because more people will be ok with doing tournaments. This is heightened because GW has promised more tournament balance and game game balance and they have delivered pretty well. Top 16 of the biggest tournament in the world had 10 out of 16 different factions. Soup for much but still differ main factions
  7. Knights have a variety. They don't want stale meta's and they want to see diversity. More diversity means more show of interest for newer players, more show of interest means more diverse sales and the need of GW to sell products that are diverse means they have more area for stock
  8. People like to break systems and while GW likes to make money they want more of their products to sell. Not just 15 flyrants
  9. Did you check the faq or does it say "in the shoot phase"
  10. It's because it was originally 1 week of 1250, 2 weeks of 1500 then the last week was 1750 till it was changed to 1500 ending with 3 weeks of 1500.
  11. Sounds like you had fun ^_^ next year for me... Yes... Next year
  12. If you say so. The original post still says 3x 1500 games
  13. It's about something hitting your units you can't readily deal with. I don't use the ork one even though it's S5 because it's jury too expensive for a single D6 (30pts is a lot for an Ork player)
  14. You changed it again... I could of sworn you said 1500 for 3 weeks running. In fact I have a screen shot of it...
  15. I will be there for the first 1500 League Game!
  16. Yes! Come down! Learn the game! The game is far more balanced than 2nd with less crazy things but it's still fun and exciting. If you have models I am willing to teach ^_^
  17. Tsk... Almost makes me want to do a Chaos army but I think my elite army will still be Deathwatch or something... Hmmmm
  18. They are in battle scribe and likely for download
  19. Intent is used in ITC especially top tables. Yes there are people who play tight games but it also depends on how you play. If you don't quibble over every 16th of an inch another player won't. People like you name don't tent to be top tables often. It's always a process
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