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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. Eh. I haven't spent that much yet, I'll just see if I can get my (former) teammates to help defray the cost.
  2. Sounds fair. I just wish I hadn't started spending money on team goodies yet. 😛
  3. Wow. That really sucks. I like the team aspect a lot.
  4. Yeah, my amazing girlfriend has agreed to be my DD for the weekend, dropping me off and picking me up in my own truck. She's amazeballs.
  5. Any specific scenario we're playing?
  6. Holy threadomancy, Batman! But with the new rules they just released for the "Datatracker special order" I'm kinda peeved. They gave Voronin an irregular order? That can't be turned regular? WTF, CB? Must be nice to be able to spend it on someone like Mansuri. As it is, Voronin is destined for the trash heap at this point. Cool model, but he's going on the shelf.
  7. Aw, that's no fun. I was hoping for something to satisfy my materialistic drive for wealth.
  8. If there is game, I'll probably show up. Paternal unit is in Seattle with sororital unit, and I have to work Saturday night so I can't go up there and join them.
  9. Nobody has responded, and I'm impatient, so I jumped a bit early and placed the order. Sorry all.
  10. Now that the FRRM are going to disappear from the catalog, I find myself forced to make a big order from CB directly. Does anyone want to go in on the order to help defray the costs of shipping? Let me know. I'm probably going to pull the trigger around Sunday evening or so (after game night, probably), so if you want in, speak now or forever shut yer gob.
  11. I mean... getting the fireteam options is actually really nice, but making the army largely inaccessible to anyone who doesn't already have them kinda makes that less useful.
  12. I know that now. It was a knee-jerk nerdrage reaction. I have since read the storyline reason and looked at Army and most of my fury has been calmed. Still, any time I see a minis company remove a line of models and say "We'll revisit them in the future!" it never happens.
  13. Yeah, that [big bad swear word] just did a lot to sour me on CB. I really enjoy playing FRRM, and they're taking a fully functional sectorial with a full line of models and chucking it out the window. Not real pleased about that.
  14. I'm going to actually show up to WOW for something other than Infinity or the occasional Blood Bowl match! I wanna learn about the local 40k community before I pull the trigger and rebuild an army from scratch.
  15. @Exile Does your better half need one?
  16. https://everylittlewar.com/products/can-tower-kit How to make use of some of those soda cans we throw out every week.
  17. When a model is in a fireteam, it's no longer impetuous. Once it leaves the fireteam, it becomes impetuous again. Same goes with Frenzy.
  18. Well, yeah, but they could have given a little more thought on how to make him more useful, rather than putting a corner case bonus on a model nobody takes anyway.
  19. That's a bit of a corner case. I could see that being worthwhile in limited insertion, but under normal circumstances, take 3 Line Kazaks and have a much less obvious Lt. and points left over. For the most part, though, they took a semi-useless character and gave him a semi-useless bonus.
  20. Sgt. Rock

    Sunday: TM

    Now I know what to wear to my girlfriend's next office Christmas party.
  21. Seriously? That's a really lousy thing. Who in their right mind is going to make Voronin their datatracker? If that's true, then CB isn't thinking clearly.
  22. Sgt. Rock

    Sunday: TM

    Right? Exciting! The move was a nightmare and unpacking remains, but I can finally come push some toy soldiers around.
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